
  • 网络Leaves System;holiday system;vacation policy;sabbatical leave
  1. 新休假制度对国内旅游业的影响及对策分析

    On the Impact of the New Vacation Policy on China 's Domestic Tourism

  2. 这种福利的一个极端例子是无限期的休假制度。

    An unlimited vacation policy is one extreme example of this new compensation .

  3. 新休假制度下我国乡村旅游发展对策探析

    Probing into China countryside tourism development countermeasure with new vacation system

  4. 薪给、津贴和休假制度专家委员会

    Committee of Experts on Salary , Allowance and Leave Systems

  5. 负责公司员工考勤、休假制度的实施及管理;

    Implementing and managing the mechanism governing staff attendance and leave policy ;

  6. 休假制度和人们的生产、生活密切相关。

    Holiday system is closely related with people 's production and living .

  7. 我国实施带薪休假制度的障碍和应对策略

    Obstacles and Measures of Paid - Leave System in China

  8. 国家实行带薪年休假制度。

    The State institutes the system of annual paid vacation .

  9. 论带薪休假制度的实行与我国旅游业的深入发展

    On Implementation of the Salaried Vacation System and Developing Further Tourism in China

  10. 基于旅游活动背景的我国现行休假制度刍议

    Analysis of china 's current holiday system on the base of tourism activity

  11. 宋代以前休假制度考略

    A study on the holiday systems before Song Dynasty

  12. 休假制度是影响居民出游活动的重要条件。

    The vacation system is an important condition which affects traveling activities of residents .

  13. 三连休及因新休假制度显像的旅游建设提示

    " Three-day Resting " & the Hints on Tourism Construction Showed by New Holiday Regulations

  14. 创新休假制度:从黄金周到带薪休假

    A New Holiday-making System : from " Unitary Week-off " to " On Paid-off "

  15. 国家休假制度的改革使居民的闲暇时间越来越多。

    The reform in national furlough system make people have more and more leisure time .

  16. 基于125休假制度下旅行社产品开发的思考

    Thinking on the Product Development of Travel Agencies Based on the " 125 " Holiday System

  17. 阐述休假制度改革对旅游业发展的作用。

    The author analyzes the action of the reform of vacation system for the development of tourism .

  18. 随着我国企业的国际化运作和旅游经济的兴起,带薪休假制度已日益受到人们的关注。

    Paid-leave system attracts people 's attention with the rise of Chinese enterprises ' international operation and tourism economy .

  19. 因此,建议取消全国性的长假,而代之以个人自由的休假制度。

    Therefore , the proposal to abolish the national holiday , and to replace it with the freedom of individuals leave system .

  20. 休假制度作为保障劳动者基本休假权的一项福利性政策,具有一定的法律效力,也具有一定的人文特质。

    As a welfare policy , holiday system legally protects the basic right of people , which is characteristic of human-oriented feature .

  21. 鼓励文化、旅游、健身等消费,落实好带薪休假制度。

    We will encourage consumer spending on cultural activities , tourism , and fitness ; and implement the system of paid vacations .

  22. 国家发展劳动者休息和休养的设施,规定职工的工作时间和休假制度。

    The state expands facilities for rest and recuperation of working people , and prescribes working hours and vacations for workers and staff .

  23. 内容包括劳动安全、劳动卫生、女工保护、未成年工保护、工作时间和休假制度。

    Content includes sanitation of labor safety , labor , woman worker protection of protection , minor industry , working hours and off system .

  24. 中国建立了劳动安全卫生监察体系,实行国家监察制度,包括劳动安全、劳动卫生、女工保护、工作时间与休假制度等。

    China has established a state supervision system insuring labor safety , hygiene , protection for female workers and a work-hour and vacation schedule .

  25. 唐代官吏休假制度作为政治制度的组成部分,被纳入到国家政治体制运行之中。

    The Tang Dynasty government official is on leave the system takes the political system the constituent , is integrated to the national politics system movement during .

  26. 这需要相关部门加强带薪休假制度的落实,毕竟,它是一项社会福利。

    This requires that the relevant departments should improve the implementation of the paid vacation system . After all , paid annual leave is a social benefit .

  27. 另一方面,由于人民生活水平的提高和消费观念的更新,以及相关休假制度的出台,我国的饭店业又迎来了庞大的内需市场。

    Moreover , with peoples living standard improved , consumption concept undated , and relative regulations on holidays published , Chinese hotel industry is gaining more consumption market .

  28. 中国国务院说,预计2020年前带薪休假制度将会全面实施,这将有助于减轻假期拥堵的情况。

    China 's cabinet has said it expects a system of paid leave , which would help alleviate the holiday crunch , to be fully in place by 2020 .

  29. 休假制度对旅游地游客流峰值变化及其空间结构的影响&以世界自然遗产地武陵源为例

    The Tendency of Tourist Flow in High Season and It 's Impact Upon the Spatial Structure of the Tourist Destination & Case Study of World Nature Heritage Site Wulingyuan

  30. 如今,中国正走在迈向休闲时代的道路上,休假制度已经成为保障公民共享休闲的主要资源配置手段,受到了各方学者的极大关注。

    Today , while China is on the road of " leisure age ", holiday system becomes the main means of resources allocation to support each citizen sharing the common right of leisure .