
  • 网络leisure consumption
  1. 休闲消费确证和体现人的价值存在和本质。

    Leisure consumption confirms human value existence and human essence .

  2. 中国休闲消费结构:实证分析与优化对策

    The Structure of Leisure Consumption in China : Empirical Analysis and Optimizing Strategies

  3. 长春市白领阶层体育休闲消费模式的现状调查与分析

    Research and Analysis of Changchun White-collars Spending Style on Sporting Entertainment

  4. 闲暇时间约束下休闲消费需求扩大探讨

    Analysis of the Expansion of Leisure Demand Based Time Constraint

  5. 第五章:酒吧街(区)休闲消费空间设计的实践。

    Chapter 5 : Bar Street ( District ) leisure consumer space design practice .

  6. 三是休闲消费具有层次性;

    There were different levels of leisure consumption .

  7. 第三节论述我国居民的休闲消费需求。

    - Chapter 3 : It expounds the residents ' leisure consumption structure in China .

  8. 休闲消费从一个侧面确证和体现人的价值存在和人的本质。

    Leisure consumption confirms and embodies human value existence and human essence from one side .

  9. 最后,从六个方面分析了促进整个社会休闲消费增长的因素。

    Finally , it analyses the six factors to encourage the development on social leisure consumption .

  10. 时间约束与休闲消费

    Time Constraint and Leisure Consumption

  11. 然后进入本文重点部分:青岛市城市居民宠物休闲消费行为。

    The essential part of the article concentrates on pets-keeping leisure consumption behavior of Qingdao urban residents .

  12. 城市中心商业区休闲消费实证分析&以北京为例

    A Case Study on Leisure Consumption in City Central Commercial Area & Taking Beijing as an Example

  13. 人们在生产的同时也更多地关注休闲消费的方式。

    People pay close attention to the recreation consumption way more at the time of their production .

  14. 休闲消费的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Leisure Consumption

  15. 休闲消费的重要性迫切需要加强这方面的理论研究。

    The significance of leisure consumption makes it an urgent mission to strengthen the theoretical research in this area .

  16. 第4章系统研究了中国城乡居民休闲消费需求现状。

    The 4th chapter the system has studied the Chinese city and countryside resident leisure consumer demand present situation .

  17. 休闲消费需求将推动旅游产品的更新和旅游产业结构的升级,并最终改变旅游产业的发展模式。

    Leisure consumption demands will Impetus products innovation , optimize tourism Industry structure , and finally change the developing model of tourism .

  18. 游艇俱乐部是高档的休闲消费项目,它与高级跑车、私人飞机一起正成为显示身份和尊贵的一种象征。

    The super recreational Yacht Club , along with high-level sports car , private jets , is becoming a symbol of identity and dignity .

  19. 这一新的消费需求,不仅是物质方面的产品,而更多是满足休闲消费需要的文化精神产品。

    This new demand of consumption is not only a product of physical aspects , but also a product of the culture and spirit .

  20. 假日经济的本质特征是休闲消费,旅游业只是休闲产业的龙头产业之一。

    The basic essence of holiday economy is consumption for leisure and amusement . Tourism is only one of major sectors of leisure industry .

  21. 随着人们休闲消费的多样性和消费需求的巨大变化,以马为主题的运动休闲旅游产业将会成为社会及旅游消费者重要的健康休闲体验项目。

    At the same time , the horse-themed sports and leisure travel and tourism industry will become a social experience for consumer health programs .

  22. 接下来分析了我国城乡居民休闲消费水平和结构的现状,并加以实证分析。

    Then has analyzed our country city and countryside resident leisure consumption level and the structure present situation , and performs the empirical analysis .

  23. 随着人类社会的发展和进步,休闲消费已经成为测度人民生活质量的重要指标之一。

    With the human society 's development and progress , leisure consumption has become an important indicator to measure the quality of people 's lives .

  24. 基于互联网的新型休闲消费组织,以其灵活、便利、开放的运作特征而快速为当代都市休闲消费者所接受。

    A variety of leisure organizations are rapidly accepted by costumers in cities , which all have the flexible , convenient and opened features of operating .

  25. 休闲消费需求涉及到每个人,它不仅具有经济和营销意义,而且具有重要的文化和社会意义。

    Leisure consumption demand relates to every person , which not only has the economic and marketing significance , but also has social and cultural significance .

  26. 在日益高涨的休闲消费需求刺激下,新型的休闲产业正以一日千里的蓬勃气势高速发展。

    Leisure in the ever-increasing consumer demand , spurred by a new type of leisure industry is booming by leaps and bounds the momentum of rapid development .

  27. 第三章根据调查问卷的结果,对娄底城镇居民休闲消费现状进行了分析,并剖析了居民休闲消费的误区与问题。

    The third chapter analyzes the status of leisure consumption of Loudi urban residents and the leisure consumption problems of urban residents based on the questionnaire results .

  28. 从休闲消费文化、表现消费文化和规范消费文化三个方面揭示了该小说中消费活动的三个特点,并以此来分析美国梦是不可能实现的。

    This paper sums up the three features of the consumption in The Great Gatsby , and then makes an analysis of the failure of the American Dream .

  29. 本文主要研究中等城市中产阶层运动休闲消费的态势,着重探讨社会的阶层分化与运动休闲消费场域之间的关系。

    This paper mainly medium-sized city in the middle class sports and leisure consumption trend , focusing on the social stratification and field sports and leisure consumer relationship .

  30. 争名与逐利一样都是人的经济本性,因而位置消费现象在休闲消费领域也同样存在。

    As it is human nature to quest for social status as well as profit , the phenomenon of positional consumption also exists in the field of leisure .