
  • 网络University of Houston;Bauer
  1. 休斯顿大学(UniversityofHouston)花了15.5万美元,安排马修·麦康纳(MatthewMcConaughey)下个月在毕业典礼上发言。

    The University of Houston spent $ 155000 to schedule Matthew McConaughey for its commencement next month .

  2. 但事实上,管理层完全可以将违规领导者造成的损失转变为积极的影响,休斯顿大学(theUniversityofHouston)工业与组织心理学教授丽莎•佩妮说。

    But managers can actually turn the loss of a rule-breaking leader into a positive , says Lisa Penney , a professor of industrial organizational psychology at the University of Houston .

  3. 休斯顿大学(universityofhouston)教授克雷格皮龙(craigpirrong)表示,“当有大笔资金被置于风险之下时,各种机制通常就脆弱不堪了。”

    Says Craig pirrong , a professor at the University of Houston . " When there is big money at stake , the mechanisms tend to get very brittle . "

  4. 本文介绍作者在美国休斯顿大学地震声学实验室工作期间,利用该实验室的设备,设计制作的一个主要供试验DMO(倾角时差校正)和PSI(叠前成像)方法用的二维反向断层模型。

    A 2D antithetic fault physical model for DMO and PSI tests is pre - sented , which was made by the authors while they worked in Seismic Acoustic Laboratory of the University of Houston , USA.

  5. 黄欣在休斯顿大学学习时,师从弗莱德·莱克(FredellLack)。16岁时,他被克利夫兰音乐学院的大学预科班录取,后跟随唐纳德·维勒斯汀(DonaldWeilerstein)学习。2002年,黄欣获得音乐学士学位。

    He commenced studying with Fredell Lack at the University of Houston and at 16 he enrolled in the precollege program at the Cleveland Institute of Music , where he studied with Donald Weilerstein and earned a bachelor 's degree in music in 2002 .

  6. 他还曾经在山姆•休斯顿大学的啦啦队营中授课。

    He also taught at the first cheerleading camp at Sam Houston College .

  7. 他拥有耶鲁大学管理学院工商管理硕士学位以及休斯顿大学土木工程博士学位。

    He received an MBA from the Yale School of Management and Ph.D in Civil Engineering from the University of Houston .

  8. “如果泵和压缩机在高温下运行,”休斯顿大学工程学迈克尔伊科诺米博士解释说,“它会导致许多的损坏”

    " If pumps and compressors are running at high temperatures ," University of Houston engineering professor Michael Economides explained ," it can create a lot of damage . "

  9. 他对表演的喜爱由此萌发。帕森斯最终决定去休斯顿大学学习戏剧并且考上了两年制的古典戏剧的硕士课程。

    A love of performing was born and Parsons eventually went on to study theatre at the University of Houston and won a place in a two-year Masters course in classical theatre .

  10. 休斯顿大学的凯迪·基尔希及其团队研究人员经过一项调查,发现宾馆的电视遥控器上平均每平方厘米就含有67.6个菌落形成单位。

    Through a study by Katie Kirsch of the University of Houston , Kirsch and her team found that television remotes in hotels had an average of 67.6 colony-forming units of bacteria per square centimeter .

  11. 来自尼日尼亚的哈基姆·奥拉朱旺,一个害羞的新手,为他的母校休斯顿大学赢得名声,史拉玛·杰玛将不会忘记在大学的日子。

    Hakeem Olajuwon came to us from Nigeria as a very shy freshman who would make a name for himself at the University of Houston , where the days of Phi Slama Jama will never be forgotten .

  12. 牛津大学的研究员和休斯顿德克萨斯大学的MDAnderson肿瘤中心的同事,确认了他们的工作成就,并发表在PNAS杂志上。

    The Oxford researchers , with colleagues at the MD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas , Houston , confirm their approach works in results published in the journal PNAS .

  13. 美国山姆-休斯顿州立大学的科学家辛卓强(音译)声称,他在研究中发现,情话从左边耳朵进去,比在右边进去的效果更好。

    So says Teow-Chong Sim of Sam Houston State University in the United States , who found in a study that emotional words got through to people better when spoken through the left ear , not the right .

  14. 艾利森1948年出生于美国得克萨斯州,从2012年开始在休斯顿得克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心任教授。

    Allison was born in Texas in 1948 , and has been a professor at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston since 2012 .

  15. 位于休斯顿的德克萨斯大学医学院的JonathanOphir开创了此技术,并将其描述为医学界最古老工具的延伸:触诊。

    Jonathan Ophir of the University of Texas Medical School in Houston , who pioneered the technique , described it as an extension of one of the oldest tools in medicine : palpation .

  16. 作为两届NBA总冠军,1994年MVP得主以及那个时代最伟大的中锋之一,奥拉朱旺在休斯顿念了大学并将18年的职业生涯中的17年贡献给了这里,贡献给了这个全美穆斯林人口最多的城市。

    A two-time NBA champion , the 1994 NBA MVP and one of the greatest centers to ever lace up , Olajuwon attended college and played 17 of his 18 professional years in Houston , which has one of the largest Muslim populations in the country .

  17. 之所以这么说,是因为位于得克萨斯州休斯顿的赖斯大学的杰弗逊杜阿尔特和他的同事们认为,作为最反映一个人道德水平的特征-人的信誉度,也同时反映在了他的脸上。

    For Jefferson Duarte of Rice University in Houston , Texas , and his colleagues are suggesting that one of a person 's most telling moral features , his creditworthiness , can also be seen in his face .