
  • 网络University of New Mexico;unm;University of New Mexico-Main Campus
  1. 2013年,新墨西哥大学法学院(UniversityofNewMexicoLawSchool)对大一的一门必修课程进行了彻底的变革,使其更接近乔治·华盛顿大学的项目。

    In 2013 , the University of New Mexico Law School overhauled a mandatory freshman course to more closely resemble the George Washington University program .

  2. Morford是新墨西哥大学一位教授,也是加拉德特大学(华盛顿)研究中心的一员。

    Ms. Morford is a professor at the University of New Mexico and part of a research center at Gallaudet University in Washington .

  3. 他现在在新墨西哥大学学习物理学。

    He is now studying physics at the University of new mexico .

  4. 新墨西哥大学的数字差不多也是一样。

    Results at the University of New Mexico were almost exactly the same .

  5. 我相信新墨西哥大学会有人可以做到

    I 'm sure there 's someone at UNM who can do that .

  6. 如今,新墨西哥大学的研究人员又提出来一个新因素寄生虫。

    Now , researchers at the University of New Mexico suggest that parasites might play a role .

  7. 对美进行科学研究的始创人是新墨西哥大学的兰迪.托恩黑尔。

    The godfather of scientific study of beauty is Randy Thornhill , of the University of New Mexico .

  8. 几年前新墨西哥大学维克托。约翰斯顿教授试图建立一个理想女人形象。

    Professor Victor Johnston at the University of New Mexico tried to build the image of an ideal woman a few years ago .

  9. 中美网络课程的比较研究&以北京师范大学和新墨西哥大学为例

    Comparative Research of Online Courses between China and the United States : A Comparative Study between Beijing Normal University and University of New Mexico

  10. 他是第一批被任命的竞选团州主管之一,这位2001年新墨西哥大学毕业的研究生,对奥巴马阵营的忠诚,目前正在得到回报。

    He was then one of the first state directors named and now the2001 University of New Mexico grad is reaping the rewards that come with political loyalty .

  11. 利用新墨西哥大学提供的仿真数据进行了实验测试,实验结果表明在阈值一定的前提下,通过适当的调整两步匹配算法中匹配因子D的值,可有效地降低异常检测的误报率。

    The result of the experiment indicates that false positive can be reduced effectively by adjusting suitably the value Ox matching gene , under the precondition of threshold confirmed .

  12. 新墨西哥大学的心理学副教授和他的同事们了解到之前有研究发现排卵期的女性对男人的吸引力更大。

    Miller , an associate professor of psychology at the University of New Mexico , and his colleagues knew of prior studies that found women are more attractive to men when at peak fertility .

  13. 从新闻学视角审视北京奥运会我国媒体成功报道之方略中美网络课程的比较研究&以北京师范大学和新墨西哥大学为例

    The Inquiry of Media Strategy of China 's 2008 Olympic Games Comparative Research of Online Courses between China and the United States : A Comparative Study between Beijing Normal University and University of New Mexico

  14. 同样在新墨西哥大学工作的马克、普罗克西、罗纳德。耶奥和杰弗里。米勒对美与智力进行过一项最详细的研究。

    One of the most detailed studies on the link between beauty and intelligence was done by mark prokosch , Ronald Yeo and Geoffrey miller , who also work at the University of new mexico .

  15. 1998年他毕业于新墨西哥大学,获得艺术与艺术史的双学位。他还被授予了艺术与艺术史课程的杰出毕业生奖。

    In1998 he received a double major for Art and Art History from the University of New Mexico where he also received the award of Outstanding graduating senior in the Art and Art History programs .

  16. 我发现,恋爱关系越偏离女孩的想象,她们患严重抑郁症的风险、自杀的想法和企图就会增加。该研究的作者、新墨西哥大学的社会学助理教授布瑞恩索勒博士说道。

    I found that girls risk of severe depression , thoughts of suicide , and suicide attempt increase the more their relationships diverge from what they imagined , said the studys author Brian Soller , Ph.D. , an assistant professor of sociology at the University of New Mexico .

  17. SantaFeComplex与新墨西哥州大学、圣达菲研究所、洛杉矶洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室协同工作,致力于建立具备科学的可视化特性的自然环境。

    The Santa Fe Complex is working with the University of New Mexico , The Santa Fe Institute , and the Los Alamos National Laboratory to create ambient environments focused on scientific visualization .

  18. 因此,Jude联系了新墨西哥州立大学的教授PeterHoude,他过去也曾接触过这种化石。

    So Jude reached out to Peter Houde , a professor at New Mexico State University who had experience with the same type of fossil in the past .

  19. 1988年通过“托福”和“GRE”考试,获攻读新墨西哥州大学体育管理系现代化专业硕士研究生学位资格。

    Began to study for a Master 's degree in the sports management department of the same university after passing the TOFEL and GRE tests in1988 .

  20. 新墨西哥州大学计算机科学教授StephanieForrest指出:生物和生态系统的多样性成就了强健性和恢复性。

    Stephanie Forrest , a computer science professor at The University of New Mexico , points out that diversity in biological and ecological systems leads to robustness and resilience .

  21. 她于2001年毕业于新墨西哥州立大学,获计算机科学硕士学位。

    She graduated from New Mexico State University with an MS in Computer Science in2001 .

  22. 问题23:新墨西哥州立大学的研究人员对这个男孩发现的动物化石是怎么处理的?

    Question 23 . What are the researchers at New Mexico State University doing with the boy 's discovery ?

  23. 现在,新墨西哥州立大学的研究人员保存了这个动物化石,该动物化石被鉴定为一种类似于古代大象的动物。

    Now , researchers at New Mexico State University preserving this discovery , which was identified as an ancient elephant-like animal .

  24. 之前“世界上最辣的辣椒”的纪录保持者是千里达魔蝎椒,根据新墨西哥州立大学辣椒研究所的测量,千里达魔鬼毒蝎椒的平均辣度为120多万。

    The previous record holder , the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper , was measured by New Mexico State University 's Chile Pepper Institute with a mean of more than 1.2 million Scoville Heat Units .

  25. 新墨西哥州大学的一项研究发现维多利亚的秘密性感香水对于驱赶携带病毒的两类蚊子有中等效果:白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊(又叫做传播寨卡病毒的物种)。

    A study from New Mexico State University ( NMSU ) found that Victoria 's Secret Bombshell perfume is moderately effective at repelling two types of disease-carrying mosquitos : Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti ( aka the species spreading Zika ) .

  26. 基姆当时是位于新墨西哥州拉斯维加斯的新墨西哥海兰兹大学的棒球教练。

    Then the baseball coach at New Mexico Highlands University in Las Vegas , N.Mex .

  27. 1991年回新墨西哥州继续学业。并任新墨西哥州大学女子排球队教练。

    Following that , she went back to New Mexico to continue her studies while serving as a coach of the university 's women 's volleyball team .