
  • 网络NCI;New China Life;New China Life Insurance
  1. 全国社保基金(NSSF)和泰康人寿(TaikangLife)将分别持有逾4%股份,而宝钢和新华人寿保险(NewChinaLife)将分别持有约3.5%股份。

    The National Social Security Fund and Taikang Life would each hold over 4 per cent while Baosteel and New China Life would each hold about 3.5 per cent .

  2. 作为寿险界后起之秀的新华人寿济南分公司同样也面临这样的问题。

    New China Life Insurance Company Jinan Branch is facing the same question .

  3. 苏黎世保险(ZurichInsurance)将出售其在新华人寿(NewChinaLife)所持剩余股份,成为最新一家抛出在华投资的西方金融企业。

    Zurich Insurance is to sell the remainder of its stake in New China Life , becoming the latest western financial company to sell down its Chinese investment .

  4. 上述知情人士表示,新华人寿原计划在10月底之前完成ipo,但由于欧美债务危机不断升级,全球市场应声暴跌,新华人寿的上市可能要推迟到形势恢复平静。

    The company originally planned to finish the IPO before the end of October but , with global markets plummeting in reaction to escalating debt crises in Europe and the US , the listing may have to be delayed until things have settled down , these people said .

  5. 新华人寿股票收盘涨0.7%,至27.10港元。

    New China Life closed up 0.7 per cent at HK $ 27.10 .

  6. 相比苏黎世7月份出售较少股份的时候,新华人寿目前股价高了10%。

    Its share price is 10 per cent higher than it was in July when Zurich sold a smaller portion of its holding .

  7. 新华人寿保险寿险核心业务系统是新华人寿保险公司业务运营和销售管理支撑的基础平台。

    Life insurance core business system of New China Life Insurance CO. , LTD ( NCI ) is the fundamental business operation and sales management supporting platform for NCI .

  8. 第四部分是论文的分析部分,是新华人寿保险大连市场的竞争分析和竞争战略,提出了新华人寿保险大连市场的战略选择。

    The fourth section is the analysis part , analyzed the competition of the market and established the competitive strategy . It also choose the strategy in Dalian market .

  9. 从曾经连续8年赢利的学习榜样到今朝领受偿付能力黄牌警告的坏孩子,为了上市而快速扩张的新华人寿在上市门口摔了一跤

    From a model company of making profits for 8 consecutive years to a bad boy with a paying ability warning , the company dropped at the gate of an IPO

  10. 新华人寿是中国第四大保险公司,最近数月一直受到各种问题的困扰。苏黎世金融服务集团还在香港设立了一个地区性的寿险业务部门,重点放在高净值个人和海外移民身上。

    NCL has been beset with problems in recent months , but ZFS also has a regional life business based in Hong Kong focusing on high net-worth individuals and expatriates .

  11. 在此期间,新华人寿在大多数时候没有一个运作正常的董事会,公司的控制权实际上分散在监管部门、管理层和股东手中。

    For much of this time new China life did not have a functioning board of directors and control of the company was effectively split between regulators , management and shareholders .

  12. 新华人寿电话中心从技术、管理、团队各方面不断优化改进,以提供优质、便捷、可靠的服务为目标。

    New China Life Insurance Call Center constantly improves all aspects from technology , management and the team , in order to achieve the goal of providing high-quality , convenient and reliable service .

  13. 据一位知情人士表示,上周全球股市的动荡意味着,如果新华人寿选择现在进入市场,能融得30亿至35亿美元就算是幸运的。

    The turmoil that has hit stock markets across the world in the last week means that New China Life would be lucky to raise $ 3-3.5bn if it went to market now , according to one person close to the deal .