
  • 网络new international division of labor;NIDL
  1. 新国际分工理论述评

    A Review of the Theory of New International Division of Labor

  2. 新国际分工的动态:概念与机制

    The Dynamic of the New International Division of Labor : Conception and Mechanism

  3. 要素禀赋、地理因素与新国际分工

    Factor Endowment , Geographic Factors and New International Division of Labor : Observation and Testing

  4. 西方在1980年已经开始新国际分工研究,我国至今有关研究很少。

    There is little study on the new international division of labor ( NIDL ) in China .

  5. 并在此基础上,提出了新国际分工的企业竞争机制、地方竞争机制和国家竞争机制,以及新国际分工的启示。

    Then the paper brings forward the competitive mechanism of corporation , local competitive mechanism , national competitive mechanism and the enlightenment from NIDL .

  6. 为服务于我国的经济全球化,本文主要论述了新国际分工的内涵和研究进展。

    In order to service the economic globalization in China , The paper mainly study the connotation and the new developments of the new international division of labor ( NIDL ) .

  7. 新国际劳动分工研究动态

    Progress in studies on the new international division of labor

  8. 教育政策和教育投资必须适应新的国际分工的要求。

    Educational policies and investment must meet the need of the new international division of labor .

  9. 为了应对这些挑战,需要一系列的策略提升中国在新国际生产分工的地位。

    So it is necessary to carry out series of strategies for the sake of escalating Chinese position in international productive specialization .

  10. 在这一新的国际分工与贸易体系当中,新兴市场国家扮演了极为重要的角色,并且其外贸易模式发生了质的变革。

    The new emerging countries play a tremendously important role in global tasks trading networks and have transformed their trading patterns inherently .

  11. 在新的国际分工格局中,中国已经成为全球产业链中不可或缺的重要环节。

    In the new structure of international labor division , the country has become a key link in the global industrial chain .

  12. 20世纪70年代以来,垂直专业化分工作为一种新的国际分工形式获得了快速的发展,其在国际投资与国际贸易中的地位不断提高。

    From the 1970s ', as a new method of the global labor division , the vertical specialization has witnessed a rapid development .

  13. 在新的国际分工形势下,可通过贸易模式动态演进过程来实现新疆对外贸易比较优势的提升。

    Under the new international division of production situation , Xinjiang may realize Comparative advantage ' promotion through the dynamic evolution of trade patterns .

  14. 随着知识经济在发达国家逐步成为现实的经济形态,全球系统将面临一次新的国际分工,竞争胜负的决定性因素将不仅是劳动资源和物质资本,其关键将取决于人力资本的开发和利用。

    As the knowledge economy in the developed countries gradually comes into the economic state , the global system will face with a newly international division .

  15. 国际纺织服装领域将出现新的国际分工和产业转移,新的更趋激烈的国际市场竞争,愈发频繁、不断加剧的世界贸易摩擦将不可难免。

    New international division and industry shift will take place in the world textile and clothing trade , and China will confront with even fiercer international competition and more intensified trade frictions .

  16. 而外包作为一种新的国际分工形式,近些年来在国际贸易实践中得到了广泛和普遍的应用,并为多数的发展中国家参与到国际分工中提供了机会。

    While outsourcing as a new form of international division of labor , it has been widely and commonly used in the international trade practice in recent years , and provided the opportunity for most developing countries participate in the international division of labor .

  17. 长期以来,过分依靠低成本赢得市场的竞争策略导向制约了民营企业的素质提升,为新一轮国际分工地位的确立带来极为不利的负面影响。

    The strategy of relying on excessively low cost to occupy the market has constrained the development of private enterprises .

  18. 这一新的服务国际分工模式发展前景广阔,对整个世界经济有重要影响。

    This new kind of international labor division of service is playing a vital role on the whole world economy .

  19. 基于全球化和新国际劳动地域分工的背景,提出了基于都市区理论和产业空间规划、以都市区为核心的城镇体系规划新思路。

    Based on the background of globalization and the new international division of labor , the paper puts forward a new way of urban system planning that taking the metropolitan area as the core , which based on the metropolitan theory .

  20. 在此基础上,本文运用了大量的统计数据并结合现实资料,分析了我国制造业在全球化新形势下国际分工体系中的定位;

    Based on which , the paper analyzes the position of our country in the international division of labor under the economy globalization , the cause of formation of the Three Centers of Manufacturing , the track of success of newly industrialized countries ' manufacturing .

  21. IT产业进入成本竞争阶段必然会引起新一轮的国际分工与重组。

    IT industry enters cost competition stage that will cause the new international division of labor and re-organizes .

  22. 在基本完成了经济转型之后,新成员国在国际分工当中已经从产业链的低端,逐渐在向高附加值的高端过渡。

    After completing the economic reform , the new members had changed from the low-end to the high-end in the industry chain .

  23. 因此,国际服务贸易的发展程度将直接决定一国在新一轮的国际分工中所处的地位。

    Therefore , the development level of international trade in services will directly determine a country 's status in a new round of international labor division .

  24. 它伴着经济全球化应运而生,并在新经济时期随着国际分工的深化向全球化趋势发展。

    It comes out after the globalization of economics and gradually tends to be global with international division of labor developing further deeper in new economic times .

  25. 但面对全球经济一体化,市场竞争加剧的新形势,无锡要在新的国际产业分工中赢得一席之地,还面临着许多严峻的挑战。

    However , facing the economic globalization and the intense competition , Wuxi will still have to meet severe challenges to get a position in the new international industry .

  26. 国际生产分工也不例外,它从小手工生产模式发展到大规模定制,特别是20世纪未和21世纪初出现的新生产模式,这被作者归纳为新国际生产分工。

    Without exception , International Productive Specialization developed form Small Manual Production to Mass Customization , and the author defines new productive modes as International Specialization Paradigm , which appeared in the late 20 century and the beginning of the 21 century .