
xīn wén zhōu kān
  • Newsweek;News Week
新闻周刊[xīn wén zhōu kān]
  1. 我国时政新闻周刊影响力研究

    A Research on the Influence of China News Week Magazine

  2. 中国新闻周刊:当时出于怎么样一种心情而来写作这篇文章?

    China News Week : What was your intention when you wrote the article ?

  3. 弗兰克·德福特是《新闻周刊》杂志的特派记者。

    Frank Deford is a special correspondent for Newsweek magazine .

  4. 华盛顿方面努力促成中东问题的解决(b新闻周刊)

    Washington 's efforts to midwife a Mideast settlement ( bNewsweek )

  5. 同时,《新闻周刊》(NewsWeek)资深撰稿人大卫•卡普兰也回顾了自己与这位科技巨子交往的经历。

    Meanwhile , David A. Kaplan looks back at his own experience with the tech icon .

  6. 舒尔茨的咖啡、商业和社区三个“C”的融合被美国〈新闻周刊〉评为“九十年代最成功零售范例”之一。

    According to Newsweek , Schultz 's merging with the three Cs-coffee , commerce and community-surely ranks as one of the ' 90s greatest retail successes ' .

  7. 据悉,这张照片配以标题为《戴妃的50岁》的稿子在杂志上刊登,创意是《新闻周刊》首席编辑英国记者TinaBrown的杰作。

    The article-entitled Diana at50-is written by British journalist , Tina Brown , editor-in-chief of Newsweek .

  8. 苹果产品此前首次在平面媒体正式亮相时,总是选择《时代》(Time)和《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)等美国杂志。

    Apple products used to make their editorial debuts on the cover of U.S. magazines , like Time and Newsweek .

  9. 去年的9月份,美国新闻周刊调查了前百强公司CEO的教育背景。

    Last November , U.S. News took a look at the backgrounds of the CEOs of the top 100 companies on Fortune 's list .

  10. 三家新闻周刊TheMessenger、ExpressTime和TheNation均涂黑了头版文章的部分内容,以示对TheVoice和TheEnvoy这两家遭暂停刊物的支持。

    Three weekly news journals-The Messenger , Express Time and The Nation-blacked out sections of their front pages to show their support for the two suspended publications , The Voice and The Envoy .

  11. Hardy博士是一个兽医,他也曾经是一个套小牛选手,新闻周刊援引他的话说:套小牛是一项昂贵的运动。

    Dr.T.K.Hardy , a veterinarian who was also a calf roper , was quoted in Newsweek stating that calf roping is an expensive sport .

  12. 本文作者ChrisLee曾任《娱乐周刊》、《洛杉矶时报》、《新闻周刊》和《野兽日报》等媒体的特约撰稿人,主要报道洛杉矶地区与娱乐、文化和商业有关的话题。

    Chris Lee is a former staff writer forEntertainment Weekly , The Los Angeles Times , NewsweekandThe Daily Beast . He covers entertainment , culture and business in Los Angeles .

  13. 除了国家地理和巴黎评论之外,地球杂志社(GEO)、新闻周刊、电报杂志、星期日时报以及洛克菲勒基金会也刊登出版本迪克森的作品。

    In addition to National Geographic and Paris Review , Bendiksen 's editorial clients include GEO , Newsweek , Telegraph Magazine , the Sunday Times magazine , and the Rockefeller Foundation .

  14. 在近期新闻周刊的采访中,MrRajaratnam称联邦调查局曾开给他一份认罪协议&只要他带着窃听器录下与顾磊杰谈话记录的内容,就可以只让他坐5年牢。

    In a recent interview with Newsweek , Mr Rajaratnam said that FBI agents offered him a plea bargain & just five years'jail-time in exchange for wearing a wire and taping his conversations with Mr Gupta .

  15. 在2012年作为《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)的科技编辑被“炒鱿鱼”后,他决定利用硅谷第二次大泡沫的机会。

    After being " dumped " as Newsweek 's technology editor in 2012 , Lyons decides to ride Silicon Valley 's second great bubble .

  16. 在过去的十年里,英国娱乐八卦新闻周刊杂志《Hello!》杂志封面进行专题报道过的婚礼中,有1/6(16%)的夫妇在六年内离婚,而国内名人的离婚率是7%。

    One in six couples ( 16 per cent ) whose wedding featured on the cover of Hello ! magazine in the past decade were divorced within six years , compared with a national average of 7 per cent .

  17. 《新闻周刊》援引《Vogue》美国版特约编辑普拉姆•赛克斯的一句话:“一如既往的时尚穿着负担太重,需要太多的关注。”

    US Vogue 's contributing editor Plum Sykes was quoted by Newsweek as saying : " Wearing ' fashion " all the time gets too much - and it demands too much attention . "

  18. 然而,据《新闻周刊》报道,尽管名利双收,瑞典DJ、制片人艾维奇4月20日去世,死因显然为自杀,年仅28岁。

    But despite his fame and fortune , Swedish DJ and producer Avicii passed away on April 20 aged just 28 years old in an apparent suicide , according to Newsweek .

  19. 《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)在2014年刊发的一篇调查文章误认为多利安·中本聪(DorianSatoshiNakamoto)是比特币的创造者。

    A Newsweek investigation in 2014 incorrectly identified the Bitcoin creator as Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto , a physicist living with his mother in Southern California .

  20. 1974年,冯•弗斯滕伯格发明紧身裹裙,通过授权交易达到1亿美元的销售额,让这位时尚设计师登上了《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)封面。

    The fashion designer 's creation of the jersey wrap-dress in 1974 leads to sales of $ 100m through licensing deals and puts her on the cover of Newsweek .

  21. 《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)曾引用他在一封信中的说法,称这次丑闻是公司“董事会程序违规,公司治理的崩溃”。那么,他在其中又发挥了什么作用?

    What was his role in what he has characterized in a letter cited by Newsweek as " improper board procedures and breakdowns in corporate governance " at the company ?

  22. 一周内,我在BoingBoing发现的新词比新闻周刊或时代杂志还多。

    and I find more new words on BoingBoing in a given week than I do Newsweek or Time .

  23. 《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)曾刻画出这种害怕心理,它在封面上刊登电话、相机和录音机的图片,并质问道:“隐私完蛋了吗?”当时是1970年7月。

    The front cover of Newsweek magazine , illustrated by a telephone , camera and tape recorder , once captured those fears , asking : " Is Privacy Dead ? " The date : July 1970 .

  24. 上世纪60年代,她开始在《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)的邮件收发室工作,当时从事媒体行业的女性很少,接着她无畏地攀登职业阶梯,成为她那个时代笔锋最为犀利、最受尊敬的散文家之一。

    She started working in the mail room of Newsweek in the 1960s , when women were rare in media , and then fearlessly ascended the career ladder to become one of the most trenchant , respected essayists of her time .

  25. 你的照片就能上新闻周刊的封面了。

    Your shot will end up on the cover of newsweek .

  26. 这个新闻周刊是由世行管理的“权利下放支助基金”资助的。

    The newsweekly is supported by the Bank-administered Decentralization Support Facility .

  27. 北京大学新闻学研究会《新闻周刊》初探

    The Study on News Weekly of PeKing University Institute of Journalism

  28. 中国新闻周刊的生存状况与发展路径

    Living Spaces and Developing Approaches of China 's News Weekly Magazines

  29. 方玄昌是《中国新闻周刊》的科学编辑。

    Fang Xuanchang is the science editor of China News Weekly .

  30. 这篇文章是从《新闻周刊》上剪下的。

    The article was clipped from the " Newsweek " .