
xīn wén fā yán rén
  • press spokesman;press officer
  1. 乌克兰总统的新闻发言人ViktorYushchenko没有马上对目前的争议作出评论。

    A press spokesman for Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko did not have an immediate comment on the ongoing dispute .

  2. 浅论我国企业新闻发言人培训机制

    Simple discussion on the training system of enterprise press spokesman in China

  3. 这位童星的新闻发言人说:“他不会就这些事情向媒体发表观点。”

    The child actor 's press agent says : ' He does not talk to the press on such matters . '

  4. 3月12日,白宫新闻发言人普萨基并未透露拜登是否认为科莫应该辞职。

    On Friday , White House press secretary Jen Psaki would not say whether Biden believes Cuomo should resign .

  5. 对于扎克伯格夫妇是否签署此类协议这件事,Facebook新闻发言人拒绝作出回应。

    A Facebook spokesperson declined to comment on whether the couple signed such an agreement .

  6. 星期一卫生部新闻发言人毛群安称中国已经着手修改现行的限制HIV携带者入境的法规。

    China has started revising the current laws and regulations that ban HIV carriers from entering the country , health ministry spokesman Mao Qun'an said on Monday .

  7. 政府网络新闻发言人进驻SNS网站,可以更好地发挥政府公关、信息聚合、透明行政等行政功能。

    Network news spokesman moving into SNS has administration function of Government Relations , Syndication and Transparent administration etc.

  8. ETS的新闻发言人汤姆•尤因说,目前的GRE考试系统已经沿用了约五年时间。

    The test had been in development for about five years , said ETS spokesman Tom Ewing .

  9. 然而,奥斯本提名的这个人并不完全符合该职位招聘广告上列出的要求。丹尼爵士在2005年成为英国国会议员,他的上一份工作是在凯恩戈姆山国家公园(CairngormsNationalPark)担任新闻发言人。

    However , Mr Osborne 's nominee does not exactly meet the criteria set out in the job ad. Immediately before becoming an MP in 2005 , Sir Danny was a press officer at the Cairngorms National Park .

  10. 小米新闻发言人表示,小米VR头盔将接受数万名用户测试,几个月后再正式发布。

    It will be tested by " tens of thousands " of users , according to a spokesperson , before a full launch in coming months .

  11. 其新闻发言人卡梅伦·金(CameronKing)说,为贵宾乘客所保留的座位数量因需求而异,大部分特定区域的座位仍向所有乘客开放而无需额外付费。

    The number of seats blocked for elite-level customers varies with demand and ' a large percentage of specific seat assignments are still available to all customers at no additional cost , ' spokeswoman Cameron King said .

  12. 白宫新闻发言人乔希·欧内斯特(JoshEarnest)周四表示,美国正在考虑医疗疏散,将确认感染埃博拉病毒的美国救援工作者接回国。

    The White House press secretary , Josh Earnest , said Thursday that the United States was considering a medical evacuation to bring home U.S. aid workers diagnosed with Ebola .

  13. 北约驻阿富汗部队新闻发言人ERICTREMBLAY谈及塔利班试图扰乱上周总统选举后的计票工作。

    ERIC TREMBLAY , spokesman for NATOs Afghanistan task force , onthe Talibans attempts to disrupt the ballot count afterlastweeks presidential election .

  14. 国家旅游局新闻发言人张利忠日前表示,APA酒店的举动是对中国游客的公然挑衅,违反了旅游业基本公德。

    Zhang Lizhong , spokesman of China National Tourism Administration , said this is a blatant provocation to Chinese tourists and has violated the basic ethics of the travel industry .

  15. 美国国务院新闻发言人肖恩麦考马克(seanmccormack)拒绝承认,允许这笔资金全部解冻的举动,代表着美国政策的转变。

    Sean McCormack , State Department spokesman , denied that the move to allow all the funds to be unfrozen represented a shift in US policy .

  16. 如果有这样的要求提出,“通常这样的要求会提交医院伦理委员会检查讨论,”新闻发言人LisaBrunette说。

    If such a request were made ," it is virtually certain that it would be referred to the hospital ethics committee for review and discussion ," spokeswoman Lisa Brunette said .

  17. 安德烈娅・N・詹科利(AndreaN.Giancoli)说,相较于女性,男性体内拥有更多乙醇脱氢?,可将胃里的酒精分解代谢。她是专业机构营养与饮食学会(AcademyofNutritionandDietetics)的新闻发言人。

    Men have more of the alcohol dehydrogenase group of enzymes that metabolize some alcohol in the stomach than women , said Andrea N. Giancoli , spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , a professional organization .

  18. 新闻发言人李浩表示,比赛重新启用大众评审这一投票方式,也是充分参考了观众和网友的意见,让“快乐男声”的PK增加观众的互动性。

    Spokesman Lee said the competition re-opening assessment of the voting public , also full reference to the audience and the views of netizens ," Happy Men " PK increase audience interaction .

  19. 巴西乒乓球队的新闻发言人亚历山大•阿劳约(AlexandreAraújo)拍着胸口解释说,球迷们是“带着一颗足球的心”来看比赛的。

    Alexandre Ara ú jo , a press officer for the Brazilian table tennis squad , tapped his chest as he explained the fans had " come with a football heart . "

  20. 麦当劳中国区新闻发言人ReginaHui在周四的一封邮件中公布,麦当劳现在在中国内地共有11家类似的概念餐厅,分别位于上海、广州、深圳以及北京,未来计划在全中国新增150家自助概念餐厅。

    The U.S. burger chain currently has 11 such outlets on the mainland , including in Shanghai , Guangzhou , Shenzhen and Beijing , Regina Hui , senior director of communications for McDonald 's China said in an email received late on Thursday , in which she also disclosed the plans for the 150 restaurants .

  21. 高等学校建立新闻发言人制度的探讨

    A Probe Into the Establishment of the Spokesman System in Colleges

  22. 新闻发言人的素质、选拔和培训。

    And the qualities . selection and training of press spokesmen .

  23. 新闻发言人说他会回电

    The press secretary said he 'd get back to me .

  24. 国际奥委会的新闻发言人吉赛拉-戴维斯在昨天公布了这一决定。

    IOC Spokesperson , Giselle Davies announced the decision on Wednesday .

  25. 如何发言重庆市新闻发言人狮城取经

    Chongqing Press Conference Spokesmen Learn How to Make Statement in Singapore

  26. 雷米是我手下最好的新闻发言人

    Remy was the best press secretary I ever had .

  27. 童伟是新发地批发市场新闻发言人。

    Tong Wei is the spokesman for Xinfadi wholesale market .

  28. 要切实提高新闻发言人综合素质,促进危机情境中有效的风险沟通。

    The comprehensive qualities of news spokesmen should be improved .

  29. 我国新闻发言人制度的发展现状及有效运行研究

    The Present State of Press Spokesperson System and It 's Effective Run

  30. 论新闻发言人制度的信息管理意义

    On the Information Management Significance of the Press and Public Relation System