
  1. 加强教育客体社会关系的协调意识。

    And the colleges and universities should strengthen coordination consciousness of the social relations towards the educational objects .

  2. 文章对新形势下如何转变观念,强化医学情报服务系统,强化群体创新意识、群体服务意识、群体质量意识、群体协调意识等进行了探讨

    This paper gives discussion on how to transform ideas and enhance service system of the medical information , and intensify the creativeness 、 service 、 quality and coordination consciousness of popular-base under the new situation

  3. 34、增强人口、资源、环境协调发展意识。

    Strengthening people 's awareness of the coordinated development of population , resources and environment .

  4. 中国大学生心理健康的标准包括以下几方面:认知正常、情绪良好、人格健全、人际关系协调、自我意识恰当。

    Mental health standard of Chinese undergraduates was composed of normal cognition , good emotion , perfect personality , coordinated interpersonal relation and appropriate self-consciousness .

  5. 大国关系经历着重大而深刻的调整,各种伙伴关系逐渐向机制化方向发展,各国独立自主、联合自强、协调发展的意识正在加强。

    The relations among the major powers are undergoing significant and profound readjustments ; various kinds of partnerships are gradually developing along the line of institutionalization ; and each country is enhancing its consciousness of independence , unity for strength , and coordinated development .

  6. 朦胧与不协调&哈代美学意识在《苔丝》自然观中的体现

    Ambiguity and Incongruity & Hardy 's Aesthetic Ideas Reflected in His View of Nature in " Tess of the D'Urbervilles "

  7. 环境材料是指与环境相协调或具有环境意识的材料,其特点是对资源和能量消耗少,环境污染小,再生利用率高,同时又具有优异使用性能。

    Environmental material is that which is harmonious to environment or of environmental awareness . Its characteristic is little consumption to resources and energy , little environmental pollution and high recycling ratio and have excellent serviceability .

  8. 新的人际关系伴随着矛盾、摩擦、冲突、竞争,于是,协调&这一自然法则也就产生了许多新的内容,使当代协调意识呈现出丰富多彩的全新面貌。

    The new human relationships follow various contradictions , frictions , impacts and competitions and therefore the natural law of coordination has bought out many new contexts that present a new colorful appearance of modern human relationships .