
  • 网络agreement deposit
  1. 银行存款中人民币大额协议存款占72.1%。

    RMB account of agreement saving is 72.1 % occupied in bank account .

  2. 经常听到大额或者协议存款,但是想问一下:多少才算大额?

    Often hear big or the agreement deposits money , but want to ask : how many ability calculates big ?

  3. 在农保基金运营上引入信托投资、开展协议存款和委托贷款、允许投资组合和质押货款,使之保值增值。

    In order to maintain value and increase in value of the fund , we should adopt new methods , such as trust and investment , contracted deposits , consignment loan , investment portfolio and pledged loan .

  4. 可信方仅在现金提取协议和存款协议中与银行发生联系,因此本电子现金系统仍然是离线的。

    The trustee connects with the bank only during the protocol of withdrawing and depositing . Therefore , this system still is an offline electronic cash system .

  5. 在增加投资收益方面,加强同银行的合作,拓展投资渠道,如协议银行存款和委托贷款,利用机构投资优势,建立风险准备金制度。

    In increasing the profit , we should enhance the cooperation with banks , increase investment outlet such as the bank negotiation deposit and the entrust loan , make full use of the capital market and the advantage of organization , establish the risk reserve system .

  6. 协议将强化联邦存款保险公司在与花旗打交道及要求获取详细财务信息时的地位。该机构在考虑是否把花旗列入问题银行名单时,需要参考相关信息。

    An agreement would strengthen the FDIC 's position in its dealings with Citi and its demands for detailed financial information as it deliberates whether to include the company on its list of problem banks .

  7. 协议将强化联邦存款保险公司在与花旗打交道及要求获取详细财务信息时的地位。该机构在考虑是否把花旗列入“问题银行”名单时,需要参考相关信息。

    An agreement would strengthen the FDIC 's position in its dealings with Citi and its demands for detailed financial information as it deliberates whether to include the company on its list of " problem banks . "