
ɡè tǐ ɡōnɡ shānɡ hù
  • individual business
  1. 营业名称是企业名称、个体工商户名称和个人合伙名称的总称。

    Business name is a general name for enterprise name , individual business name and individual partnership name .

  2. 个体工商户数量锐减的法律与经济分析

    Legal and Economic Analysis of the Decrease of Individual Business

  3. 为本市中小企业、个体工商户贷款提供担保。

    Local smes , and individual industrial and commercial households guarantee loans .

  4. 对加强个体工商户财务管理的几点认识

    Some Standpoints About Strengthening Financial Management Of Individual Engaged In Small-scale Business

  5. 请国家考虑个体工商户的税收免收吧!

    Please consider the individual 's tax-free industrial and commercial households it !

  6. 降低900多万个体工商户税负。

    We reduced the tax burden on over nine million self-employed people .

  7. 个体工商户可以起字号。

    An individual business may adopt a shop name .

  8. 第四节个体工商户、农村承包经营户

    Section 4 Individual Businesses and Leaseholding Farm Households

  9. 个体工商户的生产、经营所得;

    Income from production or business operation derived by individual industrial and commercial households ;

  10. 基于个体工商户利益视角的税制改革

    Tax system reform basing on individual business interest

  11. 首先,工商登记代理行业是一个与政府职能部门密切相关的特殊中介行业,主营业务内容是帮助各类型企业或个体工商户办理开业登记、变更、年检、注销等工商登记手续。

    The field of the industrial and commerce registration agent is a special service industry .

  12. 法人、个体工商户、个人合伙享有名称权。

    Legal persons , individual businesses and individual partnerships shall enjoy the right of name .

  13. 其次,应当完善区分登记个人独资企业与个体工商户的法律规范。

    Secondly , should distinguish and register the personal proprietorship and the self-employed entrepreneur 's register .

  14. 法人及其他组织有权依法转让自己的译名。个体工商户、个人合伙等译名权人有权依法继承其译名。

    Legal persons and other organizations shall have the right to assign their own translated name .

  15. 独立书店,通常是指由个体工商户业主、合作伙伴,或者规模较小的公司所经营的书店。

    Independent bookstores are bookstores owned by individual business owners , partners , and smaller companies .

  16. 关于浙江省个体工商户IC卡管理系统的设计

    The design of individual IC card administration system for the industrial and business administration bureau of Zhejiang

  17. 系统性风险下的差别待遇:丽水市个体工商户金融服务个案研究

    The Discrimination Treatment in Financial Service under Systematic Financial Risks : A Case Study of Lishui City

  18. 本文中的民营企业采用的是狭义的民营企业,即只包括个体工商户、私营企业、集体企业。

    In this thesis , Civilian Enterprise only includes individual merchant , private enterprise , and collectivity enterprise .

  19. 上述个体工商户和个人取得的与生产、经营有关的各项应纳税所得。

    All taxable income related to production and business of the above individual industrial and commercial households and individuals .

  20. 户名:填写办理工商登记时所确定的个体工商户名称。

    E.Name of enterprise : the name of the industrial and commercial household registered for industrial and commercial administration .

  21. 草案对公司、个体工商户、农民合作社的登记注册有详细的统一措施。

    The draft has detailed unified measures on the registration of companies , individually-owned businesses , and farmer cooperatives .

  22. 广义的民营企业是对除国有和国有控股企业以外的多种所有制经济的统称,包括个体工商户、私营企业、集体企业、港澳台投资企业和外商投资企业。

    In broad sense , Civilian Enterprise includes individual merchant , private enterprise , collectivity enterprise and foreign investment enterprises .

  23. 所称个人,包括个体工商户以及其他个人。

    The term " individual " as used herein refers to the individual industrial and commercial households and other individuals .

  24. 第二十八条个体工商户、农村承包经营户的合法权益,受法律保护。

    Article 28 The legitimate rights and interests of individual businesses and leaseholding farm households shall be protected by law .

  25. 条例取消了暂行条例规定的一些不适当限制,为个体工商户经营发展提供了更加宽松的制度环境。

    The regulations call off some inappropriate restriction to create a looser and more comfortable condition for the small private traders .

  26. 农户与集群:高阳纺织业形态及其演变个体工商户、农村承包经营户

    Peasants and Cluster : the Evolution and the Meanings of Gaoyang Rural Textile Industry ; Individual Businesses and Leaseholding Farm Households

  27. 劳动保障监察的对象为所有企业和个体工商户等用人单位。

    Labor and Social Security to monitor the targets for all enterprises and individual employers , such as industrial and commercial households .

  28. 企业法人、个体工商户、个人合伙有权使用、依法转让自己的名称。

    Enterprises as legal persons , individual businesses and individual partnerships shall have the right to use and lawfully assign their own names .

  29. 第九十六条法人、个体工商户、个人合伙依法取得的商标专用权受法律保护。

    Article 96 The rights to exclusive use of trademarks obtained by legal persons , individual businesses and individual partnerships shall be protected by law .

  30. 中国将加大对小微企业和个体工商户的支持力度,帮助他们克服困难和发展业务。

    China will extend more support to micro and small enterprises as well as self-employed individuals to help them overcome difficulties and grow their businesses .