
  • 网络personal credit file
  1. 建立个人信用档案,促进助学贷款持续发展

    Establishment of Personal Credit File and Improvement of the Sustainable Development of Educational Loan

  2. 传统的名片正被实时更新的在线个人信用档案所取代。

    where traditional business cards are replaced by profiles of your digital trustworthiness , updated in real-time .

  3. 河南省个人信用档案建设存在的问题及应对措施

    Existent Problems on Henan Personal Credit Archives Construction and Answering Measures

  4. 浅析个人信用档案管理中的问题与对策

    Research about the Problems and Countermeasures of Personal Credit Archive Management

  5. 美国是个人信用档案制度发展最为完善的国家。

    America is the most perfect country in individual credit archive system .

  6. 人事档案发展的新方向:个人信用档案

    The New Direction in the Development of Personnel Archives Personal Credit Archives

  7. 关于民营企业建立个人信用档案的思考

    Considerations about Establishing People-run Enterprise 's Personal Credit Record

  8. 关于现阶段个人信用档案工作的思考

    A Thought on Current Private Credit Archives Work

  9. 文章阐述了民营企业建立个人信用档案的重要性及基本原则等。

    This paper expounds the importance and basic principles of establishing people-run enterprise 's personal credit record .

  10. 针对大学生存在的诚信问题,除了全方位加强诚信教育外,还必须建立相应的诚信评价机制,建立大学生个人信用档案。

    The way of how to realize it is that setting up credit system , evaluation system and making credit archive to each student besides credit education .

  11. 建立个人信用档案可以解决信息不对称问题、减少交易风险、促进市场经济健康发展,推动诚信社会的形成。

    Creating the personal credit archive can resolute the information asymmetries , reduce the transaction risk , promote the market economy , and establish an honest society at last .

  12. 这本手册内容详述如何“冻结”个人信用档案,而且除非你暂时或永久取消冻结,它就可以防止别人以你的名义申请信贷。

    This publication explains how to " freeze " your credit file , which prevents new credit from being established in your name until you temporarily or permanently lift the freeze .

  13. 总之,本文旨在通过中美个人信用档案在这两大方面的比较获得的启示,以期为推动社会和公民对个人信用档案的认识、促进我国个人信用档案事业的发展提供参考。

    In a word , through revelation from the comparative research between China and America , the essay intends to offer a reference for pushing forward a widely knowledge and promoting the development of individual credit archives in our country .

  14. 论述了我国建筑业信用缺失的现状,通过对其信用缺失原因的分析,从打造信用政府、建立建筑业个人信用档案制度等方面,提出了完善建筑行业信用体系建设的策略。

    The deficient situations of credit in Chinese construction industry are discussed . And based upon analysis its causing reasons practical strategy is proposed to construct credit system from establishing credit records system , modeling credit government and other aspects .

  15. 针对这些现象,要通过建立个人信用档案,充实诚信教育内容,改进诚信教育方法,加强校园文化和道德实践基地建设等措施对大学生进行诚信教育。

    In view of these facts , honesty and credit instruction should be carried out among college students by setting up personal credit record , enriching honesty and credit content , improving instruction methods , reinforcing campus culture and construction of moral practice .

  16. 在简单阐述信用档案的相关认识的基础上,从政府、企业和个人三方面对信用档案的内容做了详细的剖析,尤其着重对政府信用档案做了阐述。

    First of all , it exposes simple understanding of the credit archives , and makes detailed analysis from the aspects of government , enterprise , individual , especially focused on and explained government 's credit archives .