
  • 网络credit scoring
  1. 个人信用评分与信用卡风险控制研究

    A Study on Personal Credit Scoring and Credit Card Risk Control

  2. 基于聚类的个人信用评分模型研究

    Research on Personal Credit Scoring Model based on Clustering

  3. 基于多级模糊综合评判法的个人信用评分模型研究

    A Personal Credit Model Based on Multiple Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  4. 基于判别分析的个人信用评分模型研究与实证分析

    Empirical Analysis and Model Study of Personal Credit Scoring Method Based on Discriminant Analysis

  5. 建立基于神经网络和正交设计的个人信用评分体系初探

    The Research of Credit Scoring System Base on Artificial Neural Network and Orthogonal Design

  6. 基于数据挖掘的个人信用评分模型开发

    Personal Credit Scoring Modeling Based on Data Mining

  7. 一个基于神经网络&Logistic回归的混合两阶段个人信用评分模型研究

    The Research of A Mixed Two-Phase Scoring Model of Personal Credibility Based on Neural Network-Logistic Regression

  8. 建立个人信用评分模型的方法很多,本研究选择生存分析方法。

    There are many methods of credit-scoring . This paper uses survival analysis tools to build credit-scoring models .

  9. 第六章在全文基础上,提出了完善我国消费信贷中个人信用评分的建议。

    Chapter VI on the basis of the text , the proposal of building personal credit of consumer credit is proposed evaluation system .

  10. 整个个人信用评分大体分为三个过程&评分前的准备、评分与评估、评估效果检验。

    The whole personal credit scoring task is divided into 3 processes : preparation before scoring , scoring or evaluation , test after scoring .

  11. 进一步论证了个人信用评分制度能够有效改善双方信息结构和应对信贷配给,并直接控制第二类道德危险。

    Moreover , it clarifies personal credit scoring can effectively improve information structure of both sides , resolve credit rationing , and restraint moral hazard II directly .

  12. 第二章论述了消费信贷和个人信用评分的有关理论问题,以及关于个人信用评分模型的文献综述。

    Secondly , this paper looks at some theories about consumer credit and personal credit-scoring , and then outlines the development of techniques applied in credit-scoring models .

  13. 据相关媒体上周四报道,上海市新出台的一项地方监管法案指出,如果上海本地居民不经常去探望自己的父母的话,那么他们就很有可能面对法律诉讼,或者使自己的个人信用评分受到影响。

    Shanghai residents who don 't regularly visit their parents may face lawsuits or have their credit score affected under a new local regulation , media reported last Thursday .

  14. 接着论述了目前国际和国内企业、个人信用评分现状,应用的主要评分方法,以及这些方法在实际应用中的缺点和不足。

    Then discusses the present condition of credit rating system for enterprise and individual in the world , including the main method of rating and their main defects in application .

  15. 对异常值和异常实例的检测及处理进行了分析,提出了异常实例检测的组合方法,结果表明异常值的处理有助于提高个人信用评分模型的分类精度。

    For detection and disposal of outliers , a combined method is proposed and experimental result shows the deletion of outliers contributes the enhancement of the accuracy of credit scoring model .

  16. 雅各布说,现金流量分析给出了借款人的偿还能力超过了个人信用评分,银行通常依靠小美元的贷款,对更全面地了解。

    Jacobs says the cash-flow analysis gives a more complete picture of the borrower 's ability to repay than the personal credit scores that banks typically rely on for small dollar-amount loans .

  17. 第三部分分析总结了国外消费信贷中个人信用评分的经验及对我国的启示。第四章分析了我国信用评分发展现状和问题。

    The third part summarizes the foreign consumer credit in the credit scoring technology , experience and inspiration to our country , and the fourth chapter listed status of the development of credit scoring .

  18. 第五章是银行个人信用评分模型应用的配套措施:个人信用评分模型的配套法律法规建设、个人信用征信体系的完善和个人信用评分模型相关技术的研究。

    In the chapter five , the complementary measures are to set up and perfect relevant laws and regulations , perfect the personal credit system , strengthen the relevant technical research of personal credit scoring models .

  19. 第四章对发现的不足提出了解决方法,即通过引入了国外广泛使用的个人信用评分表的评估方法,根据东亚银行大连分行的实际状况进行了修正,增加其可操作性。

    The last chapter tries to give a solution for the defect found in chapter 3 , i.e. to introduce a credit scoring system and amend the current credit scoring form according to the actual status in BEA Dalian Branch to make it more operable .

  20. 商业银行个人信贷信用评分模型的构建与应用

    Retail Exposures Credit Scoring Models for Chinese Commercial Banks : Model Specification and its Application

  21. 但是,在不断发展的过程中,国内商业银行在个人信贷业务的风险管理中却存在着许多问题,尤其是缺乏适用于本国个人信用发展情况的个人信用评分方法。

    However , in the process of continuous development , there are many problems in domestic commercial banks credit risk management business . Particularly lack personal credit scoring method which match with the development of personal credit .