
ɡè rén chǔ xù
  • Personal savings;individuals savings;keep savings
  1. 约三分之一的英国人负责任地将钱存在免税个人储蓄账户(Isa)中。

    About one third of the UK population has responsibly tucked money away in tax-free individual savings accounts ( Isas ) .

  2. 伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)指出,一年77至174美元的个人储蓄,应该会推动健康保险产品发展。

    Individual savings of $ 77 - $ 174 a year should bolster health insurance products , Bernstein points out .

  3. 此外,随着房屋净值贷款(homeequityloans)的枯竭以及人们逐渐意识到他们的房产财富没有预期的那么大,房地产价格的下降开始推升个人储蓄率。

    Moreover , the decline in housing prices is starting to increase the personal saving rate , as home equity loans are drying up and people are recognising that their housing wealth is not as large as they had expected .

  4. ,他俩在2006年利用个人储蓄以及美国小型企业管理局(SBA)提供的银行贷款联合创办了一家后来发展成为IBT传媒集团的公司,没有接受来自风投机构的投入,包括融资或者咨询服务。

    Together they launched what became iBT media in 2006 , with personal savings , a SBA bank loan , and no input , financial or advisory , from VCs .

  5. 调动发展中国家个人储蓄信托基金

    Trust Fund for the Mobilization of Personal Savings in Developing Countries

  6. 对金融危机下的中国个人储蓄与信贷消费的探讨

    Discussion on Chinese Individual Savings and Credit Consumption under Financial Crisis

  7. 资金剩余条件下个人储蓄&投资转化机制的建立

    The deposit-investment transforming mechanism under the conditions of surplus funds

  8. 社会保障支出对个人储蓄的影响研究

    The Research of the Impact of Social Security Expenditure on Household Savings

  9. 我们有活期和定期两种个人储蓄帐户。

    We 've got current account and fixed account for individual savings .

  10. 倾向于鼓励个人储蓄和家庭购买贷款的储蓄金融机构。

    A depository financial institution intended to encourage personal savings and home buying .

  11. 个人储蓄是其收入超过消费的量。

    Personal savings is the amount income exceeds consumption .

  12. 办理城乡居民个人储蓄存款。

    Handle urBan and rural individual saving deposits .

  13. 我有一个个人储蓄账户和一个公司来往账户。

    I have a personal saving account and a current account for my company .

  14. A,存入个人储蓄帐号;

    A Put it into a savings account ;

  15. 调动发展中国家的个人储蓄综合国际合作方案

    Integrated Programme of International Cooperation for the Mobilization of Personal Savings in Developing Countries

  16. 同时,鼓励建立企业年金和个人储蓄性养老保险。

    In the meantime , encourage build enterprise annuity and individual deposit sex endowment insurance .

  17. 非法查询、冻结、扣划个人储蓄存款或者单位存款的;

    The bank illegally inquires about , freezes or deducts deposits of individuals or units ;

  18. 而基于收入的个人储蓄数据在2007年后期变成了负值。

    And income-based measures of personal saving moved back into negative territory in late 2007 .

  19. 然而,由公民个人储蓄提供资金的全欧洲贷款从未存在过。

    Yet there has never been a Europe-wide loan financed by its private citizens ' savings .

  20. 因此,当一个人储蓄时,他计划在将来过得更好。

    Thus , when a person saves , he plans to be better off in the future .

  21. 所有者社会所提倡的个人储蓄账户,在危机中受到重创。

    Individual savings accounts , of the kind ownership society advocated , were devastated by the crash .

  22. 而个人储蓄计划一般来说缺乏详细的财务规划,难以作为可靠的养老收人来源。

    Personal savings plans generally lack detailed financial planning to be as reliable sources of retirement income .

  23. 详细介绍西方经济学中储蓄过度理论、个人储蓄行为理论以及储蓄与经济增长理论。

    They are over-savings theories , individual savings behavior theories , together with savings and economic growth theories .

  24. 我国社会养老保险由国家基本养老保险、企业年金和个人储蓄养老三个支柱组成。

    The social pension system in China is composed of state pension , enterprise annuity and personal savings .

  25. 个人储蓄养老与基本养老保险、与企业单位补充保险挂钩;附加性联合短语初探

    The system is combined with the basic old - age insurance and enterprise additional insurance ; On Additional Combinative Phrases

  26. 结果是,加拿大的个人储蓄创记录地成了负数,为-0.6%。

    As a result , the personal savings rate went negative to a record low of minus 0.6 per cent .

  27. 收支平衡和个人储蓄账户不仅能够让自己的未来有更多的选择,同时也能保护自己安定的生活方式。

    A balanced checkbook and a savings account not only increase your future options , but also protect your cool lifestyle .

  28. 特别是,美国需要减少逆差、提高个人储蓄,中国则需要刺激国内个人消费。

    Specifically , America needs deficit reduction and an increase in personal saving , while China needs to stimulate internal private consumption .

  29. 本文在第一章,阐述了养老保险制度的理论基础并对三种筹资模式进行了再分配,对个人储蓄率的影响以及公平和效率的经济学分析。

    In part one , the dissertation explains the theory basis of the old-age insurance and three kinds of collecting fund mode .

  30. 国外的一些研究表明,如果没有其现在的这种社会保障体系的话,其个人储蓄总额会增加1倍多。

    Some overseas research shows that the total amount of individual bank saving will double or more without their present social security system .