
ɡè rén diàn nǎo
  • personal computer;PC
  1. 他买了新的个人电脑、彩色打印机、扫描仪,样样齐备。

    He 's bought a new PC , colour printer , scanner ─ the lot .

  2. 去启动你的个人电脑。

    Go over to your PC and boot it up .

  3. 个人电脑现在价格便宜,以后还会越来越便宜。

    Personal computers are cheap and getting cheaper .

  4. IBM公司也把重心从特大型机转向了个人电脑。

    IBM has also shifted its focus from mainframes to personal computers .

  5. 用户可以下载MP3音乐文件,然后用个人电脑上的光盘刻录机直接刻写在CD音乐光盘上。

    Users can download MP3 music files and record them directly onto a CD audio disc using a PC CD writer .

  6. 个人电脑使用的多数应用软件的单价为500多美元。

    Most applications software for personal computers cost over $ 500 a throw .

  7. 购买和个人电脑一起捆绑销售的软件要比单买便宜。

    It 's cheaper to buy software bundled with a PC than separately .

  8. 该公司在个人电脑领域因技术落后遭人诟病。

    The company has developed a reputation as a technological laggard in the personal-computer arena .

  9. 一直挂在线上会使你的个人电脑更容易被黑客攻击。

    ADSL is always on , which makes your PC much more vulnerable to hacking .

  10. 个人电脑里的游戏非常完美,从想象力丰富的故事情节及人物到富有挑战性的游戏设计和精美画面,应有尽有。

    On PC , the game had it all — imaginative storyline and characters , challenging gameplay , superb graphics .

  11. 然而,最大的差距是熟悉个人电脑和互联网的网络一代和习惯于工业社会的老一辈之间的差距。

    The greatest gap , however , is between the Net-generation , familiar with personal computers and the Internet , and the older generation , accustomed to an industrial society .

  12. 房间内允许使用以下物品:电热毯、吹风机、个人电脑、收音机、电视和DVD播放机。

    The following items are approved for use in residential rooms : electric blankets , hair dryers , personal computers , radios , televisions and DVD players .

  13. 大多数Windows10个人电脑用户很可能从未注意到自己的电脑安装了IE浏览器。

    Most Windows 10 PC owners probably never noticed that IE is installed on their computers .

  14. 但是Edge并没有在实际上取代IE。时至今日Windows个人电脑上预装的浏览器除了Edge外,依然还有IE。

    But Edge didn 't actually replace IE. Internet Explorer to this day is pre-installed on Windows PCs alongside Edge .

  15. 在微软终止对IE的支持后,尚不清楚微软是否会停止在Windows个人电脑上默认安装IE浏览器,不过可能性比较大。

    It 's unclear if Microsoft will stop installing IE on Windows PCs by default once the company discontinues support for IE , although that would be likely .

  16. 习惯八:优化个人电脑技术以此提高效率。

    Habit 8 : They optimize their computer skills for speed .

  17. 对个人电脑的需求急剧增长。

    Demand for personal computers has risen sharply .

  18. 在办公软件、电子邮件、网络检索等个人电脑应用方面,申请人应具备良好的操作技能。

    Applicants should have good PC skills with common office software , email and internet recherche .

  19. 当人们过度依赖个人电脑和手机等数码设备时,他们甚至无法记起自己的手机号码,这种情况就是“数码痴呆症”。

    Digital dementia is when people rely on digital devices like personal computers or cellular phones to the extent that they cannot even recall their own phone numbers .

  20. 有时候人们依赖个人电脑或电话等数码设备,都到了想不起自己的电话号码是多少的地步,这就是数码痴呆。

    Digital dementia is when people rely on digital devices like personal computers or cellular3 phones to the extent that they cannot even recall their own phone numbers .

  21. 联想以idea品牌推出了一系列消费者个人电脑。

    The company has launched a series of consumer PCs under the idea brand .

  22. IBM以前的个人电脑业务侧重于面向大企业。

    The former IBM operation focused on selling to large corporations .

  23. 在PC时代,数字化学习是基于个人电脑和有线网络的。

    In PC era , E-Learning is based on personal computer and wired network .

  24. 根据英伟达的预测,到2015年,安装3D视效系统的个人电脑将会达到4000万台。

    The company forecasts that there will be 40 million pcs with 3D vision installed by 2015 .

  25. PC个人电脑仿真终端的实现

    Implementation of PC Simulate Terminal

  26. 基于Multi-agent的个人电脑客户定制服务推荐系统

    Intelligent Recommendations System of Made-to-order PC Based on Multi-agent

  27. 中国企业跨国并购中文化整合模式的选择及其启示&以联想集团并购IBM个人电脑事业部为例

    Selection and Enlightenment of Cultural Synergy Patters of Chinese Enterprises in Cross & national Merger and Amalgamation

  28. 富士康科技集团是面向全球PC(personalcomputer个人电脑)产业提供电子接插件等产品的制造商。

    Foxconn Technology Group is the manufacturer to provide electronic connector products and others to the global PC ( Personal Computer ) industry .

  29. 而且,由于它和Windows相关软件相容的特性,可以和个人电脑同步传输并加以编辑。

    Furthermore , because its software is compatible with PC Windows , PDA and PC can realize synchronous data transmission .

  30. 然而,联想越来越相信,对ibm个人电脑业务的收购已开始展露成效。

    However , Lenovo is increasingly confident that the IBM PC unit purchase is beginning to show results .