
  • 网络Merge sort;Merge Sorting;Mergesort
  1. 让我们在这个列表上运行归并排序,然后我们在看一下代码。

    Let 's run merge sort on it , and then we 'll look at the code .

  2. 中间进行选择排序,右边进行归并排序,看看会发生什么。

    Let 's do selection and let 's do merge sort here on the right just to see what actually happens .

  3. 基于流水光总线阵列上Valiant并行归并排序的实现

    A Valiant Parallel Merge Sorting Algorithm Based on Reconfigurable Optical Pipeline Bus

  4. 综述了聚集树算法、k级有序聚集树算法、2-3树算法、平衡树算法以及归并排序聚集算法等时态聚集算法。

    Later we explore the newly algorithms of temporal aggregation , which are aggregation tree algorithm , k-ordered aggregation tree algorithm , 2-3 tree algorithm , balanced tree algorithm and merge-sort aggregation algorithm .

  5. 而且在处理上述大规模汇总排序问题时,映射归并排序速度明显优于FlashSort、ProportionSplitSort、2路重复的K路归并排序和直接K路归并排序等算法。

    The method is obviously better than those of Flash Sort 、 Proportion Split Sort 、 2 Course Merging Sort and Straight K Course Merging Sort in dealing with the sorting problem of large scale gathering .

  6. 本文介绍一种归并排序算法&插入归并算法的基本原理,并通过该算法的Systolic阵列映射,重点阐述了正则映射生成VLSI阵列的理论和方法。

    The theory about a merging sorting algorithm-insert merging is presented in this paper . Through the mapping it into systolic array , the realizing method of VLSI array by canonical mapping is proposed focuses .

  7. In-Tree任务图可用来求解归并排序、求和等分治问题的并行。

    The In-Tree task graph can be used to solve the parallel of divide-and-conquer problems , such as merging sorting and summing etc.

  8. 二路归并排序的链式实现方式

    The Catenulate Realization Mode of Two-way Merge Sort

  9. 一种归并排序算法的阵列映射

    The array mapping of a merging sorting algorithm

  10. 二路归并排序的研究

    A study on 2 - way merge sort

  11. 带有宽总线网络的可重构计算模型上的并行归并排序算法

    A Parallel Merge Sorting Algorithm for Reconfigurable Computational Models Based on Wide-Bandwidth Bus Networks

  12. 任意分布数据的映射归并排序算法研究

    The New Merging Sort Algorithm by Mapping

  13. 归并排序的一种改进算法

    An Improved Algorithm for Merging and Sorting

  14. 本文考虑在并行数据库系统中基于归并排序的分组操作和集函数计算。

    This paper considers SQL Group-By and aggregation based on merge-sort in parallel database systems .

  15. 二分归并排序算法

    The Algorithm of Bitonic Merge - Sort

  16. 归并排序法的非递归实现

    The Non-recursion Algorithmic of Merging Sort

  17. 我使用Linux+MPI在PC机上实现了并行计算平台并在此平台上实现了我提出的并行归并排序算法。

    I have realized parallel platform using Linux + MPI and my algorithm on this platform .

  18. 并行归并排序算法

    A parallel merging / sorting algorithm

  19. 一种新的多路归并排序网络

    An efficient multiway merging sorting network

  20. 我们从前面的动画中可以看到,这个归并排序算法在计算机上实现之后,绝对比其他算法更快。

    Well , we saw the teaser in terms of that animation that suggests this merge sort algorithm when implemented by a computer is absolutely faster .

  21. 归并排序以如下的步骤使用了分治思想:,把列表分成两半:,下面就是分治。

    Merge sort takes this idea of divide and conquer , and it does the following : it says let 's divide the list in half .

  22. 给出了归并排序算法的一种改进算法,对具有离散性的多个数据排序时利用该算法具有较明显的优势。

    This article has provided a kind of improved algorithm for merging sort , which has remarkable advantage in sorting a large amount of discrete data .

  23. 好的,我想让你们看就是我运行过后,打印出来的结果,我们再回头看一下这段代码,这就是归并排序,输入一个列表。

    OK , what I would like you to see is I 've been printing out , as I went along , actually let 's back up slightly and look at the code . There 's merge sort .

  24. 该合成策略针对已调度成员搜索引擎的查询结果,根据查询结果与查询请求的综合匹配度等级值,对查询结果进行归并排序。

    The results merging strategy is mainly aimed at the retrieval results returned by member search engines scheduled , and merges and sorts the retrieval results in accordance with the comprehensive matching degree rank between search results and request . 5 .

  25. 然后利用信息熵原理分析了插入排序和归并排序的效率,指出当序列长度大于4时,任何直接插入排序的比较次数大于理论下界。

    Then the efficiency of the insertion sort and merging sort algorithms are analyzed by means of entropy , and it is pointed out that when the length of the series is larger than 4 , any sorting algorithm based on direct comparison requires more comparisons than the lower bound .

  26. Valiant并行归并及排序时间复杂性的分析研究

    Fur the r Analysis and Research about Valiant Merging and Sorting

  27. 目前对基于归并的排序算法的研究中,大都以2-sorters为其基本构件,即两个数的比较交换。

    Most merge sorting algorithms adopt 2-sorters as their basic units in their implementations . A 2-sorters means the comparison and exchange of 2 items .

  28. 为了避免存储访问冲突,算法采用了基于并行归并的并行排序方法。

    To avoid memory access conflict , the algorithms are based on a parallel merge algorithm .

  29. 针对当前树机器上同步并行算法存在的缺陷,本文提出一种应用分配思想和归并技术实现并行排序的算法,并通过进一步的分析证明了此算法简明而高效。

    Pointing to the defects existed in synchronous parallel arithmetic of tree machine , This paper raises a parallel sort arithmetic that applied distributive idea and merger technology and proves that this arithmetic is concise and effective by farther analysis .

  30. 算法充分利用并行系统中各个处理机中数据排序后序列长度相等的特点,计算出归并段对中的一个元素和最后一个元素的位置,然后再从相应的位置进行归并排序。

    It computes the positions of the first and last elements in merging pair , and then makes merging sorting from those positions .