
ɡuī yīn lǐ lùn
  • attribution theory
  1. 归因理论、成就理论、ARCS理论、大环境理论、讯息设计中的激励、英语阅读动机分析等都可以应用在网络英语阅读设计中,带来学生阅读经历的最优化。

    Attribution theory , achievement theory , ARCS theory , context design theory , the motivation principles in instructional message design and English reading motivation analysis , all of them can be applied in web-based English reading design , with purpose of bringing about optimization of reading experience .

  2. 归因理论是对认识到的因果关系的研究。

    Attribution theory is concerned with the study of perceived causation .

  3. 基于归因理论的大学生择业观研究

    Research in University Students Employment Concept Based on Attribution Theory

  4. 中美少数族群学生学业成就归因理论比较研究

    Comparative Research on Attribution Theory of Sino-U.S.A. Minority Ethnic Students Academic Achievement

  5. 归因理论在治疗抑郁症中的应用

    Application of Attribution Theory of Social Psychology to Depression Therapy

  6. 归因理论在教师正确引导学生行为中的运用

    Approaches for Teachers to Correctly Guide Students ' Behavior Through Attribution Theory

  7. 韦纳的归因理论。

    The attribution theory by American psychologist B . Werner ;

  8. 谈韦纳归因理论对运动实践的启示

    The Enlightenment of Weiner 's Attribution Theory in Sports Practice

  9. 电力系统事故归因理论在变电站安全工作中的应用

    Application of Accident-causing Theory of Power System to Substation Safeguarding

  10. 在研究过程中,众多的学者试图用一些理论来解释与说明这一错误记忆现象,在这些理论中以源检测理论和熟悉感归因理论为代表。

    Many scholars attempted to explain this false memory phenomenon with some theories .

  11. 归因理论在小教大专教学实践中的应用

    The Appliance of Attribution Theory in Primary Normal Education

  12. 田径运动训练和比赛的归因理论研究

    On the attribution theory of sports training and competitions

  13. 简论归因理论在行政组织激励中的运用

    On the Function of Ascription Theory in Administrative Incentive

  14. 西方少数民族学生学业成就归因理论综述

    Western Attribution Theory About Academic Achievement of Minority Students

  15. 成就动机的归因理论与教学改革

    Attribution Theory of Achievement Motivation and Teaching Reform

  16. 归因理论是一种以认知的观点看待动机的理论。

    Attribution theory is a theory which looks on motivation in a cognitive viewpoint .

  17. 运用归因理论研究非英语专业学生英语学习行为

    The application of attribution theory in non-English major students ' behavior of learning English

  18. 归因理论在篮球技术教学中的应用探析

    Appling the Attribution Theory to Basketball Technique Teaching

  19. 归因理论在意外创伤者康复进程中的应用

    Application of attribution theory in the process of rehabilitation of patients with accident trauma

  20. 归因理论在教学实践中的运用

    The Application of Attribution Theory in Teaching Practice

  21. 美国心理学家韦纳的归因理论。

    The attribution theory by American psychologist B.Weiner ;

  22. 事故归因理论探讨

    Discussion on the Accident - Causing Theory

  23. 维纳归因理论在大学生思想政治教育中的运用

    The Wiener 's Attribution Theory Used in the Ideological and Political Education for College Student

  24. 本文简要介绍了韦纳归因理论以及该理论对教学的指导作用。

    This paper simply introduces Weiner 's attribution theory and directing function for the teaching .

  25. 归因理论在数学教学中的指导意义

    Implications of Attribution Theory in Mathematics Education

  26. 从归因理论的角度探讨我国大学生的社会性评价

    An exploratory study of the social judgements of Chinese College students-from the perspectives of attributional theory

  27. 本文聚焦于归因理论,探讨消费者归因在食品安全事件中的作用。

    We focus on the role consumer attribution played in the context of food safety crisis .

  28. 归因理论与学习动机

    Attribution Theory and Learning Motivation

  29. 韦纳动机归因理论是当今教育心理学领域研究的焦点。

    The theory of Weiner ' motivation attribution is a focus of researches in Psychology of Education .

  30. 运用韦纳的归因理论和分析方法,对我国27名健将级(包括国际健将)女子篮球运动员进行调查研究。

    27 top-level Chinese women basketball players were investigated with the attribution theory and methods of Weiner .