
guī shǔ
  • belong to;vest;fall to;revert;come to the jurisdiction of;come under the jurisdiction of
归属 [guī shǔ]
  • [fall to;belong to;come to the jurisdiction of] 归于;确定所有权

  • 房子归属市政府

归属[guī shǔ]
  1. 方法:阅读文献及临床观察把握高脂血症中医病证归属和演变规律,确立早期治法并在其指导下组成调脂汤;

    Methods : Review literature and observe clinical cases to understand the diease and type of TCM which Hyperlipidemia belong to , establish treatment methods during its early period and make up the tiao zhi tang based on the methods ;

  2. 这二类薄膜均可归属于(MT,100)共面、c-晶轴M、T双轴取向的平衡膜或非平衡膜。

    These two kinds of PET films belong to ( MT , 100 ) uniplanar , c-exis M. T.

  3. 两国政府依然对这个岛的归属问题争执不下。

    The two governments are still at loggerheads over the island .

  4. 和他们同龄的德国人有着更强烈的公民归属感。

    Their German peers had a more developed sense of citizenship .

  5. 我们听到上面没完没了地讲要在员工中培养一种集体归属感。

    We hear endless injunctions to build a sense of community among staff .

  6. 他对这片从小就了解的土地有着一种归属感。

    He has a close affinity with the landscape he knew when he was growing up

  7. 作为父母,我们有责任给孩子一种归属感。

    As parents we have a responsibility to give our children a sense of belonging .

  8. 她需要一种归属感让她安心。

    She needed reassurance that she belonged somewhere

  9. 他们需要有归属感。

    They need to feel they belong .

  10. 在巴黎召开的令人瞩目的世界汽车运动理事会会议使冠军归属充满各种可能,因为舒马赫也被扣了6分。

    The dramatic World Motor Sports Council meeting in Paris blew the championship wide open as Schumacher was also docked six points

  11. 一幢扶助性住宅可供8至10位老人居住,每个人都有自己单独的房间,在这里,他们既能独处,又有社区归属感。

    A supportive house for eight to ten older people , each with his or her own room , provides privacy and a sense of community

  12. 该岛的归属早已确定无疑。

    The ownership of the island has long been established beyond dispute .

  13. 汉语音节结构的复杂性主要是其韵核前介音的归属问题。

    The complexity of the Chinese syllable structure is syllabic status of the prenuclear glides .

  14. 采用互补测验可迅速地将某一未知突变型归属于某一特定基因。

    By using the complementation test an unknown mutant can be rapidly assigned to a particular gene .

  15. 他说:“我们会这样鼓励学生:‘你会从耶鲁毕业。你会做得很好。’”这指的是导师、工作人员和教授会鼓励那些在这样一个顶尖学府学习时缺乏"归属感"和自信心的学生。

    " Our support structure was more like : ‘ You are going to get through Yale ; you are going to do well , ' " he said , hinting at mentors , staff , and professors who all provided significant support for students who lacked confidence about " belonging " at such a top institution .

  16. 卡杜奇认为,这种归属感的培养始于寒暄。

    Carducci believes developing such a sense of belonging starts with small talk .

  17. 换句话说,流言蜚语之所以让人感到很满足,是因为它给人一种归属感甚至优越感。

    In other words , gossip is satisfying because it gives people a sense of belonging or even superiority .

  18. 因为大学社区不同于家庭,许多学生很难找到归属感。

    Because a college community differs from the family , many students will struggle to find a sense of belonging .

  19. 邓恩认为,主动接触陌生人的人有更强烈的归属感,与他人的联系也更紧密。

    Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging , a bond with others .

  20. 归属感很强,我突然觉得自己的生活又成功了。

    The sense of belonging was great and suddenly I felt successful in my life again .

  21. 专用于宠物猫的说法catnup竟然很少被用到,估计是因为主人分手时决定猫咪归属的不是主人,而是猫咪自己吧。

    The feline variation cat nup is surprisingly rare , probably because , in the event of a divorce , it 's the cat that decides who gets custody .

  22. 于是,就有了婚前宠物协议,即约定分手时双方宠物或者宠物狗归属的婚前协议。

    Here comes pet nup or pup nup , a prenuptial agreement that specifies of the couple 's pet or specifically dog in case of breakup .

  23. 当你感到沮丧或焦虑时,你可能会发现自己想要更多与外界建立联系,这是正常的。孤独或排斥的感觉,实际是大脑在告诉我们,我们想要寻求与他人更多的联系,增加归属感。

    You may find yourself seeking a greater connection when you are feeling depressed are actually our brain 's way of telling us that we want to seek out greater connections with others and increase our sense of belonging .

  24. 三种Schiff碱的Raman振动特性及其归属

    The Raman Vibrational Characteristics and Assignments of Three Schiff Bases

  25. 对瞬态吸收光谱中的主要吸收峰作了归属,表明中间产物为OH加合物、H加合物、苯自由基等。

    The main absorption peaks in these spectra were attributed to OH-adduct , H-adduct and C 6H 5 as the intermediate products .

  26. 得到了化学环境极为类似的两芳环质子在不同溶剂中的NMR谱线归属和偶合常数。

    The 1H-1H coupling constants and the assignment of 1H NMR spectral lines of protons with extremely similar chemical envelopments were obtained .

  27. 首次对化合物6,7和10的波谱数据进行了报道,而且利用2DNMR对其进行了全归属。

    Spectroscopic data of compounds 6 , 7 and 10 were first reported , and their 13C NMR data were assigned by 2D NMR .

  28. 通过元素分析表明它的化学式为ZnS6(C5H5N)2,并经红外光谱、紫外可见光谱归属,在标题化合物中存在多硫基及吡啶配体。同时进行循环伏安的研究。

    The title compound was also characterized by element analysis , IR and UV-V is spectra and cyclic voltammetry .

  29. 归属位置寄存器(HLR)&6

    Home Location Register ( HLR ) - 6

  30. 因为雇员参加TPM队,操作员被训练执行定期维护项目和担任归属角色。

    As employees join TPM teams , operators are trained to perform routine maintenance items and assume an ownership role .