
nì xiànɡ sī wéi
  • Reverse thinking;contrary thinking
  1. 逆向思维在文艺理论教学中的应用

    Application of Contrary Thinking in Literature Theories Teaching

  2. 心理分析流派主要对个体进行心理分析和对市场进行心理分析,运用群体心理理论、逆向思维理论。

    The psychological analysis school analyzes individual psychology and market psychology essentially making use of theories of Crowd Psychology and Contrary Thinking .

  3. ID3使用类别信息增益(CIG)作为选择属性的标准,而作者在逆向思维的基础上提出了使用属性信息增益(AIG)来选择属性。

    ID3 use category information gain ( CIG ) as selection level , through converse thought , author come up with attribute information gain ( AIG ) as selection level .

  4. Bursted病毒的处理为例,采用逆向思维,力求教学与管理融合,引导学生处理使用计算机中常见的问题,了解AutoCAD二次开发的概念,增强学生学习的兴趣。

    Bursted virus 's processing , makes the teaching and the management fusion , guides the student to process the common question in the used computer , understood concept of AutoCAD two time development and increases interesting in which the student studies .

  5. 论逆向思维在地球概论教学中的运用

    Application of reverse thinking in teaching of an introduction to earth

  6. 逆向思维趋向于个性化的食品包装色彩设计

    Converse Thinking , Tendency to Personalized Color Design for Food Packaging

  7. 他们说关键是逆向思维

    Anyway , they say the key is to work backwards .

  8. 论述逆向思维的表现形式及其在科技编辑工作中的应用。

    The application of reverse thinking in science editing is discussed .

  9. 逆向思维设计新型钢丝绳润滑装置

    Design of New Steel Wire Rope Lubrication Equipment Using Contrary Thought

  10. 逆向思维是人们的另类思维方式。

    The reverse thinking is an alternative way of thinking .

  11. 初中数学教学逆向思维方法初探

    A Try on Converse Thought in Mathematics Teaching in Junior Middle School

  12. 逆向思维在企业经营创新中的应用

    Application of Reverse Thinking on Operation and Management of Enterprises

  13. 略论高等数学教学中的逆向思维

    On the Inverse Thinking in the Teaching of Higher Mathematics

  14. 高等代数中逆向思维方法的探讨

    Probe into the Methods of Inverse Thought for Higher Algebra

  15. 逆向思维实现铸件数值模拟网格剖分

    Mesh Generation for Numerical Simulation of Casting on Reverse Thinking

  16. 循规蹈矩与逆向思维&纱线染色新品种的发现

    Routine and Reversed Thinking & The Discovery of New Dyeing of Yarns

  17. 拓宽思维空间,培养逆向思维。

    Broadening space of thinking and cultivate conversed thinking habit .

  18. 谈高职数学教学中的逆向思维训练

    The Converse Thinking Training in Math Teaching of Polytechnic Colleges

  19. 基于逆向思维的系统可靠性精确分配模型

    Accurate allocation model of system reliability based on converse thinking

  20. 文章立意新颖与逆向思维

    Novelty in the Theme of an Article and Anti-Logic Thinking

  21. 明明是傻,却说是逆向思维。

    Clearly is silly , said is reverse thinking .

  22. 高等数学中逆向思维能力,是高数中的一种较综合、重要的能力。

    Retrorse ideation is essential for higher mathematics learning .

  23. 词汇研究中的逆向思维&以表取得进展的四组短语动词为例

    The Converse Thought in the Research of English Vocabulary

  24. 引导学生变换思维方法,加强逆向思维训练;

    The reverse thought can be reinforced by changing the ways of thoughts .

  25. 谈数学分析的教学对逆向思维的训练

    Qn Training Of Reverse Thinking In Mathematic Aanalysis Teaching

  26. 幂级数求和问题的逆向思维法

    The Reverse Thinking Method for Summation of Power Function

  27. 辅助函数的构造法&逆向思维法

    A Method of Constructing Auxiliary Function ─ Inverse Thinking

  28. 逆向思维是创新思维的一种重要的思维形式。

    Reverse thinking is an important way of thinking .

  29. 逆向思维具有普遍性、多样性、批判性、新颖性、突破性等特征。

    It possesses the characteristics of generality , variety ;

  30. 医疗副院长的逆向思维与参谋艺术

    The Reverse Thinking and Brainman Art of the Deputy Dean for Medical Treatment