
  • 网络inverse correlation;inversely correlated;inverse relationship
  1. 由于维持商界信心和资本主义的根本利益之间存在着逆相关的关系,为促进经济良性运行所采取的维护穷人利益的政策必然会在短期内激起富裕的商业界的强烈争议。

    As there is inverse correlation between commercial confidence and the fundamental benefit of capitalism , policies in favor of poor people will necessarily provoke strong repercussion from the rich .

  2. 有些研究也发现了咖啡消费量与肝酶浓度存在逆相关,这也指出了患肝病和肝硬化的一个危险因素。

    Several studies have found an inverse relationship between coffee consumption and liver enzymes levels that indicate a risk of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis .

  3. 抗逆相关基因GM和口蹄疫结构蛋白全长P1基因转化大豆的研究

    Transformation of Stress Resistance Related Gene GM and FMDV Structure Protein Gene P1 into Soybean

  4. 因而在由前缀逆相关ω-语言或左逆封闭ω语言组成的ω-语言类中,Fuzzyω正则语言的代数特征就可从代数和集合论的观点给出。

    Thus in a class of ω - language with prefix-inverse-related ω - language or left-inverse-closed ω - language , the characteristics of fuzzy ω - regular language is given from algebra and set viewpoints .

  5. 脱水应答元件结合因子(Dehydrationresponsiveelementbindingfactor,DREB)是植物非生物胁迫信号转导最为重要的转录因子之一,与许多抗逆相关基因的表达调节有关。

    Dehydration Responsive Element Binding protein ( DREB ) is one of the most important transcription factor which transducts abiotic stress signals at the transcriptional level .

  6. 植物抗逆相关ERF转录因子研究综述

    ERF Transcription Factors Related to Plant Stress-Tolerance

  7. 超氧化物歧化酶基因(Mnsod)和抗逆相关转录因子基因(dreb)在玉米中的表达研究

    Studies on Expression of Superoxide Dismutase Gene ( Mnsod ) and Transcription Factor Gene ( dreb ) in Maize

  8. 通过对所有已知功能基因的分析发现,数据库中与己知植物抗逆相关的蛋白有66类。

    It was found that 66 proteins were associated with plant resistance .

  9. 植物抗逆相关基因的分离及功能分析

    Isolation and Function Analysis of Plant Stress Tolerance-related Genes

  10. 小麦抗病抗逆相关基因的克隆和分析

    Cloning and Analysis of Disease Resistance and Stress Tolerance Relative Genes in Triticum Aestivum

  11. 结论在成骨分化过程中,11β-HSD1表达下降,与分化呈逆相关。

    During the differentiation process , the expression of 1 1 β - HSD 1 decreased .

  12. 球孢白僵菌抗逆相关功能基因克隆与基因工程菌株构建研究

    Studies on Cloning of Stress-tolerance Relative Genes from Beauveria Bassiana and Construction of Genetic Engineering Strains

  13. 本发明公开了一种植物耐逆相关蛋白及其编码基因与应用。

    The invention discloses adverse-resistant relative albumen of a plant and the code gene and the application thereof .

  14. 作物研究中抗逆相关基因的功能研究对了解作物在逆境胁迫下的抗逆机制、提高作物的抗逆性非常重要。

    The functional analysis of the stress tolerance related genes is very important for the mechanism of stress tolerance under stress , and for the improvement of the stress tolerance in crops .

  15. 在美国和其它发达国家,许多慢性病的发病率尤其是心血管疾病与水的硬度呈逆相关。

    The rate of many chronic diseases , especially the diseases harming the heart and blood vessel is inverse to the hardness of water in U S A and other developed countries .

  16. 近十年来已经有许多抗逆相关基因被转入水稻中,并获得了一些提高抗逆性的转基因植株。

    In recent years , an array of stress-related genes has already been transferred to rice to improve its resistance against abiotic stresses . Many transgenic rice plants with enhanced abiotic stress-tolerance have been obtained .

  17. 逆自相关函数及其在ARMA模型识别中的作用

    Improve the Effectiveness of Identifying ARMA Models with the Application of the Inverse Autocorrelations

  18. 目的介绍逆自相关函数的意义,说明其在ARMA模型识别中的作用。

    Objective The concept of the inverse autocorrelations was given , and its applications in indentifying ARMA models were displayed .

  19. SD型叶片将大量的能量用于合成耐逆防御相关蛋白必然会影响生长速度;XJ型叶片中乙烯含量可能会高些,乙烯也有刺激生长的作用。

    More energy and material were used for defense proteins synthesis , which may reduce the growth rate . XJ leaves may have more ethylene , and ethylene could induce growth .

  20. 本文基于噪声序列具有重尾分布的因果、平稳自回归滑动平均[ARMA(p,q)]过程,给出了其逆自相关函数的定义,并且给出了逆自相关函数的G-谱估计。

    We consider a causal , stationary , autoregressive , moving average [ ARMA ( p , q ) ] process with heavy tailed noise variables . We develop the definition of the inverse autocorrelation function , and obtain the G-Spectral estimator of the inverse autocorrelation function .

  21. 本文利用逆自相关函数的G&谱估计给出ARMA模型MA参数的一种估计,并且证明这种估计具有强相合性与渐近正态性。

    In this paper , we give an estimate of the MA parameters of the ARMA model using the G-spectral estimator of the inverse auto - correlation function . The strong consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimate are proved .

  22. 逆自相关函数估计的渐近性质

    The asymptotic properties of the estimation of the inverse correlation function

  23. 自回归过程逆自相关函数的估计

    Estimation of the inverse autocorrelation function of an autoregressive process

  24. 逆自相关函数G-谱估计的渐近正态性

    The asymptotic normality of the g - spectral estimates of the invers autocorrelations

  25. 大鼠肥厚心脏卸负荷后心室逆重塑相关的信号通路改变

    Signal pathways involved in reverse remodeling of the hypertrophic heart in rat after pressure unloading

  26. 再论逆自相关函数自回归估计的渐近性质(Ⅰ):强收敛速度

    On the asymptotic properties of the autoregressive estimation of the inverse autocorrelation function (ⅰ): strong convergence rate

  27. 束管食螨瓢虫对猎物的捕食率与猎物密度相关或成逆密度相关,这种现象可能是由聚集强度和干扰强度所引起的。

    Density dependent , density independent and inversely density dependent predatism were mainiy caused by matual interference and aggregation among the predators .

  28. 方法分析逆自相关函数以了解时序的结构特征,获得简约的拟合模型形式。

    Methods As to get a parsimonious ARMA model for a time series , some characteristics of the inverse autocorrelations were discussed in detail .

  29. 最后研究了粗糙表面的逆散射相关问题,对粗糙表面轮廓进行了重构和统计参数反演。

    Finally , emphasis is also put on studying the inverse scattering from random rough surfaces , including the reconstruction of surface profile and the retrieval of statistical parameters .

  30. 结果实例分析表明,逆自相关函数在疏系数模型的识别中,明确地补充刻划了模型结构,有可靠的应用价值。

    Results As is shown in the given example , the inverse autocorrelations are of great value in identifying a desirable ARMA model , especially those with sparse parameters .