
guī huà
  • submit to the rule of;adopt the customs of;submit to the authority of another;naturalized
归化 [guī huà]
  • (1) [submit to the authority of another]∶归服而受其教化

  • (2) [naturalized]∶旧时指甲国人民加入乙国国籍,归顺,服从

  • 并作舟船,豫顺流之事,然后发使告以利害,吴必归化,可不征而定也。--《三国志.邓艾传》

归化[guī huà]
  1. GPS时间比对数据的归化

    The normalization of GPS time comparative data

  2. 从MilkyWay的误译谈翻译实践中的归化和异化

    On Localization and Alienation in Translation Practice Through " Mistranslation " of Milky Way

  3. 多重PCR归化法平行检测HBV和HCV的研究

    Multiplex PCR normalization and parallel detection of HBV and HCV

  4. 引入一条人工边界BR,通过自然边界归化获得人工边界BR上精确的人工边界条件。

    An artificial boundary B_r is introduced , and an exact boundary condition by the natural boundary reduction is obtained .

  5. 对云台一号CCD系统V星等归化系数的估计

    An Estimate of Transformation Coefficients for The V Magnitude of No.1 CCD System at Yunnan Observatory

  6. 基于TIC的多时相遥感影像相对辐射归化处理

    TIC-based Radiometric Normalization of Multi-temporal Satellite Imagery

  7. 二维Helmholtz方程外问题基于自然边界归化的非重叠型区域分解算法

    The nonoverlapping DDM based on natural boundary reduction for 2-D exterior Helmholtz problem

  8. 本文介绍了虚拟企业的概念和体系框架,提出了虚拟企业的信息问题,并对虚拟企业信息的超链接组织、Web检索、信息递归化处理及如何提高检索效率等问题进行了探讨。

    This paper introduces the concept and system of virtual enterprise , put forwards its information questions and discusses its high-link , Web retrieval , information recurrence processing and how to develop the efficient of information retrieval .

  9. 采用最小二乘法对归化后的p-y曲线进行拟合。

    P-y curves are back fit by nonlinear least squares approach .

  10. 利用自然边界归化求解平面弹性方程外边值问题的SCHWARZ算法

    A Schwarz method for solving the exterior boundary value problem of plane elasticity equation by using natural boundary reduction

  11. 在球近似下将GPS-边值问题转化为Neumann外问题,用自然边界元法进行自然边界归化,得到自然边界积分方程,再求自然边界积分方程的数值解。

    In sphere approximate , GPS / Gravity-BVP is Neumann problem over exterior spherical domains . Then the natural boundary reduction , suggested by Feng and Yu , is applied to deal with the three dimensional problems .

  12. 对我国城市EDM导线边长的归算过程和投影变形规律进行了分析。介绍了进行归化计算时选择投影带和投影面的一种新方法。

    In this paper , the distortion of EDM traverse length is illustrated in the course of reduction , and the new method how to select the projection zone and the projection sur-face are given when city EDM traverse lines are reducted in our country .

  13. 持F-1签证的学生完成学业后,可向移民归化局申请许可在所学的有关领域受雇作为实习。

    On completion of their studies , students on an F-I visa may apply to the INS for permission to accept employment for practical training in a field related to their course of study .

  14. 这些星的位置和自行参数是利用39部星表提供的位置统一归化到FK5系统后重新计算得到的。

    So the positions and proper motions of those 92 stars should be determined by using 39 catalogues in FK5 system . The accuracies of the final results are also evaluated .

  15. 清代归化城政权职能强化的历史考察

    The Qing Dynasty Guihua City Political Power Function Evolves Historical Inspection

  16. 新闻文体;汉译英;归化;异化;文化;

    C-E translation of news ; domestication ; foreignization ; culture ;

  17. 归化:进入和反抗强势文化的另一种策略

    Domestication : Another Tactic to Enter and Challenge the Hegemonic Culture

  18. 中国古典文学作品翻译;异化;归化;忠实;

    Chinese classic literature translation ; alienation ; adaptation ; faithfulness ;

  19. 异化与归化是翻译中处理文化因素的两种策略。

    Foreignization and Domestication are two strategies in translating cultural elements .

  20. 现代医学发展中人文精神归化必然性的思考

    Thinking on the Inevitability of Humanism Spirit of Modern Medical Development

  21. 我国法律名称及其术语的归化英译

    Naturalization in Chinese-English Translation of Titles and Terms Concerning Chinese Law

  22. 归化法定线最佳测设方案研究

    Research of the optimal plan of laying line with reduction method

  23. 翻译过程中的文化介入与归化策略的使用

    On the Cultural Involvement and Domestication in the Process of Translation

  24. 将纸质的地形图经扫描、几何校正及色彩归化后,形成在内容、几何精度和色彩等方面与地形图基本保持一致的栅格数据文件。

    The paper topographical map is firstly to be scanned geometric corrected .

  25. 这表现为:第一,用典思想归化为先锋精神。

    First , the ideology of using allusions naturalizes to vanguard spirit .

  26. 在林纾的小说翻译中,他对对外来文化作了一定程度的归化。

    Lin Shu domesticated foreign culture in his translations to some extent .

  27. 技术的异化&当代日本建筑的技术表现谈谈文学翻译中的归化与异化

    Discussion on the Naturalisation and Dissimilation in the Literature Translation

  28. 霍译本完整流畅,是归化翻译策略的产物。

    Hawkes ' translation is a complete but domesticated translation ;

  29. 地铁控制基标归化改正原理及编程实现

    The Adjustment Principle and Program of the Metro Track Laying Control Points

  30. 以跨文化交际角度分析归化策略在口译中的应用

    Analysis of Domesticating Strategy in Interpreting & Observation from Intercultural Communicative Perspective