- 名caliph

Yet again the Caliph must show you how to fight ?
The old beggar threw himself at the Caliph 's feet .
ISIS believes that it is necessary to establish territorial control and promote a Caliphate .
But the self-declared caliphate of terror known as Isis presents them with a common challenge .
Once ISIS claimed to be the legitimate leaders of all Muslims worldwide by declaring the caliphate they tied their own hands .
ISIS believe that the declaration of the new Caliphate in 2014 was the first time in 1000 years that true Islam actually existed .
The only hint archaeologists have found is a chunk of pottery bearing the name " Hisham . " Baramki 's colleague , Robert W. Hamilton , has argued that this is proof that the palace belonged to the heir of the caliph , Al-Walid II .
Research on the Arab Military Ethical Idea in the Four-great-caliph Period
929 – Emir Abd-ar-Rahman III established the Caliphate of Cordoba .
Sometimes Muslim caliphs would have Christian wives or mothers .
As mercenaries by the Baghdad caliphs .
The four-great-caliph period was an important time to formative the military ethical idea of Arab .
Turkish generals hold military power , arbitrary Bahu , arbitrary killings and even repeal legislation Khalifa .
When young Egyptians crowded into Cairo 's Tahrir Square , they wanted rights , not a caliph .
The caliph must engage in jihad once a year as a minimum and may not accept any international borders .
Most Muslim clerics , even those who espouse other extremist positions , are unhappy about the declaration of the caliphate .
Venue : Intercontinental Nanjing , 76F , Khalifa Room , Summit Restaurant , No.1 Zhongyang Road , Gulou District , Nanjing .
Fatima was the youngest daughter of the Prophet Mohammed and was also the wife of the fourth muslira caliph , ali .
With the Caliphate gone Saladin now found himself the ruler of Egypt , though still a subordinate of the distant Nur al-Din .
But the group does seem to be restricting spending , potentially making it difficult to function like the caliphate it claims to be building .
While the Burj took nearly six years to complete , broad wants to build its 220-storey skyscraper at a rate of about two storeys a day .
Shirkuh remained largely inactive in the countryside , failing to attack either the besieging army or the garrisoned city of Cairo , which held the Fatimid Caliph .
I think that the same chapter that I quoted to you of the holy Koran talks about human beings being Abus and Khalifah of God on earth .
Fought somewhere , now precisely unknown , between Tours and Poitiers , an army of Franks and Burgundians under Charles Martel defeated the forces of the Umayyad Caliphate .
His intellectual curiosity led him not only into an enthusiastic support of the Church 's scholars , but also into a friendly correspondence with the Moslem Caliph of Baghdad .
From Donald Trump 's triumph to Brexit and the rise of a new caliphate in the Middle East , the tension is likely to get worse before it gets better .
Shawar responded by burning the city before Amalric could take it and use it as a base against Cairo ( the Caliph 's city and de facto capital of Egypt ) .
During his meeting with Abbas , Sheikh Khalifa reiterated his country 's " firm " stance in the support of the Palestinian people as well as the PNA led by Abbas .
The caliph may not even engage with the UN and negotiate as this would be considered , in a hardline interpretation of Islam as accepting an authority other than that given by God .
" Imad ad-Din wrote that after the brief mourning period of Shirkuh , during which " opinions differed ", the Zengid emirs decided upon Saladin and forced the caliph to " invest him as vizier .