
  • 网络Bedouin;Beduin
  1. 内盖夫沙的贝都因人成立一个贝都因部落的理事会。

    The Negev 's Bedouin are forming a Council of Bedouin Tribes .

  2. 能够证明自己权利的贝都因人可以得到一半土地或者补偿。

    Bedouin who can prove entitlement will receive half their land , or compensation .

  3. 以色列的贝都因人不是很开心。

    THE Bedouin of Israel are not a happy lot .

  4. “贝都因人攻击土耳其要塞”

    " Bedouin tribes attack Turkish stronghold . "

  5. 在沙漠中,它由贝都因人提供,并被认为是一种热情好客的象征。

    In the desert , it 's served by Bedouins , and considered a symbol of hospitality .

  6. 一些西奈愤怒的贝都因人用以色列的移动电话,在分开几十年后跨越边界更新联系。

    Many of Sinai 's angry Bedouin carry Israeli mobile telephones , renewing contact across borders after decades of separation .

  7. 以色列议会唯一的贝都因人塔勒布·奥萨那警告如果计划者坚持,就可能面对贝都因人的起义。

    The sole Bedou in Israel 's parliament , Taleb al-Sana , warns of a Bedouin intifada if the planners persist .

  8. “集中”在新的城镇,他补充,贝都因人将能得到现在他们拒绝的所有服务。

    " Concentrated " in new towns , he adds , the Bedouin will get all the services they are now denied .

  9. 将近一半在内盖夫的贝都因人早在这个国家成立之前就住在镇子里但是不被官方承认,也否认国家支持。

    Nearly half the Negev 's Bedouin live in villages often predating the state but officially unrecognised and so denied state support .

  10. 莫伊。赖利和卷毛三个傻瓜走在阿拉伯沙漠中时,一群残暴的贝都因人把他们抓了起来。

    Moe , Larry , and Curly were wandering in the Arabian desert when they were captured by a band of ferocious Bedouin .

  11. 会不会有一个泛贝都因群体的崛起从而将生活的以色列统治下的贝都因人和所有这个地区大约上百万四分五裂的人们联系在一起呢?

    Might a pan-Bedouin identity yet arise , linking the Bedouin under Israeli rule with the million or so scattered across the region ?

  12. 但是当已经住在那里的贝都因人想住在同样的地方,就被认为是占领整个国家。

    But when Bedouin already living there want to go on living in the same place , it is considered an effort to take over state lands .

  13. 在沙漠中,它由贝都因人提供,并被认为是一种热情好客的象征。这是用无柄小杯盛着,她说。

    In the desert , it 's served by Bedouins , and considered a symbol of hospitality . It 's offered in small cups without handles , she says .

  14. 今年他到纽约联合国的土著人民论坛要求承认贝都因人作为少数族裔人和部落领土的权利。

    This year he went to New York to ask the UN 's Forum on Indigenous Peoples to recognise the Bedouin as an ethnic-minority people with rights to tribal lands .

  15. 阿拉伯开发中的沙漠气候和珍贵的游牧的贝都因人,往往带来住房和保护被盗窃的家庭帐篷内。

    The Arabian developed in a desert climate and was prized by the nomadic Bedouin people , often being brought inside the family tent for shelter and protection from theft .

  16. 比如在国际援助下建立的这所罕见的贝都因人男女同校的学校,副校长马里亚姆·阿布哈里表示因为部族被迫离开会被推倒。

    Rare co-ed Bedouin schools , like this one built with international aid , will be pulled down as the tribes are forced to leave , said deputy headmistress Maryam Abughali .

  17. 丁丁、白雪和船长阿道克遇到了美洲原住民和牛仔,以及北非贝都因人,发现了埃及木乃伊,遇到了穿着方格呢短裙的苏格兰人,甚至还飞上了月球。

    Tintin , Snowy and Captain Haddock meet Native Americans and cowboys , Bedouin in North Africa , discover Egyptian mummies , meet Scotsmen in kilts , and even fly to the moon .