
  • Bass;Beth;Bess
  1. 原声吉他、贝斯和康茄鼓为她伴奏。

    She was backed by acoustic guitar , bass and congas .

  2. 他的作曲中有纯粹的神秘,由乔伊·马丁(JoeMartin)担任贝斯手,马库斯·基尔默(MarcusGilmore)担任鼓手的节奏组亦是一丝不苟。

    There 's dry intrigue in his compositions , and supple exactitude in his rhythm team : Joe Martin on bass , Marcus Gilmore on drums .

  3. 用Rush乐队主唱兼贝斯手盖迪•李的话来说,“哪怕你选择不作决定,这依然是一种决定。”

    To quote Geddy Lee of Rush ," If you choose not to decide , you still have made a choice . "

  4. 7.plexiglasn.胶质玻璃贝斯:我八岁的时候,我爸离开了我妈,我们母子就相依为命了。

    Beth : When I was 8 , daddy left mama , and we were pretty much alone .

  5. 美国摇滚乐队Weezer的贝斯手米奇·威尔什曾在推特(Twitter)上发文,说他梦见自己即将离世,该预言最终应验,受到媒体广泛关注。

    Mikey Welsh , the bassist for Weezer , received a lot of media attention in 2011 after he supposedly predicted his death on Twitter based on a dream he had .

  6. 而曾经主管美国汽车公司、尔后担任雷诺总裁的乔治•贝斯在1986年遭暗杀后,雷诺就将美国汽车公司作价15亿美元卖给了克莱斯勒公司(Chrysler)。

    After Renault chairman George besse , who had championed AMC , was assassinated in 1986 , Renault sold it to Chrysler for $ 1.5 billion .

  7. 最终,他们放弃了尝试,这个无法得到解释的天气现象被称为“回响贝斯2暴雨”(dubstepstorm)——用一位研究者的话来说——“可真是一大‘低’啊。”

    Eventually , they give up , and the unexplained meteorological phenomenon is simply called a " dubstep storm , " because-in the words of one researcher - " It had one hell of a drop . "

  8. ——巴里是指巴里·亚当森(BarryAdamson),乐队的贝斯手——“还有米克。”

    Seeds record with Blixa and Barry " - Adamson , bassist for the group - " and Mick . "

  9. 马克和贝斯与KOS和阿斯塔取得了新的联系。

    Mark and Beth went to get an update from KOS and Ashtar on current conditions .

  10. 贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心的KennethMukamal和哈佛医学院领导了此次研究,研究结果发表在《神经学》杂志上。

    Kenneth Mukamal of Beth Israel Deaconess and Harvard Medical School led the study , reported in the journal Neurology .

  11. 特伦卡的若干说法不算新鲜,有些可以在“滚石”的贝斯手,比尔·怀曼(BillWyman)1990年的回忆录《孤独的石头》(StoneAlone)中读到,这本传记常常受到忽视;还有若干乐队圈外人的书中可以找到的内容。

    Some of Mr. Trynka 's account is not new , having appeared in " Stone Alone , " the often overlooked 1990 memoir of the Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman , or other books written by band outsiders .

  12. 根据研究老龄化问题的老年学研究组织(GerontologyResearchGroup)的数据,世界最长寿的女性、来自佐治亚州的退休教师贝斯•库珀(BesseCooper)将在8月26日年满116岁。

    The oldest woman in the world , Besse Cooper , a retired schoolteacher in Georgia , will be 116 on Aug. 26 , according to the Gerontology Research Group , an organization that studies aging issues .

  13. 那篇文章当然值得品读一番,不过这里咱们只列出五个最令人惊讶的细节看看:1、昆西·琼斯(QuincyJones,当时为MJ制作专辑的著名制作人、音乐家)非常讨厌《billieJean》的贝斯调。

    The whole article is certainly worth a read , but here are five pieces of " Billie Jean " trivia we found most surprising : 1 . Quincy Jones hated the song 's bassline .

  14. 他在90年代的时候加入过数支朋克乐队,并在2010年加盟Lagwagon乐队,顶替刚刚退出的贝斯手。

    Playing in several punk bands during the 90s , he joined lagwagon in 2010 to replace its departing bassist .

  15. 我们先后与好几位贝斯手和鼓手搭档过,最后定下来的是两位随和的中国专业乐手,他们还与Woodie合作为其他一些乐队演奏。

    We played with a couple of different bassists and drummers before settling on the young , easygoing Chinese pros who play with Woodie in another band as well .

  16. U2乐队于1976年在爱尔兰的都柏林成立,当时的成员波诺(主唱兼吉他手)、亚当·克莱顿(贝斯手)、“刀刃”(原名戴维·埃文斯,吉他手、主唱兼键盘手)和小拉里·穆伦(打击乐/鼓手)至今仍在一起。

    U2 was formed in 1976 , in Dublin , Ireland . The members were , and still are , Bono ( vocals and guitar ) , Adam Clayton ( bass ) , The Edge ( guitar , vocals and keyboards ) and Larry Mullen Jr. ( percussion / drums ) .

  17. 贝斯:我以为他只是个司法文书递送员吧。

    Beth : I thought that guy was a process server .

  18. 贝斯:该死能不能关掉?

    Beth : Would you just turn it the fuck down ?

  19. 贝斯的父亲:我才不管呢。

    Beth 's Father : I don 't give a shit .

  20. 利用格罗贝斯统计理论剔除系统误差数据。

    Measurement error data are deleted by Grubbs statistics theory .

  21. 贝斯:萨莉你能帮我解决一个小问题吗?

    Beth : Can you help me with a small problem Sally ?

  22. 贝斯专家不赞助你,我很遗憾。

    Bass Pro is dropping you . I 'm sorry .

  23. 贝斯:你喜欢团队工作还是单独工作?

    Beth : Do you prefer teamwork or working individually ?

  24. 贝斯在前屋尖声笑着喊道。

    Bess shrieked with protesting laughter from the front room .

  25. 贝斯:但他们很我丈夫,是吧?

    Beth : But they hate my husband ... Don 't they ?

  26. 贝斯:他发誓说没杀害她。

    Beth : He swears he didn 't kill her .

  27. 贝斯:玛莎的姐姐显然是这么认为的。

    Beth : Martha 's sister sure thinks you are .

  28. 请把信交给他,贝斯。

    Give it to him , Bess , please , 'she said .

  29. 贝斯:你为什么不喜欢团队工作,莎莉?

    Beth : Why don 't you like teamwork Sally ?

  30. 贝斯:萨利你现在就已经是我最喜欢的经理了!

    Beth : You are already my favorite manager Sally !