
  • 网络I M Pei;I. M. Pei;ieoh ming pei;IM Pei;I.M.Pei
  1. 在这些世界上最大的人工作品中,有许多都出自同一位建筑师之手&贝聿铭。

    Among these largest artificial articles in the world , many originated from the same architect & ieoh Ming pei .

  2. 贝聿铭苏州博物馆新馆的空间环境研究

    New Mansion of Museum Space Environment Analyses Suzhou by I.M.Pei

  3. 年届92岁的贝聿铭(IMPei)被尊为当世硕果仅存的现代主义大师之一。

    At 92 , IM Pei is revered as one of the last surviving modernists .

  4. 1979年,也就是国家美术馆落成后的第二年,贝聿铭获得了美国建筑师协会(AmericanInstituteofArchitects)金奖,这是该协会的最高荣誉。

    In 1979 , the year after the National Gallery was completed , Pei received the Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architects , its highest honor .

  5. 而赫尔佐格-德梅隆建筑公司为巴黎设计的新大厦将包括办公空间和一家酒店,其玻璃三角形设计呼应了贝聿铭(IMPei)设计的卢浮宫玻璃金字塔。

    while Herzog & de Meuron 's new Paris building , with its glass triangle echoing IM Pei 's Louvre pyramid , will hold office space and a hotel .

  6. 贝聿铭设计的一组摩天大楼和造型怪异的巴洛克式莫顿梅尔森交响乐中心(mortonhmeyerson)等建筑,使得雷姆库哈斯(remkoolhaas)把达拉斯比作“平庸的震源地”。

    A clutch of huge towers and the weirdly Baroque Morton h Meyerson Symphony Center are among the structures designed by Pei that caused Rem Koolhaas to refer to Dallas as the " epicentre of the generic " .

  7. 来自印度贾巴尔普尔的46岁的马努·斯里瓦斯坦(ManuSrivastan)站在贝聿铭设计的金字塔入口的长队中,说他是和妻子、父亲和女儿们一起来的。

    Standing in a long line next to I. M. Pei 's entrance pyramid , Manu Srivastan , 46 , from Jabalpur , India , said he had come with his wife , father and daughters .

  8. 作为英国声望最高的建筑奖项英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)金质奖章的获得者,贝聿铭是无可争议、众望所归的人选。该学会于本月早些时候向他颁发了这一奖章。

    As the recipient of Britain 's most prestigious architectural honour , the Royal Institute of British Architects ' Gold Medal , awarded earlier this month , Pei was an uncontroversial and popular choice .

  9. 贝聿铭出生于中国,1930年代移居美国。1948年,在哈佛大学获得建筑学硕士学位后不久,他受聘于威廉·泽肯多夫(WilliamZeckendorf),在泽肯多夫的公司齐氏威奈(Webb&Knapp)主持建筑设计工作。

    Pei , who was born in China and moved to the United States in the 1930s , was hired by William Zeckendorf in 1948 , shortly after he received his graduate degree in architecture from Harvard , to oversee the design of buildings produced by Zeckendorf 's firm , Webb & Knapp .

  10. 贝聿铭建筑设计中三角形符号的文化探索

    Cultural Exploration of Triangle Symbol in Yuming Bei 's Architectural Design

  11. 这两位现在看来几乎是神话般的人物,贝聿铭从他们身上学到了什么呢?

    What did Pei learn from these now almost mythical figures ?

  12. 大师封刀贝聿铭与新苏州博物馆

    An Ultimate Masterpiece & Bei Yuming and New Suzhou Museum

  13. 贝聿铭与他的北京中国银行总部大厦

    IM Pei and his headquarter building of Beijing China Bank

  14. 当代建筑景观设计中的文化传承与创新&解读贝聿铭先生的苏州博物馆新馆设计理念

    Inheritance and Innovation of Culture in Contemporary Architectural Landscape Design

  15. 贝聿铭:现代主义建筑的泰斗

    Bei Yuming : An Eminent Scholar of Modern Architecture

  16. 从贝聿铭的北京香山饭店设计谈现代中国建筑之路

    Design of Xiangshan Hotel-An Approach to Modern Chinese Architecture

  17. 在采访中,贝聿铭只有两次显得被难住了。

    Pei looks troubled only twice during the interview .

  18. 贝聿铭从不淡化他与中国的关系。

    Pei never played down his connections to China .

  19. 1958年他组织成了贝聿铭联合社团的合股机构,1966年贝聿铭股份机构。

    In1958 , he formed the partnership of I.M.Pei Associates , which became I.M.Pei Parteners in1966 .

  20. 据报道,杰姬肯尼迪曾说,选择贝聿铭,其实是从感情上作出的决定。

    Jackie Kennedy was reported as saying that choosing Pei had been really an emotional decision .

  21. 对此,贝聿铭的自我辩护显出一贯的冷淡:在达拉斯,我是为人设计,而不是为地方。

    Pei 's defence is typically cool : In Dallas I was designing for the people , not the place .

  22. 贝聿铭在国内外设计了四十多个建筑项目。其中二十项曾获奖。

    Pei has designed over forty projects in this country and abroad , twenty of which have been award winners .

  23. 贝聿铭作为当今世界最具影响力的建筑设计师之一,他设计建造了大量优秀的建筑作品。

    M. Pei , one of the world most influential architects , has made a large number of outstanding building works .

  24. 我问贝聿铭:在美国度过了75年后,他还觉得自己是个中国人吗?

    I ask Pei about this : does he still , after 75 years in America , feel at all Chinese ?

  25. 贝聿铭一直对我说,选择客户时,比选择项目更要细心,因为在建筑过程中会有许多的变化。

    I.M.Pei always told me to choose my clients more carefully than my projects , as there will be many changes during the construction process .

  26. 和摇滚博物馆一样,贝聿铭认为卡塔尔的项目是一个机会,让他可以去学习自己并不了解的文化。

    As with the rock museum , Pei saw the Qatar commission as an opportunity to learn about a culture he did not claim to understand .

  27. 1982年,美国建筑学校的校长评贝聿铭为出色的非居住用建筑物最杰出的设计者。

    In 1982 , the deans of the architectural schools of the United Sates chose I. M. Pei as the best designer of significant non-residential structures .

  28. 在建筑方面,富勒、斯通、赖特。萨里宁和贝聿铭等人的作品都是名闻遐迩的。

    In architecture , the works of Buckminster fuller , Edward Durrell stone , Frank Lloyd wright , Eero saarinen , and I.M.Pei are widely known .

  29. 此外还有一件事,那就是至少贝聿铭在世界上很真实的呈现他自已。

    There is one thing , at any rate , which the universe and I.M.Pei have in common : we know only a fraction of their true being .

  30. 第二部分是对贝聿铭先生的创作思想和历程,并以他设计的苏州博物馆新馆为例进行分析,以便我们更深进的理解贝聿铭先生的建筑思想。

    The second part describes the creative thinking and background , and take one of his works-Su Zhou Museum for example to analyze , so that we can easily understand Mr.