
  • 网络Besancon;Besançon
  1. 法国贝桑松UniversityCollegeHospital的一个研究小组日前进行了首例关于不同程度脸部老化和日晒关系的研究。

    A team at University College Hospital , Besancon , in France , conducted the first study on how sections of the face age at different rates related to sun exposure .

  2. 他分别在贝桑松、特伦托和阿姆斯特丹举办的国际指挥大赛中获得头等奖项,并以此作为其音乐事业的突破。

    His training was topped off with three important first prizes at renowned international conductor competitions : Besancon , Trento and Amsterdam .

  3. 贝桑松的城堡高高地耸立在河边。

    The citadel at Besan ç on towered above the river .

  4. 贝桑松法院对她下达了4个月缓刑的判决,要求她边工作边还债。

    The Besanson court handed her a four-month suspended sentence and ordered her to work and to repay her debts .

  5. 在手指受伤的近10年后,小泽赢得了在法国贝桑松举办的管弦乐比赛第一名。

    Almost a decade after the sports injury , Ozawa won the first prize at the international competition of orchestra conductors in Besancon , France .

  6. 贝桑松表示,我们正设法成为带头人在这个问题上,我们要站在前列。马拉松石油公司则表示,尚不知晓失去了这项业务。

    We 're trying to be a leader out in front on this issue . ' ' Marathon said it had no know-ledge of the lost business .