
  • 网络rochester;Rochester,NY;Edward Rochester;Nathaniel Rochester
  1. 他们现在拥有并经营着一家位于罗切斯特以南50英里处的农场。

    They now own and operate a farm 50 miles south of Rochester

  2. 在2011年的一项研究中,由罗切斯特市马友诊所的约纳斯啸杰达博士带领研究人员随机采访了1,321名年龄在70岁至89岁的人,他们中大部分人在认知方面是正常的,研究人员针对他们晚年从事的认知活动进行了访问。

    In a 2011 study , researchers led Dr. Yonas Geda at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester interviewed a random sample of 1,321 people ages 70-89 , most of whom were cognitively normal , about the cognitive activities they engaged in late in life .

  3. 为了弄清这些设备使用了多少能源,纽约罗切斯特理工学院的卡莉·巴比特和她的同事跟踪了每种产品从开采矿物到停止使用的整个生命周期的环境成本。

    To figure out how much power these devices are using , Callie Babbitt and her colleagues at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York tracked the environmental costs for each product throughout its life — from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the device .

  4. 位于明尼苏达州罗切斯特的梅奥诊所(MayoClinic)的肥胖病专家詹姆斯莱文(JamesLevine)就忙忙碌碌撰写了数篇文章。

    James Levine , a specialist in obesity at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester , Minnesota has written several papers on fidgeting .

  5. “很多人都在拼命推销自己,”密歇根州罗切斯特市职业介绍公司AngottSearchGroup的总裁马克•安哥特(MarkAngott)说。

    ' A lot of people are selling themselves hard , 'says Mark Angott , president of Angott Search Group , a recruiting firm in Rochester , Mich.

  6. 最著名的机构大概是位于明尼苏达州罗切斯特的梅奥诊所(MayoClinic)(同样是一个非盈利组织)。该机构在以团队为基础、以患者为中心的医疗领域开辟了一片新天地。

    Perhaps most famous of all , the Mayo Clinic in Rochester , Minnesota ( also a not-for-profit organisation ) has broken new ground in team-based , patient-centred healthcare .

  7. 另一组已在明尼苏达州的罗切斯特启动,还有一个只限女孩参加的KatieCoderDojo训练营也在2月份举办了第一次培训。

    Another group has started in Rochester , Minn. , and a girls-only camp , Katie CoderDojo , had its first session last month .

  8. 但是罗切斯特大学商学院营销学教授罗伯特.辛德勒(RobertSchindler)认为在有些情况下,这几美分剩的不值得。

    But Robert Schindler , professor of Marketing at Rutgers School of Business-Camden , says that in some cases , the penny saved isn 't worth it .

  9. “罗切斯特皇家少年团”更新将会加入更多的新亮点,最主要的就是罗切斯特城以及等待已久的PVP系统。

    The " Rocheste Royal Cadets " update introduces a number of new features , chief among them the town of Rocheste , and the long-awaited addition of PVP system .

  10. 斯科特·G·埃伯利(ScottG.Eberle)是罗切斯特(Rochester)斯特朗国家玩具博物馆(Strongmuseum)的副馆长,负责研究玩具。他表示,办公室玩具另一个好处是,它们能诱导你进入冥想状态。

    Scott G. Eberle , vice president for play studies at the Strong museum in Rochester , said another benefit of desktop toys is the way they lull you into a meditative state .

  11. 罗切斯特Obadiah是受雇担任校长,同时也是一个众所周知的废除死刑的国家。

    In Rochester , Obadiah was employed as a schoolmaster and was also a well known abolitionist .

  12. 但医生们倾向于拒之于千里之外,因为“我们不知道这到底是怎么一回事”,罗切斯特大学医学中心(UniversityofRochesterMedicalCenter)的姑息医疗专家蒂莫西·E·奎尔(TimothyE.Quill)博士说。

    But doctors tend to give them a wide berth because " we don 't know what the hell they are , " said Dr. Timothy E. Quill , an expert on palliative care medicine at the University of Rochester Medical Center .

  13. 乔治伊士曼(georgeeastman)为摄影技术带来革命性创新之后,不仅自己扬名立万,还因为他需要大量美国民众帮助他实现设想,而让罗切斯特市的中产阶级延续了两代人的繁荣。

    When George Eastman revolutionised photography , he did very well and , because he needed a large number of Americans to carry out his vision , the city of Rochester had a thriving middle class for two generations .

  14. “在70岁才突然停止吃麦当劳而开始吃抱子甘蓝时,这些益处不会马上显现,”明尼苏达州罗切斯特市梅奥诊所的神经学家戴维·克诺普曼(DavidKnopman)说道。

    ' The benefits don 't just occur at age70 when you suddenly stop eating McDonald 's and start eating Brussels sprouts , 'says David Knopman , a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester , Minn.

  15. 为了解抽搐综合症和图雷特氏症在学龄儿童中的发病情况,Kurlan观察了来自罗切斯特普通和特殊教育班级的1600名儿童。

    To determine the prevalence of tics and Tourette 's syndrome in school-aged children , Kurlan looked at a group of1,600 children in both regular and special education classrooms in Rochester .

  16. 罗切斯特:即使是好朋友也会分手的。

    Rochester : Even good friends may be forced to part .

  17. 在罗切斯特和布法罗我们可以在我祖父母家借宿。

    We could stay with my grandparents in Rochester and Buffalo .

  18. 简发现罗切斯特先生有个精神失常的妻子之后。

    After Jane finds out Mr. Rochester has an insane wife .

  19. 罗切斯特先生,我没有批评您的意思。

    Mr Rochester , I did not intend to criticize you .

  20. 为什么罗切斯特先生不可能真心爱我

    Is it so impossible that Mr. Rochester should love me ?

  21. 令人失望的两星期过去了,我们终于得到罗切斯特先生的消息。

    Two disappointing weeks passed before we heard from Mr Rochester again .

  22. 我的意思是您在罗切斯特有众多的追随者。

    I mean , you 've got a huge following in rochester .

  23. 你认得罗切斯特先生吗?他又问。

    ' Do you know Mr Rochester ? 'was his next question .

  24. 布莱格斯先生给罗切斯特先生写信了吗?我问。

    ' Did Mr Briggs write to Mr Rochester ? 'I asked .

  25. 罗切斯特先生,格雷斯?谱尔以后还要呆在这儿吗?

    Mr. Rochester , will Grace Poole live here still ?

  26. 你让我提醒你罗切斯特伯爵的事。

    You asked me to remind you about the Earl of rochester .

  27. 然后呢?罗切斯特似乎有些紧张起来了。

    ' And then ? 'Mr Rochester seemed almost nervous .

  28. 两年以后,罗切斯特恢复了一只眼的视力。

    Two years later , Rochester regains the sight of one eye .

  29. 我已起来跪着为罗切斯特先生祈祷。

    I had risen to my knees to pray for Mr.

  30. 你同罗切斯特先生谈得怎么样?亲爱的。

    How did you get on with Mr Rochester , my dear .