
  • 网络Rutgers University;RUTGERS, The State University of New Jersey;RUTGERS,The State University of New Jersey;Rutgers University New Brunswick
  1. 纽约城市大学、罗格斯大学和印第安纳大学都遥不可及,密西西比州立大学和阿拉巴马大学也是如此,在这两所大学我还得交州外学费。

    City University of New York ( CUNY ) , Rutgers University , and Indiana University were out of reach as were Mississippi State and the University of Alabama , where I would have to pay out-of-state fees .

  2. •从罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)获得生物医学工程学士学位

    • Undergraduate degree in biomedical engineering from Rutgers University

  3. 罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)酒精研究中心(CenterofAlcoholStudies)主任罗伯特・潘迪纳(RobertPandina)说:“人会变得更以工作和家庭为重。”

    You 're becoming more work-oriented , more family-oriented , ' says Robert Pandina , director of the Center of Alcohol Studies at Rutgers University .

  4. 的部分。不是这样的。”最近的一名受害者是新泽西州罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)一名18岁的学生。

    It 's not . " One recent victim was an eighteen-year old student at Rutgers University in New Jersey .

  5. 罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)约翰•黑尔德里希人力发展中心(JohnJ.HeldrichCenterforWorkforceDevelopment)在上周发布的研究报告中指出,新近毕业的大学生要花不少时间才能找到工作。

    In a study to be released Thursday , the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University found that recent graduates are taking awhile to find work .

  6. 艾美奖男演员JamesGandolfini在罗格斯大学学的是交流专业。

    James Gandolfini , Emmy award-winning actor , majored in communications at Rutgers .

  7. 卡伦·尚顿(KarenShanton)曾在罗格斯大学(RutgersUnivesity)探索无意识的认知过程,并获得了哲学博士学位,但她目前就职于为议员提供超党派分析的全美州议会联合会(NationalConferenceofStateLegislatures)。

    Karen Shanton explored unconscious cognitive processes for her philosophy Ph.D. from Rutgers but works at the National Conference of State Legislatures , which provides legislators with nonpartisan analysis .

  8. 罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)的研究发现,在经济低迷时期,大学毕业生的平均起薪大幅下滑,从2006年至2008年的3万美元降至2009年至2010年的2.7万美元。

    Average starting salaries for college graduates fell sharply in the downturn , from $ 30,000 in 2006-2008 to $ 27,000 in 2009-2010 , according to Rutgers University research .

  9. 美国罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)的教授唐•麦凯布(DonMcCabe)对商学院学生的剽窃活动展开了广泛的调查。

    Don McCabe , a professor at Rutgers Business School in the US , has conducted extensive research into plagiarism among business school students .

  10. 罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)的心理学教授特里·威尔逊(TerryWilson)指出,此外,认知行为疗法等循证治疗还需要从业者拥有专业知识、临床判断和技能。

    Besides , evidence-based treatments like C.B.T. still require expertise , clinical judgment and skill from practitioners , noted Terry Wilson , a professor of psychology at Rutgers University .

  11. 漂亮的人总是追求漂亮的人,该研究外的另一位学者、专门研究交配行为和浪漫爱情的罗格斯大学教授HelenFisher说。

    Good looking people are always looking for other good looking people , says Helen Fisher , a professor at Rutgers University who studies mating behavior and romantic love .

  12. 九天前,美国前国务卿康多莉扎·赖斯也决定取消前往新泽西州罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)发表毕业典礼演说的计划,原因和拉加德基本相同。

    Nine days earlier , former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made the same decision , for essentially the same reason , about her planned speech at Rutgers University in New Jersey .

  13. 罗格斯大学校长罗伯特·巴奇表示,直到本周ESPN播出后他才看到这个视频。

    Rutgers President Robert Barchi says he didn 't see the video until this week when ESPN aired it .

  14. 皮尤研究中心(PewResearchCenter)和罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)的研究人员周二发表的报告称,社交媒体降低了人们表达意见的可能性,尤其是当他们认为自己的看法与朋友不同的时候。

    It makes people less likely to voice opinions , particularly when they think their views differ from those of their friends , according to a report published Tuesday by researchers at Pew Research Center and Rutgers University .

  15. 罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)的分子生物学家与生物武器专家理查德·H·埃布赖特(RichardH.Ebright)说:他们以前不吸取教训,现在也没有,似乎就是无法得到教训。

    Richard H. Ebright , a molecular biologist at Rutgers University and an expert on biological weapons , said : They did not learn . They do not learn . They seem incapable of learning .

  16. 新泽西州罗格斯大学传播学教授JamesKatz认为存在着一种“机器灵魂”(Apparatgeis)。

    James Katz , a professor of communication at Rutgers University in New Jersey , argues that there is an Apparatgeist ( German for " spirit of the machine ") .

  17. 罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)管理与劳工关系学院政治学家贾尼斯·法恩(JaniceFine)说,从历史上看,工会组织有时号召团结,有时又担心移民会接受低薪工作,影响美国人的生活水准。

    Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations political scientist Janice Fine says organized labor has historically vacillated between solidarity and fear that immigrants will work for lower wages and bring down living standards for all Americans .

  18. Audible目前正在资助罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)研究被试人员在读文字、听文字、同时听读、以及在听、读两种不同模式之间切换时的大脑活动。

    Audible is now funding cognitive research at Rutgers University to study the brain activity of test subjects while they are reading a text , listening to it , reading and listening simultaneously , and switching between the two modes .

  19. 他1912年生于纽约一个贫苦的移民家庭,父亲在他15岁时就去世了,但他仍得以到罗格斯大学(Rutgers)和芝加哥大学就读。

    He was born in New York in 1912 to poor immigrant parents and his father died when he was 15 . He nevertheless studied at Rutgers and Chicago .

  20. 罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)5月份发布的一份报告显示,2009年和2010年大学本科毕业生的起薪中值为27000美元,低于2006年至2008年间就业的大学生起薪30000美元。

    Graduates of four-year colleges in 2009 and 2010 earned a median starting salary of $ 27,000 , down from $ 30,000 for those who entered the work force between 2006 to 2008 , according to a Rutgers University study released in May .

  21. 这项新的研究由罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)的地球科学家罗伯特·E·科普(RobertE.Kopp)牵头进行。他将精密的统计学技术应用于一些长期存在的问题,比如怎样了解全球海平面的历史,赢得了同行的敬重。

    The new research was led by Robert E. Kopp , an earth scientist at Rutgers University who has won respect from his colleagues by bringing elaborate statistical techniques to bear on longstanding problems , like understanding the history of global sea level .

  22. 罗格斯大学(rutgersuniversity)人力资源管理教授迪克贝蒂(dickbeatty)表示,尽管暂时解雇是以往衰退中的一个特色,“但新鲜之处在于公司采用这些策略时的创造力”。

    Dick Beatty , Professor of human resource management at Rutgers University , says that while furloughs have been a feature of past recessions , " what is new is the creativity with which firms are using them " .

  23. 罗格斯大学的人类学研究教授海伦-费希尔建议说:&ldo?quo;男人都想着女人不会说谎,女人也希望男人如此认为,因此男女之间开始在相互之间玩一些心理游戏。”非常有趣!

    Research professor of anthropology at Rutgers Helen E. Fisher suggests that , " Men want to think women don 't cheat , and women want men to think they don 't cheat , and therefore the sexes have been playing a little psychological game with each other . " Fun !

  24. 罗格斯大学心理学教授劳莉·A·鲁德曼(LaurieA.Rudman)的一系列实验发现,人们认为直接说明自己的优势及成就的女性更能干,但同时受聘的可能性也较低。

    A series of experiments by Laurie A. Rudman , a psychology professor at Rutgers , found that women who spoke directly about their strengths and achievements were considered more capable , but also less hirable .

  25. 戈克费尔德博士是新泽西州罗格斯大学(RutgersUniversity)环境和职业健康科学研究所的客座临床教授。他表示大多数人鱼肉摄入量太少。鱼类是理想的蛋白质和omega-3脂肪酸的来源。一些研究表明,这种脂肪酸能够预防心脏病和癌症。

    Dr Gochfeld , an adjunct clinical professor in the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute at New Jersey 's Rutgers University , said most people do eat too little fish , an excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids , which have been shown in some studies to be protective against heart disease and cancer .

  26. 不过,罗格斯大学的专家贝克说,这种关系可能会改变。

    But Rutgers University expert Ross Baker says that could change .

  27. 我在罗格斯大学拿到了奖学金,学音乐。

    I got an academic scholarship to study music at rutgers .

  28. 尤其是罗格斯大学卡姆登分校的毕业生们,恭喜你们!

    and especially , the graduating class of Rutgers-Camden , congratulations !

  29. 罗格斯大学的分子和行为神经科学中心的副主任。

    Co-director of the Centre for Molecular and Behavioural Neuroscience at Rutgers University .

  30. 罗格斯大学研究人员瑞切尔·温弗雷称蜜蜂种群中不仅仅是传粉者处于危险之中。

    Rutgers University researcher Rachael Winfree said honeybees are not the only pollinators in danger .