
  • 网络The Rosetta Stone;Rosetta
  1. 但这些文字并不是令罗塞塔石碑如此重要的原因。

    But the message is not the reason the stone is important .

  2. 罗塞塔石碑应该留在大英博物馆吗?

    Should the Rosetta stone stay in the British Museum ?

  3. 今天的重点报道节目就聚焦这块石碑——罗塞塔石碑。

    Today 's Spotlight is on this stone - the Rosetta stone .

  4. 专家认为,罗塞塔石碑有超过2000年的历史。

    Experts believe that the Rosetta stone is over two thousand years old .

  5. 或者罗塞塔石碑属于埃及吗?

    Or does the Rosetta stone belong in Egypt ?

  6. 其二,罗塞塔石碑上刻有文字。

    Second , the Rosetta stone shows a message .

  7. 你们认为罗塞塔石碑应该属于哪个国家?

    Where do you think the Rosetta stone belongs ?

  8. 罗塞塔石碑非常重要,是因为其上面刻有三种不同的文字。

    The stone is important because the message is in three separate languages .

  9. 他表示,罗塞塔石碑非常重要,不能交出去。

    He says that the Rosetta stone is too important to give away .

  10. 因此,专家可以阅读罗塞塔石碑上的希腊文字。

    So , experts could read the Greek writings on the Rosetta stone .

  11. 罗塞塔石碑上刻有这三种古老的书写方式。

    The Rosetta stone shows examples of each of these ancient ways of writing .

  12. 哈瓦斯博士领导了找回罗塞塔石碑的行动。

    Voice 1 : Doctor Hawass is leading the effort to get the stone back .

  13. 罗塞塔石碑的最高点超过114厘米。

    At its highest point , the Rosetta stone is over one hundred fourteen centimeters tall .

  14. 在罗塞塔石碑被发现之前,历史专家已经发现了象形文字的古代范例。

    Before they found the Rosetta stone , history experts had found ancient examples of hieroglyphic writing .

  15. 数学则扮演着罗塞塔石碑的角色,承担着对物理原理的编码和解码工作。

    Math itself serves the critical role of Rosetta Stone , decoding and encoding the physical principles of the world .

  16. 声音1:1808年,法语专家让-弗朗索瓦·商博良收到了一份罗塞塔石碑上所刻文字的复印件。

    Voice 1 : In 1808 , French language expert Jean-Francois Champollion received a copy of the Rosetta stone writings .

  17. 声音2:自1802年以来,罗塞塔石碑一直存放在位于伦敦的大英博物馆,期间仅离开过一次。

    Voice 2 : Since 1802 , the stone has been at the British Museum in London with only one break .

  18. 通过对照翻译,或在不同语言版本之间寻找对应的词汇,罗塞塔石碑解读出已经失传已久的象形文字的含义。

    Through comparative translation , or mapping phrases from one translation to another , the Rosetta stone revealed the meaning of many once-undecipherable glyphs .

  19. 所有尝试全部失败的其中一个原因是,专家没有掌握帮助他们进行翻译的线索——直到他们发现了罗塞塔石碑。

    One of the reasons all the attempts failed was because experts had no clues to help them begin translation - until they found the Rosetta stone .

  20. 声音3:“罗塞塔石碑是大英博物馆的重要展品之一,但它对埃及具有更重要的意义。罗塞塔石碑是埃及民族和历史身份的重要组成部分,但却被可耻且秘密地带出了埃及。”

    Voice 3 : " The Rosetta stone is one of the most important pieces in the British Museum , but it is more important for Egypt . It is an important piece of our Egyptian national and historical identity and was shamefully and secretly taken out of the country . "