
  • 网络egyptology;Egyptologe
  1. 浅析《黄金草原》对埃及学研究的价值

    Analysis on " the Meadows of Gold " to Studies on the Value of Egyptology

  2. 埃及学的成长与发展

    The Growth and Development of Egyptology

  3. 古典作家对埃及学的贡献

    The Classical Authors ' Contribution to Egyptology

  4. 夏鼐先生与埃及学

    Dr. Xia Nai And Egypt Studies

  5. 创建于19世纪20年代的埃及学,是一门研究古代埃及历史与文化的综合性学科。

    Egyptology founded in the 1820s is a comprehensive discipline of studying the history and culture in ancient Egypt .

  6. 如果当时拿破仑没有把这些文物带回法国,今日可能没有埃及学、文物可能也残缺不齐。

    If Napoleon did not do this , then we would not have Egyptology today and the relics would have remained forever fragmentary .

  7. 从19世纪20年代到80年代,埃及学走过了从早期的野蛮发掘到有计划的科学勘察、抢救与保护文物的历程。

    From the twenties to eighties in 19th century , Egyptology passed from the early barbarous excavation to the planned survey scientifically , rescue and the protection of cultural relics .

  8. 20世纪30年代,夏鼐留学英国伦敦大学,就读考古学院埃及学系,成为中国考古学界识读埃及象形文字的第一人。

    In 1930s , Xia Nai studied at London University , being a student of Egypt Studies Department of Archaeology College . He was the first in China , s circles of archaeology to learn to read Egyptian Pictographic characters .

  9. 作为埃及学学科基础的埃及语言的破译尽管完成较早,但完善的语法体系的建立、科学的文献翻译解说也是在20世纪经由许多埃及学家的努力才日臻完善的。

    The Egyptian language , as a base for understanding ancient Egyptian civilization , deciphered in 19th century , but the establishing of Egyptian grammatical system and the scientific explanation to most documents of Egypt are the results of the efforts of Egyptologists in 20th century .

  10. 古埃及天学三问题及其与巴比伦及中国之关系

    Three respects of ancient Egyptian and Chinese Astrology

  11. 地理环境与古埃及文明的关系成为埃及学领域研究的主要问题之一。

    The relation between geographical conditions and ancient Egyptian civilization has been an important problem in the study of Egypt . But as the writer knows , the research has some deficiencies .

  12. 埃及随之进入国力复兴的新时期,该时期被埃及学专家称为新王国时期。

    Followed a new phase of revival for Egypt , a period known to Egyptologists as the New Empire .

  13. 哈瓦斯继续说道,埃及学家卡尔·理查德·莱普修斯在上个世纪就记载了该金字塔,莱普修斯是德国埃及学家兼现代科学埃及学的创始人。

    Hawass added that the pyramid had been recorded in the last century by Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius , Lepsius was a German Egyptologist and a founder of modern scientific Egyptology .