
  • be admitted to;matriculate;be admitted into
被录取 [bèi lù qǔ]
  • [matriculate] 经过事先满足加入的必备条件和成功地通过考试之后正式注册加入一个团体、协会或公共机构(如学院或大学)

  1. 找份工作并被录取入学。

    Get a job and matriculate .

  2. 如果我想攻读学位,必须先被录取入学。

    I had to matriculate if I wanted to do a degree .

  3. 她只向一所大学提出申请并被录取了。

    She only applied to one university and was accepted .

  4. 如果你被录取了,到12月你就完成了整个痛苦的过程。

    And if you do , you 're done with the whole agonizing process by December .

  5. 当学生在招生过程的早期过于专注于某一所学校时,如果他们没有被录取,他们可能非常失望,或者如果他们被录取了,他们就必须要去这个学校,但若给他们时间进一步考虑的话,这个学校可能并不适合他们。

    When students become too fixated on a particular school early in the admissions process , that fixation can lead to severe disappointment if they don ’ t get in or , if they do , the possibility that they are now bound to go to a school that , given time for further reflection , may not actually be right for them .

  6. 你想出一个能让卡拉汉惊艳的东西,就会被录取。

    You come up with something that blows Callaghan away . You 're in .

  7. 他没有被录取。

    He wasn 't accepted into the program .

  8. 彼得的一个朋友在班里数一数二,她将眼光瞄准了耶鲁(Yale)——后来被录取了。

    A friend of Peter 's was ranked near the summit of their class ; she set her sights on Yale - and ended up there .

  9. 我目前还在等待XX大学会计专业的科学硕士录取结果,如果我被录取,会在今年秋季入学。

    I am currently awaiting admission results for ( BLOCKED ) Masters of Science in Accountancy program , which I would begin this fall if admitted .

  10. BroadResidency项目的校友们每年都会对该项目收上来的几千份简历进行审核,而且还会参与到项目的招募环节(约有一半被录取的项目参与者都是由校友提名的)。

    Alumni of the broad residency review the thousands of resumes submitted to the program each year and participate in recruiting ( approximately half of accepted residents come from alumni nominations ) .

  11. 在与进入医学院的朋友聊天时,他发现,来自哈佛(harvard)和哥伦比亚(columbia)等私立大学的犹太学生被录取了,与自己同校的非犹太人也被录取了。

    Talking to friends who did get into medical school , he discovered that Jewish students from private universities such as Harvard and Columbia had been accepted , as had non-Jewish friends at city college .

  12. 此外,这所商学院还将其作为MBA新生入学训练营,邀请已被录取的MBA学生报名学习,尤其是那些来自非传统专业,或者需要在入学前学习定量分析基础课程的学生。

    The school is also inviting admitted MBA students to enroll in the program as a pre-MBA boot camp experience , particularly for non-traditional admits or those who need more basic quantitative work before showing up on campus .

  13. 他的公司名为OxbridgeApplications,向希望提高被录取几率的申请者提供一系列服务,去年的营收达45万英镑,并以每年10%的速度增长。

    His company , Oxbridge Applications , reported a turnover of 450,000 last year and is growing by 10 per cent a year by offering a range of services to applicants who want to boost their chances of getting in .

  14. 要是我冷不丁地碰到你的申请书,我或许会说,鉴于你的GMAT成绩和在雅培制药的工作经验,你被录取的几率是40-50%。

    If I came across your application cold , I would have said your odds were 40-50 % , given your 790 GMAT and work experience at Abbott .

  15. 他是在第二年1月获悉自己被录取的,经过一个全面的背景调查后(这其中包括测谎和验血),贝克被确定选为FBI的实习生。

    He was informed in January of the following year that he was selected , and after a full background check which included a lie detector and blood test Baker was a confirmed intern for the FBI .

  16. 他申请了中欧国际工商学院(Ceibs)在北京的EMBA课程,但没有被录取,大概是因为我太年轻,缺乏经验。

    He applied to the China Europe International Business School ( Ceibs ) EMBA programme in Beijing , but was turned down probably because I was too young and inexperienced , he says .

  17. 我是刚好被录取的,只差一点点。

    I was barely accepted . I mean , really barely .

  18. 我们仍然对我们会被录取抱有一线希望。

    We were hoping against hoping that we would be enrolled .

  19. 可两次申请都没有被录取,令她郁闷。

    To her chagrin , however , she was rejected twice .

  20. 你知道吗,她从来没有想到她会被录取。

    You know , she never thought she had a chance .

  21. 他参加了入学考试但未被录取。

    He took the entrance exam but didn 't get in .

  22. 并被录取到耶鲁就读研究生

    and she 's headed off to Yale for her graduate degree

  23. 我想知道我是否能被录取。

    I wonder whether I am admissible to the program or not .

  24. 它将是我的选择如果我被录取的话。

    IMD would be my choice if I was admitted .

  25. 计划的第一步就是让每个人都被录取。

    The first step of the plan was to get everyone hired .

  26. 她已被录取到巴斯大学读商科。

    She 's been offered a place at bath to study business .

  27. 有些人到任何公司都会被录取。

    Some people can get an offer from just about any company .

  28. 这些学校实际上你一定会被录取的。

    Colleges to which you are virtually certain you will be admitted .

  29. 学校通知我我被录取了。

    The school informed me that I was selected .

  30. 你被录取为布朗大学的学生!

    You are admitted as a Brown University student !