
bèi dòng
  • passive;passivity;unactive
被动 [bèi dòng]
  • (1) [passive]

  • (2) 受外力推动而动

  • 被动轮

  • (3) 受他人的影响或牵制而发生行动

  • 被动局面

被动[bèi dòng]
  1. 即使被动接受该政权也是一种通敌行为。

    Even passive acceptance of the regime was a kind of collaboration .

  2. 正常词序在被动句中是颠倒的。

    The normal word order is reversed in passive sentences .

  3. 一名旅游者在喝了一杯被动了手脚的橙汁饮料后遭到了抢劫。

    A tourist was robbed after being given a drugged orange .

  4. 我希望我们的组织少一些被动反应,多一些积极主动。

    I want our organization to be less reactive and more proactive .

  5. 被动吸烟会有害健康。

    Passive smoking can be hazardous to health .

  6. 活动人士派发了有关被动吸烟的宣传页。

    Campaigners handed out leaflets on passive smoking .

  7. 不幸的事实是,儿童是被动吸烟的最大受害者。

    It 's a sad truth that children are the biggest victims of passive smoking .

  8. 被动吸烟也可能会致命。

    Passive smoking can be deadly too

  9. 失明的孩子在动作发展的这一方面往往比不失明的孩子更加被动。

    Blind children tend to be more passive in this area of motor development than sighted children .

  10. 由于11月份共和党重新控制了国会,工会领导人被推到更加被动防守的位置。

    The union leaders were pushed into a more defensive position by the return of a Republican Congress in November .

  11. 唯一的问题是,总统能否运用他杰出的政治手腕化被动为主动,击败对手。

    The only question is whether the President can use his extraordinary political skills to turn the tables on his opponents .

  12. 如果你事先作好准备,也不至于那么被动。

    If you had prepared in advance , you wouldn 't be in such an awkward position .

  13. 敌人于是就陷入了欲罢不能,而又不得不罢的被动地位。

    The enemy were thus reduced to a passive position in which they found it hard to give up the battle and yet had to give it up .

  14. 一着失算,全盘被动。

    A false step and the whole game becomes passive .

  15. “我通过被动的方式得到了更多的反馈”他说。

    " I 've had more feedback in a passive approach , " he says .

  16. 研究人员发现,在这样的经历后,即使一只动物能够对改变施加影响,它也会保持被动——这就是他们所谓的习得性无助。

    After such an experience an animal often remains passive even when it can effect change -- a state they called learned helplessness .

  17. "谢谢你友好的话,"他在回信中写道,"我知道你的意思,但放慢速度让我害怕。生活不是被动创造出来的,而是主动创造出来的。"

    " Thank you for your nice words , " he wrote in his letter back , " and I know what you meant , but slowing down scares me . Life isn 't having it made ; it 's getting it made . "

  18. 为什么?非消费活动是主动的,而不是被动的。

    Why ? Non-consuming activities are active , not passive .

  19. 不能刺激认知的“被动型”职业包含那些要求低、缺乏自主权的工作。

    Non-stimulating ' passive ' occupations included those with low demands and little decision-making power .

  20. 肉食女与干物女完全相反,是指积极到处找伴侣的女子,而她们的对象,正是“草食男”。“草食男”,特指那些个性被动、生性慵懒、不愿承担责任、害怕受伤的男性。

    As the opposite of dry-matter female , girls of prey would actively to shoulder responsibility and fearful of being hurt .

  21. 这部电影的情节如糖似蜜,女主角性格被动,只会傻笑,完全无视过去几十年来社会(包括迪士尼动画在内)已经向前走了很远。

    With its treacly plot and its simpering , passive heroine , it refused to acknowledge that society – and , for that matter , Disney cartoons – had moved on in the intervening decades .

  22. 他们发现,与收银员等被动型职业相比,律师、医生等要求高、自主性也更强的从业者患痴呆症的比例少三分之一。

    They spotted3 a third fewer cases of dementia among people who had engaging jobs which involved demanding tasks and more control — such as solicitors4 and doctors , compared to adults in ' passive ' roles — such as cashiers .

  23. 基于PC的廉价主被动驾驶模拟器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Low-cost PC-based Active and Passive Driving Simulator

  24. 亚硒酸钠和维生素E对被动吸烟小鼠抗氧化能力和精子的影响

    Effect of sodium selenite and vitamin E on antioxidant capacity and sperm in passive smoking mouse

  25. 稳定的简单结构被动调Q单脉冲单纵模激光器

    Stable and Simple Structure Passively Q-Switched Single-Longitudinal-Mode Laser

  26. Kalman滤波算法在被动跟踪中的应用

    Application of Kalman Filtering Algorithm in Passive Tracking

  27. 在输入一定激励信号的情况下,把模糊控制半主动悬架与被动悬架及PID控制半主动悬架的工作情况进行了比较。

    Under the input of certain actuating signals , FFC semi-active suspension is compared with non-active suspension and PID control semi-active suspension .

  28. 当V2的配价与其语义指向不对应时,就会产生使役和被动的歧义。

    When the valency of V_2 is not in correspondence with its semantic direction , it results the ambiguity between causative and passive .

  29. 用被动调Q激光器腔外倍频检验KTP的切割质量

    Incision Quality Checking of Double Frequency Crystal KTP by a Passively Q-Switched Laser Extra Cavity Double Frequency

  30. 生理性和病理性PSS、主动性和被动性PSS差异明显。

    There are significant differences between physiologic and pathologic PSS , active and passive PSS .