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bèi bǔ
  • be arrested;be under arrest
被捕 [bèi bǔ]
  • [be arrested] 受到逮捕

被捕[bèi bǔ]
  1. 并且告诉他你将以谋杀罪被捕。

    And tell him that you 're about to be arrested for murder .

  2. 一些挖矿工人由于害怕被捕而不想现身。

    Some miners appeared reluctant to emerge for fears they would be arrested .

  3. 反叛者中许多人被捕并遭受到秘密警察的酷刑。

    Many of the rebels were captured and tortured by secret police .

  4. 据报道已有数人被捕。

    It was reported that several people had been arrested .

  5. 越狱逃犯终于给追逼到地下汽车库,再次被捕。

    The escaped prisoners were eventually trapped in an underground garage and recaptured .

  6. 他因所属政党的关系而被捕。

    He was arrested because of his political affiliation .

  7. 她的儿子再次被捕,她就与他脱离了关系。

    When her son was arrested again she washed her hands of him .

  8. 她的被捕是国际合作的成果。

    Her arrest was a triumph of international cooperation .

  9. 一名男子因与该谋杀少年案有关而被捕。

    A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the teenager .

  10. 他被捕的消息引起了轰动。

    News of his arrest caused a sensation .

  11. 在一次清晨的突击搜查中,他们都被捕了。

    They were arrested during a dawn raid .

  12. 他因涉嫌谋杀而被捕。

    He was arrested on suspicion of murder .

  13. 她吸大麻被捕。

    She was arrested for smoking dagga .

  14. 她因涉嫌毒品犯罪而被捕。

    She was arrested for drug-related offences .

  15. 你被捕了!

    You 're nicked !

  16. 吉布斯于昨天凌晨被捕。

    Gibbs was arrested in the early hours of yesterday morning .

  17. 斯特拉福德警方拒绝对是否已有人被捕一事发表任何评论。

    Stratford police refuse to comment on whether anyone has been arrested

  18. 据说在那些被捕的人员中有两人自称是地区指挥官。

    Two of those arrested are said to be self-styled area commanders

  19. 警方称有7人因轻罪被捕。

    The police say seven people were arrested for minor offences .

  20. 他因受到贪污和蠹政的指控于去年12月被捕。

    He was arrested last December , accused of corruption and misrule

  21. 去年10月他被捕时,身上还带着一把血迹斑斑的刀。

    He was arrested last October still carrying a bloody knife

  22. 他现在已被正式告知了自己被捕的原因。

    He has now been formally given the grounds for his arrest .

  23. 他因涉嫌酒后驾车而被捕。

    He was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving .

  24. 她在叙述自己如何因为拒绝接受呼吸测试而被捕时再也控制不住情绪。

    She broke down describing how she was arrested for refusing a breath test

  25. 如果他再次被捕,将会被处以监禁。

    If he is caught again he will be given a custodial sentence .

  26. 基督徒因为试图改变他人信仰而被捕。

    Christians were arrested for trying to convert people , to proselytise them .

  27. 那条鱼在被捕到网里之前整整挣扎了20分钟,真是不可思议。

    The fish put up a spectacular 20 minute struggle before being netted .

  28. 被捕的那些人中有一人可能被判死刑。

    One of those arrested could face the death penalty

  29. 他于1979年因被诬告贪污而被捕。

    He was arrested in 1979 on spurious corruption charges

  30. 警方的报告称,他因涉嫌殴打妻子而被捕。

    The police report stated that he was arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife