
bèi dān
  • sheet;coverlet;coverlid;bed linen
被单 [bèi dān]
  • [sheet] 铺在床上或包絮被用的布

  • 每周换上干净的被单

被单[bèi dān]
  1. 他不喜欢白色,因此决定把被单染成绿色。

    He didn 't like white , so he decided to colour the sheet green .

  2. 这条被单的颜色是蓝中带点棕色。

    The color of the sheet is blue tinged with brown .

  3. 客人走后,我把被单床单全都撤了下来。

    After the guests had gone , I stripped all the beds .

  4. 这些被单是100%的纯棉。

    The sheets are 100 % pure cotton .

  5. 被单你换了吗?

    Have you changed the sheets ?

  6. 她在床上翻来覆去,把被单弄得乱成一团。

    She had tangled up the sheets on the bed as she lay tossing and turning .

  7. 被单摩擦着他的皮肤,简直像是酷刑。

    The friction of the sheets against his skin was torture

  8. 床上是干净的被单和暖和的毯子。

    The bed had clean sheets and warm blankets .

  9. 我钻到崭新洁净的被单底下。

    I slipped between the crisp clean sheets .

  10. 我们的被单枕套有点不够了。

    We 're a bit low on bed linen

  11. 正是由于稀奶油干酪具有丰富的营养物质,又是新鲜的软质干酪,所以它容易被单核增生李斯特菌(Listeriamonocytogenes)所污染。

    It is just because the rich nutrients and the soft texture that made it easy to be polluted by Listeria monocytogenes which is Monocyte hyperplasia bacteria .

  12. 我可以在睡房壁橱里放额外的被单。

    I could put the extra sheets in the bedroom closet .

  13. 他一生从未在被单下睡过。

    He had never slept under a sheet in his life .

  14. 她掀开被单给他看孩子。

    She turned down the sheet and showed him the child .

  15. 他每天都需要洗澡,被单也需要换。

    He 's to be bathed daily , his linens changed .

  16. 带家具的。但是我们自己有被单和毛巾。

    Furnished . But we have our own sheets and towels .

  17. 她顾及我会害臊而用一幅被单遮盖住自己的身子。

    She covered herself with a sheet , respecting my modesty .

  18. 要是下雨的话,记得收被单。

    Remember to take the bed sheets in if it rains .

  19. 小男孩正在学怎样给床铺被单。

    The little boy is learning how to sheet a bed .

  20. 一只母兽和她的幼崽双脚倒挂着就像毛茸茸的洗好的被单。

    A mother and child hung by their feet like furry laundry .

  21. 这些被单是我们的朋友侯爵的。

    These sheets once belonged to our friend the marquis .

  22. 你真运气。我甚至还找到了一条干净被单。

    You 're in luck . I even found a clean sheet .

  23. 把被单拉到一边,让病人的肋骨露出来。

    The sheet was drawn aside to reveal the patient 's ribs .

  24. 如果我可以为你找到一床被单。

    If I could just find you some different sheets .

  25. 我躺在集体寝室里的床上,蒙在被单下面哭泣。

    I lay in bed in the dormitory crying under the sheet .

  26. 她该卖透明的被单还是毛发蓬松的披肩?

    Should she sell sheer sheets or should she sell shaggy shawls ?

  27. 被单的褶子被拆散了;清楚地拆开衬衫的前襟。

    The sheet came untucked ; plain untucked shirt front .

  28. 我缝上一块块方形补丁,把被单上的洞补好了。

    I mended holes in the sheets by sewing on square patches .

  29. 他们为我买了一张大的床,另外还有被单。

    They bought me a large bed , and sheets to boot .

  30. 此被单木偶戏表演惟妙惟肖,扣人心弦。

    This bed sheet punch and judy show is lifelike , exciting .