
xié hé shì fēi jī
  • Concorde
  1. 人们都知道协和式飞机绝赚不了大钱。

    People knew that Concorde would never be a commercial success .

  2. 苏联人实际上在飞协和式飞机前就飞过超音速飞机。

    The Russians actually flew a supersonic transport before the Concorde .

  3. 这一行程中最大的享受就是乘坐协和式飞机。

    The ultimate luxury of the trip was flying in Concorde .

  4. 协和式飞机是第一架超音速客机。

    Concorde was the first passenger aircraft to fly at supersonic speed .

  5. 美国百般抵制协和式飞机。

    Has put up so much resistance to concorde .

  6. 1976年的今天,首架用于商业用途的协和式飞机起飞了。

    1976-The first commercial service Concorde flight took off .

  7. 协和式飞机开创了空中旅行的新纪元。

    Concorde inaugurated a new era in aeroplane travel .

  8. 协和式飞机使空军旅行速度翻倍。

    The Concorde doubled the speed for airline travel .

  9. 协和式飞机比大多数飞机飞得高。

    Concorde flies much higher than most aeroplanes .

  10. 1977年的今天,超音速协和式飞机首次在纽约市着陆。

    In1977 , the supersonic Concorde made its first landing in New York City .

  11. 协和式飞机把来往于世界一些大城市之间的飞行时间缩短了一半。

    The Concorde has halved travel time between some of world 's major cities .

  12. 协和式飞机是超音速的商务飞机。

    The Concorde is a commercial supersonic aircraft .

  13. 如果乘搭协和式飞机旅行,纽约和巴黎几乎邻居。

    If we travel by Concorde , New xIelwork and Paris are virtually neighbours .

  14. 英国航空公司计划宣布其公司所属的7架协和式飞机的保存地点。

    British Airways plans to announce where its fleet of seven Concordes will be kept .

  15. 他们对学校的需要程度远远超过对新式武器或对改进协和式飞机的需要。

    They need schools far more than they need new weapons or refinements to coneorde .

  16. 对其进行改进的预期成本极高,这可能会导致协和式飞机永远退役。

    The anticipated high costs of improvements may result in the Concorde never flying in regular service again .

  17. 增程飞行器高超声速飞行的动态特性这一行程中最大的享受就是乘坐协和式飞机。

    Dynamic Characteristics of Hypersonic Flight for Increasing Range Vehicles The ultimate luxury of the trip was flying in Concorde .

  18. 当协和式飞机停止飞行时,航空爱好者将获得另一个可以欣赏的展览品。

    Concorde Goes to the Museum Aviation1 fans are going to have another spectacle to enjoy when Concorde2 stops flying .

  19. 协和式飞机的飞行速度比声速还快。降低飞行器飞行速度的小降落伞或连接的副翼。

    Concorde travels faster than sound . a small parachute or articulated flap to reduce the speed of an aircraft .

  20. 关于基桩声波透射法声速判据的探讨协和式飞机的飞行速度比声速还快。

    Study on the Sound Velocity Criterion of Cross Hole Sonic Logging in Pile Foundation Testing Concorde travels faster than sound .

  21. 协和式飞机的出色技术令人叹服,但其不稳定的经济效益却始终无法回收其来自税收的数十亿美元的投资。

    It was hailed as a technological marvel but its economics were shaky and it never made back the billions of tax dollars invested in it .

  22. 百事可乐公司开始寻找一种引人注目的方式做广告,所以他们决定将公司的形象放在协和式飞机的机身上。

    Pepsi began looking for a spectacular way to advertise their products , so they decided to put the company image on the fuselage of a Concorde .

  23. 协和式飞机航程有限,而且对其经由陆地上空发出轰鸣声有严格的禁令,因此它只能主要往返于大西洋两岸。

    The Concorde 's limited range , and rules that forbade it from setting off sonic booms over land meant it mostly stuck to its transAtlantic back and forth .

  24. “9·11”恐怖袭击两个月后,通过检查的协和式飞机恢复了航行,然而此时正值航空业的一次最大萧条期以及全球经济不景气。

    Overhauled Concordes returned to service two months after the Sept.11 terrorist attacks , in the middle of one of aviation 's worst slumps and a miserable global economy .

  25. 目前为止,超音速飞机始终存在音爆问题,当飞机的速度超过音速时,就会发生音爆。初代协和式飞机就让人们普遍认识到这点。

    Until now , the problem with such planes has been the sonic boom , made famous by the original Concorde . That happens when a plane reaches supersonic speeds .

  26. 7月25日,一架飞往纽约的法航协和式飞机在起飞后不久撞入巴黎市外一家旅馆,造成113人遇难,其中包括4名地面人员。

    July 25 : Air France Concorde en route for New York crashes into a hotel outside Paris shortly after takeoff , killing 113 people , including four on the ground .

  27. 正是这些负面影响引发的不满导致美国国会禁止了超音速飞机在美国国内飞行,这个决定继而部分导致了协和式飞机不能继续商用,最终停飞。

    It was irritation with that effect that led Congress to ban such planes from being used over US land , a decision that in turn was partly responsible for Concorde failing to be commercially viable and getting mothballed .

  28. 新型超音速飞机将在17000米的高空飞行,飞行高度比普通飞机要高得多,其发出声音只有60分贝,远小于协和式飞机的90分贝,与高速公路上行驶的汽车和热闹餐馆里的音量大致相当。

    That plane will fly as high as 55000 feet - far higher than normal planes - and make a sound of only 60 decibels . That 's far less than the 90 decibels thrown out by Concorde , and is roughly in line with a car on the motorway or a busy restaurant .

  29. 最后名为“协和式”的超音速飞机。

    A supersonic aeroplane , eventually named the concorde .