
  • 网络Covariance function;Autocovariances Function
  1. 传统的风浪谱估计方法FFT法假定在所取时间滞后数乘机之外其协方差函数为零,在周期图中假定所取数据长度为一完整周期。

    Traditional spectrum estimation method , Fast Fourier Transform , assumes that the covariance function out of the computation domain is regarded as zero , the period histogram is considered to be the whole period .

  2. 分数布朗运动的协方差函数被用来估计自然纹理特征的Hurst系数和常数k。

    The covariance function of fractional Brownian motion was proposed to estimate the Hurst coefficient and constant k which are used to character the natural textures .

  3. 表明:基于氨基酸组成和有偏自协方差函数为特征矢量的BP神经网络预测蛋白质二级结构含量的方法可有效提高预测精度。

    It is shown that the BP neural network method combined with the amino-acid composition and the biased auto-covariance function features could effectively improve the prediction accuracy .

  4. 本文在平稳时序的离散模型基础上,利用自协方差函数、自谱函数、Green函数及频率特性,将离散模型转换为连续模型,并研究了这些转换之间的关系。

    Based on a discrete model for stationary time series , the auto-covariance function , auto-spectrum function , Green 's function and frequency characteristics are used to transform the discrete model of time series into a continuous one . The relationships between these transformations are investigated .

  5. 用Hanning权函数平滑协方差函数和用Hanning谱窗函数平滑海浪谱;

    To smooth the covariance function by Harming weighting function and to smooth the wave spectrum by Harming spectra window function ;

  6. 针对MAR模型导出其自协方差函数的递推关系式及计算谱密度的算法,从而从理论上解决了这一模型的谱分析问题。

    This paper derived the recursive formula of autocovariance function and a three-stage algorithm of computing spectral density of MAR model , thus we solved spectral analysis problem of MAR model .

  7. 在标准化互协方差函数图中,PC-SS自发放电无明显波峰;

    In the NCCVF ( normalized cross-covariance function ) histogram , spontaneous PC-SS does not show obvious peak .

  8. 依据平稳随机过程&高斯过程的相关性质,利用其自协方差函数和TEC时间系列,构建了独立同标准正态分布的观测样本,并利用x~2假设检验的方法来探测电离层异常现象。

    Based on this fact , here we made use of the time series of TEC and the auto-covariance function of the stationary process to construct independent identical distribution Gauss sample so that the X ~ 2 test can be used to detect the abnormity hidden in the sequence .

  9. 本文给出按0-1分布规律丢失值的平稳序列自协方差函数估计的渐近协方差,其结界主要是公式(9)及(10),类似于通常的Bartlett公式。

    In this paper , we give estimated asymptotic covariance of autocovariance function of stationary series with missed value of 0 & 1 distribution . The results are formulas ( 9 ) and ( 10 ), which are similar to general bartlett 's formula .

  10. 二阶矩模糊随机过程协方差函数的性质

    Properties of Covariance Function for Second Order Moment Fuzzy Stochastic Process

  11. 正态随机过程平方的协方差函数的计算

    The Calculation of Covariance Function of Square of Normal Stochastic Process

  12. 不同额外随机效应对估计协方差函数的影响

    Influences of Different Additional Random Effects on Estimating Covariance Functions

  13. 局部重力异常协方差函数逼近

    Approximations of local covariance function s of gravity anomaly

  14. 地图数字化位置误差的协方差函数

    Covariance Function of Place Error for Map Digitizing Data

  15. 协方差函数法的海浪谱估计

    The Estimation of Wave Spectra by Co-Variance Functional Method

  16. 对协方差函数的意义和应用做了讨论。

    Significance and application of covariance functions are discussed .

  17. 中国西门塔尔牛测定日产奶量性状协方差函数估计

    Estimation of covariance functions for test day milk yield records of Chinese Simmental cows

  18. 确定时间序列协方差函数的方法

    Method for Determining Covariance Functions of Time Series

  19. 协方差函数的待定参数对最小二乘拟合推估精度的影响

    Influence of the parameter of covariance function on result of the least squares collocation

  20. 协方差函数拟合高程异常方法探析

    Discussion of the methods of the covariance function prediction for the fitting of abnormal height

  21. 用随机回归模型估计SD-Ⅱ系猪体重的遗传和表型协方差函数

    Estimating Genetic and Phenotypic Covariance Functions for Body Weight of SD - ⅱ Swine Line

  22. 导出了系统各点随机信号的自协方差函数、功率谱密度函数;

    Auto-covariances and power spectral density of the stochastic signals at every point in the systems ;

  23. 协方差函数的抗差拟合

    Robust Fitting of Covariance Function

  24. 在反演中引入新的先验协方差函数,使得沿大圆路径积分较为容易;

    Applying a new prior covariance function the integrals along a great circle path is easy to compute .

  25. 由协方差函数的统计特征,可给出核函数的参数估计。

    According to the statistic characteristic of covariance function , parameter estimation can be given for kernel function .

  26. 降价配合涉及的参数比较少,同时能够很好地缓和协方差函数估计值间的差异。

    What was more , a reduced order fit involved less parameters and smoothed out differences in estimates of covariance .

  27. 本文通过对航空重力测量数据的分析,建立起具有空间相关特性的空间协方差函数模型。

    By the analysis of airborne gravity measurement data , this paper constructs a space covariance function model with spatial characteristics .

  28. 本文通过空间扰动位协方差函数特性,得出卫星重力梯度数据与引力位系数的相关协方差函数。

    Least Squares Collocation is used to educe the function that can directly compute gravitational potential coefficient by satellite gravity gradiometry data .

  29. 讨论了不同湍流强度、波长和传播距离对强度协方差函数和归一化强度方差的影响。

    The influence of turbulence strength , wavelength and propagating distance on the covariance function and normalized variance of the scattering intensity is discussed .

  30. 此外,文章还对如何更好地确定局部地区扰动位及其泛函的协方差函数作了讨论;

    In addition , how to determine well the covariance of the disturbing potential and its functionals in a local area is also discussed .