
  • 网络coordination failure
  1. 信息瀑与协调失灵&一个基于网络外部性的经济理论的产生及其进展

    Informational Cascade and Coordination Failure & A Survey of a Theory Based on Network Externality

  2. 因此,分析协调失灵产生的原因、探究矫正协调失灵的机制或途径,是研究经济发展问题的一个重要视角。

    Therefore , to analyze the causes of coordination failure and probe correction mechanism or path is an important way to study economic problems .

  3. 更大的问题在于较大的几个全球经济体出现一连串协调失灵,影响到货币、财政和汇率政策。

    A bigger problem lies in a set of co-ordination failures among the larger global economies , affecting monetary , fiscal and exchange rate policies .

  4. 股东与经理之间的分工导致信息不对称,为消除信息不对称、为减少股东与经理之间交易协调失灵的风险,需要证券市场信息披露制度。

    The division of labor between shareholders and managers leads to information asymmetry . In order to eliminate the information asymmetry , to decrease the risk for coordinate failure , information disclosure system is terribly needed .