
  • 网络collaboration;collaborative;Cooperative;cooperation
  1. 移动Agent技术的智能性、自主性、移动性、协作性为电子商务的发展提供了新的解决方案,将其应用到电子商务中,显然比基于传统分布式计算技术的电子商务系统具有明显的优势。

    The intelligence , autonomy , mobility and collaboration of Mobile Agent provide a new solution for the development of E-commerce .

  2. 协作性(Collaboration):这是在开发小组环境中必不可少的部分,因此您需要工作流和版本控制。

    Collaboration : This is indispensable in a team environment , so you need work flow and version control .

  3. 提出有趣的问题似乎是一种可以转移的技能,能够深化针对展品中发现的科学内容的协作性研究。

    Asking juicy questions appears to be a transferable skill for deepening collaborative inquiry into the science content found in exhibits .

  4. 为了共享项目以进行协作性开发,您可以右击性能测试项目,然后点击Team>ShareProject。

    To share a project for collaborative development , right-click the performance test project , and then click Team > Share Project .

  5. RationalTeamConcert为项目团队管理提供了一个强有力的协作性开发环境。

    Rational Team Concert provides a strong collaborative development environment for project team management .

  6. RationalTeamConcert是下一代的协作性程序生命周期管理产品。

    Rational Team Concert is one of the next-generation collaborative application life cycle management products .

  7. 系统还利用Agent的自治性和协作性来完成用户的个性化搜索。

    This system also utilizes autonomy of agent and person who cooperate come and finish individualized search of information .

  8. 基于SOA构架研发的农民健康档案信息系统,具有可扩展性和协作性的良好架构。

    The rural healthcare record information system is developed by SOA frameworks with good extensibility and collaboratively .

  9. 这款软件是一种协作性的,基于Web的质量管理方案,它能够提供综合性的测试计划,双方测试,并能与自动测试工具相集成。

    It is a collaborative , Web-based , quality management solution that offers comprehensive test planning , manual testing , and integration with automated test tools .

  10. 我们建议使用好的协作性评审软件,与RationalTeamConcert相集成,以追踪评审之中所发现的缺陷。

    We suggest using good collaborative review software , integrated with Rational Team Concert , to track defects found in reviews .

  11. 基于Agent技术的虚拟仪器,除了继承虚拟仪器的优点外,还具有一定的适应性、协作性和学习性。

    The virtual instrument based on agent technique has such characteristics like adaptability , coordinative and learnable abilities except these inherent advantages of virtual instrument .

  12. 与之类似,您可以安装为RationalTeamConcert客户端调试扩展,它提供了协作性的或者团队调试功能。

    Similarly , you can install the Debug Extension for Rational Team Concert Client , which provides Collaborative or Team debug functionality .

  13. 而Agent特有的自治性、协作性等为自重构机器人的控制策略提供了一种新的思路。

    Furthermore , it that Agent has special automation , collaboration and so on , gives a new idea for the control strategy of the self-reconfigurable robot .

  14. 城市交通是一个复杂系统,agent特有的自治性、协作性等特点,为进行仿真提供了更好的方法。

    Urban transportation is very complex . For its autonomy and cooperation , agent provides a better way to take the simulation of the traffic system than others .

  15. Google是一个协作性公司,并鼓励它全球的工程师对现有的产品进行创新并研发新的产品。

    Google was a collaborative company that wanted its engineers around the world to innovate on its existing products and create exciting new ones .

  16. Jazz是一种可评测,可扩展的团队协作性平台,它将软件开发生命周期之间的任务集成了起来。

    Jazz is a scalable , extensible team-collaboration platform that integrates tasks across the software life cycle .

  17. 如果您想要学习更多关于IBM协作性应用生命周期管理(C/ALM)及其支持的产品版本内容的话,您可以查看参考资料部分。

    To learn more about IBM Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management ( C / ALM ) and supported product versions , see the Resources section .

  18. 美国是实施学校健康教育较早的国家之一,在学校健康教育的发展过程中,一个协作性学校健康计划(CoordinatedSchoolHealthProgram)逐渐孕育而生。

    The United States in one of the countries that implemented school health education , and with the development of school heath education , Coordinated School Health Program came into being .

  19. 使用客户端点击操作来开发交流性强和协作性高的portlets

    Designing portlets that interact and co-operate using Client-Side Click-to-Action

  20. 使用一个协作性的程序生命周期管理(ALM)方案。

    Leverage a collaborative Application Lifecycle Management ( ALM ) solution .

  21. 基于OLE技术,通过在VB应用程序中使用Office组件对象,可以充分发挥各软件的协作性,提高MIS开发效率。

    Based on OLE technology , the use of office components objects in VB program can exert collaboration level between different softwares .

  22. 针对在线学习的协作性和友好性等情况,本文在基于网络的学习系统基础上,采用Ajax技术改进在线学习系统来研究相关问题。

    With a web-based learning system , this paper use Ajax technology to improve online learning system and study the related issues .

  23. 系统构件化可以使其形成统一的调用接口,解决系统的异构性,而使用Agent技术,可以提高系统的灵活性和协作性。

    Components of the system can form a unified interface , which can solve the heterogeneity problem of the system . And using Agent technology can improve flexibility and collaborative of the systems .

  24. 协作性风格的MDM支持定义、创建和同步主数据。

    The collaborative style of MDM supports the definition , creation , and synchronization of master data .

  25. 它还是使用Jazz集成结构的协作性ALM集成的基本原则。

    It is also the foundation principle for Collaborative ALM integrations that use the Jazz Integration Architecture .

  26. 如果您想要使用ClearQuest中的变更管理工作流程,来实施协作性应用生命周期管理的话,那么您可以选择ClearQuestBridge。

    Choose the ClearQuest Bridge if you want to implement Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management using links to a change management workflow in ClearQuest .

  27. RationalQualityManager是在Jazz平台的基础之上构建的,Jazz平台是一种协作性的,基于角色的,业务驱动的环境,它能够提供用于工作流程控制,追踪以及评价报告的工具。

    Rational Quality Manager is built on the Jazz platform , a collaborative , role-based , business-driven environment that provides tools for workflow control , tracking , and metrics reporting .

  28. e-Learning具有很多鲜明的特点,如交互性、超媒性、虚拟性、跟踪性、智能性、时效性、协作性等。

    There are many outstanding characteristics in e-learning , such as mutuality , hyper-media , virtual reality , tracking , collaboration etc.

  29. 这适合于协作性ALM方法。

    This fits the Collaborative ALM approach .

  30. 协作性程序生命周期的这种方法可以使用ALM方案来从ClearQuest获得。

    This approach to Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management is available in ClearQuest by using the ALM schema .