
  • 网络Planning
  1. 具有优秀的营销技巧,较强的销售策划能力和运作能力;

    Have an excellent sales skills , strong sales planning abilities and operating capabilities ;

  2. 都市报的核心竞争能力是新闻信息策划能力+新闻信息采编能力。

    The core competition capability is " news planning ability + news editing ability " .

  3. 如果说表情符号鼓励的是视觉上的双关俏皮和异想天开的并置,那么GIF激发的是锐利的策划能力。

    If emoji encourage visual puns and whimsical juxtapositions , GIFs inspire a sharp curatorial sensibility .

  4. 切忌对自己策划能力盲目乐观。

    You need to have humility about your own ability to plan things .

  5. 具有较强的组织、策划能力,能合理地利用各种资源。

    Good planning and organization skill and use all the resources in reason .

  6. 营销管理方面:A、较强的市场分析能力与策划能力;

    Marketing Management : A strong market analysis ability and the ability to plan ;

  7. 试论少数民族地区高校学报编辑选题策划能力的培养

    Cultivation of topic-choosing ability of journal editors in Colleges and universities in the Minority Regions

  8. 具有创新精神和策划能力是编辑工作的生命。

    The soul of the editorial work is the innovative spirit and the ability of planning .

  9. 具备较为丰富的市场操作经验和策划能力,敏锐的洞察力和应变力。

    Has the richer market operation to experience and to plan ability , keen insight and contingency power .

  10. 是否懂得如何与他人沟通、脑知识、作能力、售技巧以及活动策划能力也是一样的。

    The same goes for communications savvy , computer know-how , writing proficiency , sales knack and event planning .

  11. 产品系统管理与市场营销策划能力对制造业管理者绩效有良好的预测力。

    Analyzing the relation between Manufacturing management competence and performance by stepwise regression reveals that product systematical management and marketing are important .

  12. 她正在磨练自己的活动策划能力,打算在游泳退役后投身于该领域。

    She is honing her skills in event planning , a field she plans to venture into once she retires as a professional swimmer .

  13. 同时,实验室主任应具备良好的策划能力,沟通能力,组织能力和语言表达能力,要有良好的个人形象。

    At the same time , he should have good abilities of plan , communication , organization , expression and a good personal stature .

  14. 《北京晚报》、《北京青年报》、《京华时报》的核心产品都来自于核心竞争能力&新闻信息策划能力和采编能力,只是各报的核心竞争能力侧重点不同。

    Beijing Evening Beijing Youth and JingHua Times have the same core competition capability-news planning ability , news gathering ability , and news editing ability .

  15. 公司一贯秉承以卓越的策划能力和设计理念为基础,以提升客户形象与品牌价值为目标。

    Our company insists on that based on predominant mastermind and design ability all along time and aim at promoting the enterpries visualize and brand value of the clients .

  16. 普通话优良,善于交流和表达有较强的组织能力、活动策划能力,良好的人际沟通能力。

    The common speech is good , being good at exchanges and expression to have the stronger organizational skill , activity plan the ability , good competence in interpersonal communication .

  17. 在工作上,我曾担任过学校的组织部成员,有活动组织策划能力和人际交往能力,同时积极参加各种社会实践活动。

    At work , I have served as members of the Organization Department of the school , activities and organizations planning capacity interpersonal skills , and actively participate in social practice .

  18. 探讨了图书馆宣传队伍的组织和素质建设问题,强调宣传人员应掌握宣传对象心理,具备一定的宣传策划能力及娴熟的宣传表达能力。

    This paper probes into the organizational construction and quality construction of library propaganda team , and emphasizes that the propagandists should master the psychology of the propaganda objects and possess certain propaganda planning ability and propaganda expressing ability .

  19. 面对竞争,平面媒体应当准确定位赛事信息受众群体和传播内容,培育传媒人才队伍,强化平面媒体的新闻策划能力,做好媒体间的竞合工作以及确立自己的报道资源优势。

    So the plane media should locate the acceptor and the news content exactly , cultivate a outstanding media contingent , strengthen the news plotting ability , do the best in the competition and cooperation of different media and establish the advantage of news source .

  20. 要迎接21世纪的挑战,提高学报质量,使学报赢得市场、服务社会,学报编辑应着重提高学习能力、创新的能力和策划能力

    Journal editors should lay stress on heightening his ability to study science and technology , to make innovations and to plan his work in order that they can strengthen the quality of the journal , gain the market , serve the society and accept the challenge of the 21st century

  21. 较强的市场洞察分析和策划创新能力。

    Strong capability of market analysis , corporate strategy , and creativity .

  22. 术主要由文字能力、校对能力、装帧设计素养和策划运作能力组成。

    " The technique " mainly is composed of the writing ability , the checkup ability , the binding and layout accomplishment and plans the operation ability .

  23. ETS个人潜力指数评估的6项个人素质分别包括:“知识与创造力”、“沟通技巧”、“团队合作能力”、“应变能力”、“策划和组织能力”与“道德与诚信度”。

    The six personal attributes captured by ETS PPI are Knowledge and Creativity ; Communication Skills ; Teamwork ; Resilience ; Planning and Organisation ; and Ethics and Integrity .

  24. 有强大的媒体策划和执行能力。

    A strong media planning and implementation capacity .

  25. 有一定的财务知识,较强的策划、提案能力和客户管理能力;

    Certain financial knowledge , high ability of plan , proposal and clients management .

  26. 研究学习策略,提高活动的策划和组织能力。

    Study learning strategies , and improve the ability of planning and organizing learning activities .

  27. 优秀的策划和组织能力。

    Well-developed planning and organisation skills .

  28. 卡特表示,网络攻击手段将着眼于扰乱他们指挥武装力量的能力,干扰他们策划阴谋的能力,削弱他们的财力以及雇用士兵的能力。

    Carter said the cyber tactics would look to disrupt " their ability to command their forces , interrupting their ability to plot , " and hamper " their finances , their ability to pay people . "

  29. 洲信拥有强大的互联网及移动通信方面的技术优势、领先的业务策划及运营能力,在移动增值运营业务领域具有强大的实力及丰富经验。

    The technical advantage that continent letter has powerful Internet and mobile side , banner business plan reachs operation capacity , powerful actual strength and rich experience are had in domain of business of mobile appreciation operation .

  30. 这些方法应证实过程实现所策划的结果的能力。

    These methods shall demonstrate the ability of the processes to achieve planned esults .