
cè wèn
  • question-and-answer style of writing;testing exam candidates in both classics and current political topics
策问 [cè wèn]
  • [questions and answers on politics] 古代以对答形式考试的一种文体,内容以经义、政事为主,与今之论文答辩略有类似之处

  1. 其策问内容既反映出不同时期的关注重点也反映出三朝皇帝的为政风格。

    The policy question is both reflected in different periods , also reflects the focus towards the emperor for the three political style .

  2. 这就需要我们从制策与士子对策两方面探究殿试策问与时政的关系。

    This requires us to countermeasures from the system policy and Scholars explore both policy and successful candidates , the relationship between Q and current affairs .

  3. 殿试策问始于唐武后时期,宋代渐成定制,经过元明的发展改进,臻于完善。

    Successful candidates , in the Tang Dynasty Empress Wu asked the policy period , gradually became custom Song , Yuan and Ming through the development of improved , greatly improved .

  4. “殿试策问”作为科举考试的一个重要环节,不仅具有衡才选士的价值,更具有很强的时政性。

    As an important aspect of the imperial civil service examination ," Cewen " not only has the value of electing talented persons , but also has intense relationship with current politics .

  5. 清承明制,清代策问沿袭前朝,更趋于时政性,问题也越来越具体,涉及的问题渐趋广泛。

    Qing Cheng Ming system in the Qing Dynasty followed the former policy question , tends to be more current affairs and sexual problems are also more specific issues involved become more widespread .

  6. 康熙后期策问开始流于形式,虽然同治、光绪时期做了调整但是仍未挽回消亡的命运,1905年废科举以后,殿试策问也随之废止了。

    Asked the late Kangxi began making a mere formality , although chih , Kuang Hsu period was adjusted , but still did not restore the fate of extinction , after the 1905 abolition of the examination , successful candidates , also will repeal the policy question .