
  1. 这个技能支撑着二十一世纪人脸识别软件的巨大前景。

    This skill is what supports the enormous promise of facial-recognition software in the 2lst century .

  2. 并列为二十一世纪全球最大经济体国家。

    the world 's largest economies in the 21st century .

  3. 我们生活在二十一世纪。

    We live in the 21st century .

  4. 半导体发光二极管(LightEmittingdiode,LED)是二十一世纪最具发展前途的一种新型绿色固体光源。

    Light emitting diode ( LED ) is one of the most promising green solid light sources in the twenty-first century .

  5. 在二十一世纪初,SETI@home和HumanGenomeProject等项目利用了数千台计算机的计算能力来解决复杂的问题。

    It was the early2000s when projects like SETI @ home and the Human Genome Project harnessed the power of thousands of computers to work on complex problems .

  6. 二甲醚(DME)被誉为二十一世纪的清洁能源。

    DME is considered as a clean fuel in the 21st century .

  7. TFT技术挑战二十一世纪

    The Technology of TFT Strides Forward 21st Century

  8. 二十一世纪初,安然事件的发生带来了《萨班斯&奥克斯利法案》(SOX法案)。

    Early 21st century , Enron happened to bring the Sarbanes-Oxley Act ( SOX Act ) .

  9. 二十一世纪,无线移动通信技术的发展可谓突飞猛进,特别是3G技术在全球范围内发展势头强劲。

    In 21st century , the development of wireless mobile communication technology is rapidly ; especially the 3G technology in the context of global has strong momentum .

  10. 通过对银行装修设计特点的介绍,论述了二十一世纪的现代银行企业发展特征对装修优化设计的要求:通过实施CⅠ工程标准,强化了规范化管理,增强了设计实施的力度。

    This paper introduces the characteristics of bank decoration design , states the decoration optimum design demands of modern bank enterprise in 21 century . It also strengthening standardized management and improving design level through the performing of CI engineering standards .

  11. 高性能混凝土(HPC)是二十一世纪混凝土技术的发展方向和混凝土材料的研究热点。

    High performance concrete ( HPC ) is the direction of concrete technology in 21st century and a hot point of concrete materials research .

  12. 进入二十一世纪,随着现代社会的信息化程度越来越深入,Internet的规模不断增大,各种各样的网络服务争相涌现,尤其是先进的多媒体系统层出不穷。

    In the 21st century , along with the modern society becomes to be information-based more and more , the scope of Internet augments continuously , all kinds of network services come forth one bye one , especially advanced multimedia systems emerge in endlessly .

  13. 虚拟现实技术(virtualReality,简称VR)是近十几年发展起来的高新技术,被称为二十一世纪对人类有巨大影响的十大高新技术之一。

    Virtual reality is a new and advanced technology that has developed in the last ten years , which is considered as one of the ten new and advanced technologies that will greatly influence human in 21st century .

  14. 进入二十一世纪,面对经济金融全球化速度的加快、客户需求的日趋多样、信息技术的日新月异和WTO背景下更加激烈的同业竞争,国内银行业掀起了一股比上世纪更为声势浩大的信息化革命浪潮。

    Along with the 2000s ' coming , accompanied with globalization of economy and finance , multiplicity of customer requirement , revolutionary development of information technology and drastic competition under WTO-background , there appears the revolution of informationalization in domestic banking which is more spectacular than last century .

  15. E&hing(电子学习)概念正在成为全球企业、教育机构和政府机构认真对待的新事物。E-Learning的全球发展趋势和商业化运作将成为二十一世纪重要的教育变革。

    The concept of E-learning becomes a new thing that the global corporation , educational department and government pay serious attention to the global trend and business trend of E-learning will become the most important education revolution in the 21st century .

  16. 现在是二十一世纪,一封底部带有10k字节旧文字的邮件不会淹没你的邮箱的(每天两万封的垃圾邮件正在出色地完成这件事,谢谢)。

    It 's the21st century : an email with an extra10k of old text at the bottom of it isn 't going to swamp my mailer ( the20,000 daily spams are doing that very nicely , thank you ) .

  17. 面向二十一世纪机械工业管理自动化技术展望

    Expectation of automatic management technology for mechanical industry on 21st century

  18. 二十一世纪竞争的第一要素是服务。

    Service is the key element of competition in 21 century .

  19. 二十一世纪新农药研发趋势

    The Development and Research Trend of New Pesticide in 21 Century

  20. 二十一世纪以来,中国电视媒体竞争激烈。

    Since21th century , Chinese television medium competitions are very vehemence .

  21. 二十一世纪经济林生产和科研的发展趋势

    Trend of Non-Timber Forestry Production and Research in the 21st Century

  22. 二十一世纪初的农村扶贫开发

    The Aid-the-Rural-Poor Program in the Early Period of the 21st Century

  23. 面向二十一世纪加快创新人才的培养

    Facing the 21st Century , Accelerate the Training of Innovative Talents

  24. 这就是活在二十一世纪的当代管家生活中的一天。

    Such is a day in the life of the 21st-century butler .

  25. 日记,我已经发明了二十一世纪没有基础发明的生活。

    Diary , I 've invented the21st century invention-free life .

  26. 面向二十一世纪的高校知识产权的获取和保护

    Obtaining and Protection of University Intellectual Properties facing 21st Century

  27. 葡萄酒二十一世纪的阳光产业访中国长城葡萄酒有限公司副总经理奚德智

    Wine is the Sunlight Industry in the 21 st Century

  28. 二十一世纪已经走过将近十个年头。

    The twenty-first century has gone through nearly 10 years .

  29. 在二十一世纪,我相信人类会成为超级英雄。

    In this 21st century , I believe humans will become superheroes .

  30. 二十一世纪被称为生物技术世纪。

    The 21st century is called " Biotechnology Century " .