
  1. 杞国人听后,顿感放心,他的朋友见状,也如释负重,开心异常。

    After hearing this , the man set his heart at ease instantly , the sight of which delighted his friend who was also relieved .

  2. 春秋时代,杞国有一个喜欢胡思乱想的人。

    In the Spring and Autumn Period , in the State of Qi there was a man who always let his imagination run away with him .

  3. 宣夜说传说战国时期,杞国有一个人听说天是由气体形成的,日月星辰就漂浮其中之后,他非常担心天体会掉下来,让他无处躲藏,于是整日忧心忡忡,茶饭不思。

    As a legend goes , during the Warring States Period , a man from the Qi State , having known that the heaven was constituted of gas , in which the moon and stars floated , feared the heaven might collapse one day .