
  • 网络Strategic Investor
  1. 作为对近几十年来需求刺激策略投资者隐约猜测,今后情况也将一如既往的回应,许多行业的供应潜力大幅提高。

    In response to demand stimulus over recent decades , with investors implicitly assuming that the future would be like the recent past , there has been a massive increase in supply potential in many industries .

  2. 股市狂热遭受了几次巨大的冲击,除了两波熊市外,市场的巨幅震荡也让采取买进并持有策略的投资者难受到了极点,苏格兰皇家银行的证券分析师艾伦·鲁斯金(AlanRuskin)说。

    The cult of equity has taken some big knocks , and aside from the two bear markets , the sheer volatility was very hard for buy-and-hold investors to stomach , Alan Ruskin , strategist at RBS Securities , said .

  3. 许多采用买进并持有策略的投资者抛售该股。

    Many buy-and-hold investors bailed out .

  4. 这一理论的经济意义是选择最优投资策略的投资者将是市场选择过程唯一的幸存者,将拥有整个市场财富。

    The significance this result brought is the investor who selects this strategy will be the only survivor and dominate total market wealth .

  5. 债券互换一种投资策略,投资者出售一种债券,同时利用出售的收益买入另一种债券。

    Bond swap a strategy whereby an investor sells a bond and at the same time purchases a different bond with the proceeds from the sale .

  6. 以处于劣势的人为代价而有利于拥有特权者的税法这个策略让投资者在股市走势不明朗时,趁起落赚利。

    Tax laws that favored the privileged at the expense of the disadvantaged . This strategy takes advantage of the up and down cycles in a market that is going nowhere .

  7. 通过实证分析,找出证券的最优化组合,即给出有效前沿,借助风险度量VAR进行评价,最后得出结论和投资策略,为投资者提供现实的理论指导。

    We search for the optimization of portfolio and effect boundary through demonstration . Get the conclusions and investment strategies from VAR risk measurement and guide the investors in practice at last .

  8. 因此,选择最优出清策略同样是投资者投资决策中不可或缺的重要一环。

    So an optimal liquidation strategy is essential to investment decisions .

  9. 如果营销策略忽视了投资者的决策行为,效果可能不甚理想。

    If the marketing strategy ignores the marketing strategy decision-making behavior of investors , the result would not be effective .

  10. 在被动投资策略中,投资者主要通过发掘被低估的问题债务进行投资和持有问题债务分散投资风险。

    On the other hand , passive investing allows investors to purchase distressed debt as an undervalued security or to diversify portfolio risk .

  11. 作为一个具有高杠杆的新型投资品种,它的出现满足了一部分风险喜好的投资者,也丰富了投资者的交易策略,使投资者的理财手段更加灵活高效。

    As a new method of high-leverage investment , it caters for some risk-preferred investors , enriches exchange strategies , and makes financing ways more efficient .

  12. 尽管发现下一个泡沫相当困难,但一些策略师和投资者表示,答案应该相对简单:跟踪债务的情况。

    Difficult as it is to spot the next bubble , some strategists and investors say the answer should be relatively simple : follow the debt .

  13. 动态策略条件下异质投资者生存问题研究

    Research on the Survival of Heterogeneous Investors with the Dynamic Strategy

  14. 对采用动量策略是否能使投资者获得超额收益始终是学者们反复论证的一个焦点。

    Whether the momentum strategy can bring excess revenue is the very point that scholars have repeatedly discussed about .

  15. 你是否同意基本分析策略可能会阻止投资者参与有上升潜力的趋势(炒卖)市场?

    Do you agree fundamental analysis strategy may preclude investors from participating in large upside potential in a trending market ?

  16. 长时期投资者的最优消费和投资组合策略与短时期投资者有本质上的不同。

    The optimal consumption and portfolio rule of a long-time-horizon investor could be substantially different from that of a short-time-horizon investor .

  17. 结果表明,以规模、益本比率及净市值比率进行风格划分,国内股市存在显著的中期风格动量,风格动量策略对于大型机构投资者具备实际可操作性。

    By style partition in terms of SIZE , E / P and BM , we find that there are statistically significant profits for style momentum strategy and the strategy is practical for large institution investor .

  18. 与普通商品市场相比,股票市场有很大的风险性,因此,加强风险意识并在投资中实行有效的风险控制策略,对保护投资者特别是中小投资者都是非常重要的。

    Compared with the general commodity market , the stock market is very risky , therefore , enhance risk awareness of investment in the implementation of effective risk control strategy to protect of investors , especially small and medium investors are very important .

  19. 上述检验得到的投资策略,特别是具有显著性的惯性投资策略,对投资者具有一定的实践意义。

    The investment strategies from these tests , particularly those momentum strategies , have some practical significance for investors .

  20. 正是因为这一点,我们对富有声望的策略师进行了调查,总结出一份熊市策略清单,为投资者度过眼下这段艰难时期提供指导。

    That 's why we 've polled well-regarded strategists to develop a list of bear-market strategies to guide investors through this difficult period .

  21. 基金经理们是如何使用投资策略和构建投资组合,有没有在牛市行情中最优的投资策略,是投资者最希望了解学习的。

    How did the funds ' managers use their investment strategies to structure a portfolio and whether there has a superior investment strategy in the condition of the bull market ? These questions are all that investors hope most to study .