
  • 网络Private Placement;private finance;PIPEs
  1. 美国的私募融资制度经过七十年的发展,已形成较为成熟完善的法律体系。

    Through 70 years development , the US private placement system has formed a mature legal framework .

  2. 并在此基础上指出了我国私募融资市场存在的问题和应采取的对策。

    In the last , the author points out the problems in our private placement market and the suggestions to handle them .

  3. 为进一步发展壮大这一社交网络,linkedFA进行了一轮300万美元的私募融资。

    To continue to grow – and evolve the network – linkedFA raised a round of private financing of $ 3 million .

  4. 中国房地产企业私募融资模型研究

    Study on Private Placement Model of Chinese Real Estate Enterprises

  5. 一个迫在眉睫的问题是,中国近期的市场动荡会对2016年的私募融资形势造成多大的影响。

    A looming question is how much recent market turmoil in China will affect private fund-raising in 2016 .

  6. 金盛资本为中国企业提供基于资本融资、兼并重组、私募融资、公开上市等过程的全程财务顾问服务。

    GC provides financial advisory services from financing , merger and acquisition , private equity , initial public offering to flow-on financial advisories .

  7. 他在公司融资方面有着非常丰富的经验,代表发行人和包销人进行过许多起的公开发行和私募融资。

    He has extensive experience in corporate finance and has handled numerous public and private offerings on behalf of both issuers and underwriters .

  8. 我们提供的服务包括企业并购,私募融资,公司重组以及首次公开发行。

    We specialize in financial advisory services including mergers acquisitions ( M A ), private placements , restructuring Initial Public Offerings ( IPO ) .

  9. 而台湾与我国大陆地区一脉相承,立法传统上有很大的相似性。因此研究美国和我国台湾地区的私募融资制度对我们有重要的借鉴意义。

    Taiwan is similar to Chinese mainland in the legislative tradition , so it is significant to study of American and Taiwan private placement systems .

  10. 本文通过对美国融资市场的发源以及发展和现况的研究,为我国发展私募融资、规范私募融资提供了可以借鉴的启示。

    In this article , the author makes a study on the origination and development of U.S. private placement market and the revelation to us .

  11. 因此尽快完善我国的私募融资法律规范,建立相关的法律体系已显得十分紧迫和必要。

    So , it is very urgent and necessary to consummate the legal regulation on enterprise private and establish relevant legal system as soon as possible .

  12. 因此,私募融资逐步成为我国中小企业非常重要的一种融资方式。

    Effective Way to Meet SMEs Funding Demand Is to Establish Private Placement System So , private placement has become a very important financing means of Chinese SMEs .

  13. 值得欣慰的是,新《公司法》、《证券法》的颁布,在事实上初步构建了我国企业私募融资法律制度的基本框架,对我国的私募融资进行了原则性的规范。

    Fortunately , the new " Company Law " and " Securities Law " construct the basic framework of the legal system about the private placement in fact and provide the basic principles .

  14. 根据贝恩(Bain&Company)的一份报告,尽管投资者表示,中国是最具吸引力的亚洲市场,但去年,人民币和外币的私募融资规模同比大幅下滑。

    According to a report from Bain & Company , private equity fundraising in both renminbi and foreign currency fell sharply in 2013 on the year before , even though investors say China is the most attractive Asian market .

  15. 然而在我国的法律体系中,对于企业私募融资的具体法律规范相当缺乏。法律规范的缺位使得私募融资这一重要的企业融资渠道无法发挥其应有的作用,阻碍了企业的发展与壮大。

    However in our country , the concrete legal regulation on enterprise private placement is quite deficient and lead to private placement which is an important financing channel for enterprises unable to play its important , hindering enterprises ' development and strength .

  16. 在此基础上,结合我国金融体系和资本市场的特点,对融通仓、供应链战略联盟的直接融资模式和民间融资、私募融资的间接融资模式进行了深入研究。

    On the basis of that , this article deeply studies on the direct financing mode of exchange-storage center and supply chain strategic alliance , and the indirect financing mode of civilian financing and private financing combining with financial systems and the characteristic of capital market .

  17. Box向企业销售文件存储与协作工具,已从私募市场融资约5.5亿美元,以便加快增长。

    The company sells file storage and collaboration tools to companies and has already raised some $ 550m from the private markets in a dash for growth .

  18. 在美国等发达国家,私募股权融资已成为继IPO上市融资、银行间接融资之后的第三大融资方式。

    Private equity has become the third mainly financing channel after IPO and indirect inter-bank investment in America and other developed countries .

  19. 我国高新技术企业私募股权融资研究

    Research on Private Equity Financing for High-tech Enterprises in China

  20. 私募股权融资在中国的发展实践

    The Development of Private Equity Financing in China

  21. 从这几方面来保证高新技术企业私募股权融资的顺利进行。

    Then the thesis guarantees the financing of private equity carried out smoothly for high-tech enterprises in China .

  22. 其次,通过实证分析证明中小企业进行私募股权融资可以促进其成长。

    Secondly , we can prove a result through the empirical analysis that SMEs can promote the growth ability when they finance by PE .

  23. 因此,拓宽企业融资渠道,规避私募股权融资模式下的风险,实现投资者和融资企业的双赢,加强私募股权模式下企业风险管理的研究是具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is important to broaden the financing channels and circumvent the risks . The investor and financing enterprises can achieve win-win situation .

  24. 拟通过私募股权融资2.1亿元,占公司30%股权,其余部分通过银行贷款。

    Company decided to raise 210 million yuan through equity financing which accounted for 30 % of shares . The remaining funds obtained through bank loans .

  25. 本文对私募股权融资的信息模型做了详细的介绍,并结合笔者自身的经历,具体阐述了房地产开发企业私募股权融资的一般模式。

    This paper details the information model of private equity financing , and layouts a general operate model of private equity financing for real estate enterprises .

  26. 本文通过对目前中小企业可供融资的四种主要方式进行对比分析,得出私募股权融资是适合中小企业融资的主要新方式。

    Based on the comparative analysis of the four major current available financing methods for SMEs , private equity financing is drawn to a new major way for financing of SMEs .

  27. 企业通过私募股权融资具有稳定资金来源,获得高附加值服务,降低财务成本,提高企业内在价值等诸多好处。

    Through the financing , the corporations can have a stable source of funding , access good service , reduce the financial cost , improve the intrinsic value , and many other benefits .

  28. 很多企业通过采用私募股权融资的方式来筹集资金,实现自身价值的加速增长,这直接带动了我国私募股权投资行业的蓬勃发展。

    A lot of enterprises have raised funds and increased their value by the way of using private equity , which has also promoted the development of private equity investment industry in our country .

  29. 本研究课题以A机床制造企业为例,分析了私募股权融资方式在解决企业融资上的可行性及具体的运作过程。

    In this study , subjects with a machine tool manufacturing companies use at an IPO on the use of related projects as an example , an analysis of this approach in addressing the feasibility of on corporate finance .

  30. 比起银行贷款和上市,私募股权融资更适合民营企业,因为其对企业一次性融资规模的资格限制比其他融资方式更低。

    Compares with financing in the stock market and making loan by banks , the PE is the better way in financing for the private enterprise . Because the qualification limit of once average financing size is lower than others .