
  • 网络Strategic Knowledge;strategical knowledge
  1. 践行道德策略性知识的意义及教学设计

    The Significance and Teaching Design of the Practical Ethically Strategic Knowledge

  2. 论策略性知识向思维能力转化的机制与措施

    On the Mechanic and Method of the Strategic Knowledge Transforming into the Thinking Ability

  3. VB编程专家在编程中所体现的一般领域的策略性知识主要涉及手段&目的分析法。新手在编程中没有体现这一策略。

    4 , The domain-general strategy embodied in the programming process of the experts mainly deal with the method of mean-goal analysis which can not embodied in the programming process of the novices .

  4. 在教策略性知识的同时教会反思。

    Teaching the tactic knowledge to the students , meanwhile teaching them rethinking .

  5. 道德文化知识分为陈述性知识、程序性知识和策略性知识。

    Moral cultural knowledge consists of narrative knowledge , procedure knowledge and strategic knowledge .

  6. 重视程序性知识和策略性知识的教学;

    Emphasizing the teaching of methods and tactics ;

  7. 但是,程序性和策略性知识的确定和教学,对提高学生语文素养具有重大意义。

    Nevertheless , it is significant to identify and teach the procedural and strategic knowledge .

  8. 而策略性知识影响信息加工方向而决定语感运作效能。

    And the strategical knowledge affects direction of information processing and efficacy of the language feelings .

  9. 策略性知识的学与教

    Studying and teaching of strategical knowledge

  10. 策略性知识教学综述

    Summarizing Teaching of Strategic Knowledge

  11. 程序性知识和策略性知识是使语文知识转化为语文能力的重要桥梁。

    That is , The Chinese knowledge includes not only traditional statements but programmed and tactful knowledge .

  12. 已有的研究指出:个体的语言学基础知识和策略性知识是影响阅读效果的主要因素。

    Some researchers point out that reading effects may be greatly influenced by basic linguistic knowledge and strategic knowledge .

  13. 通过策略性知识教学:第一使学生的学习欲望增强。

    After teaching strategic knowledge , we can get some different result : firstly , learning expectation is strengthened ;

  14. 现代认知心理学理论把知识分为三类:陈述性知识、程序性知识和策略性知识。

    According to present cognitive psychology , knowledge consists of three parts : declarative knowledge , procedural knowledge and strategical knowledge .

  15. 策略性知识的教学是学生终身学习、学会创造和素质教育的需要,是实现主体性教育目标的有效手段。

    It is also a must for lifetime study , creation and all-round education , an effective way to realize subject education .

  16. 第二章对策略性知识的研究进行了概述。

    The second part reviews the study of the strategic knowledge from the perspective of strategic knowledge of studying of the map in high school .

  17. 在广义知识观下,知识可分为三大类:陈述性知识、程序性知识和策略性知识。

    In a general sense , the knowledge can be classified into three types : the declarative knowledge , the procedural knowledge and the strategic knowledge .

  18. 第二,母语教材中的课程知识以陈述性知识为辅,以程序性知识、策略性知识为主。

    Secondly , declarative knowledge is taken as auxiliary knowledge , procedural knowledge and strategic knowledge is taken as main knowledge in knowledge of native language curriculum .

  19. 主要从高中地图的角度阐述了策略性知识的特点,在对国内外已有相关研究成果整理和分析的基础上,对策略性知识在各学科中的研究进展进行了分析。

    The characteristics in domestic and foreign research results have been collated and analyzed , based on the analysis of strategic knowledge in various disciplines in the research were analyzed .

  20. 第三章指出了高中地图教学存在的问题,并强调了研究高中地图策略性知识对于新课程改革的意义。

    Part III points out the problems of teaching high school map , and highlighted the strategic knowledge for the study of high school map the significance of the new curriculum reform .

  21. 认知领域的知识可以分为三大类:陈述性知识、程序性知识、策略性知识,在教学过程中,教师可以利用分类原理对三种类型的知识分别设计教学目标。

    Cognitive knowledge falls into three categories & declarative , procedural and strategic knowledge . In teaching , teachers are advised to set specific teaching objectives in accordance with the corresponding cognitive knowledge .

  22. 最后,中学生可以在良好的问题情境中,通过优化认知结构、加强策略性知识,培养元认知能力、端正数学态度等到方式来提高数学问题解决能力。

    Finally , in good problem situation , middle school students could enhance then problem solving ability by the methods of optimizing cognitive structure , increasing tactics , developing metacognitive ability and correcting mathematical attitude .

  23. 同时结合语文课标要求与苏教版初中语文教材,重点探讨了书写书法、基本语法、阅读理解和作文教学的程序性知识和策略性知识的教学。

    It is emphasized in the analysis of procedural knowledge and strategical knowledge teaching of handwriting , basic grammar , reading comprehensive and composition based on Chinese curriculum standard and junior high school Chinese teaching material .

  24. 从认知心理学的角度看,语文知识可以分为陈述性知识、程序性知识、策略性知识。这样的分类有利于形成科学的语文知识体系和知识结构。

    According to cognitive psychology theory , Chinese language knowledge can be divided into declarative knowledge , procedural knowledge and strategic knowledge ; the division is beneficial for students to develop their Chinese language knowledge system and structure .

  25. 对教材所包含的事实性知识、理论性知识、技能性知识、策略性知识、情意类知识及知识要素和逻辑要素的指标也进行了分析。

    Factual knowledge , theoretical knowledge , skill knowledge , and tactic knowledge are analyzed about the textbook . In terms of analysis indexes of knowledge factor and logic factor , we also analyze them and make a simple comment .

  26. 教会学生学习、教会学生思考已经成为目前教育界关注的焦点,通过策略性知识的教学,让学生掌握学习策略已成为衡量学生学会学习、学习思考的根本标志。

    It 's well known that the focus of education is teaching students how to study and how to think . Letting students master studying strategy has become the sign that weigh whether students know how to study and how to think .

  27. 物理探究教学与传统讲授一接受教学比较,可有效促进学生对陈述性、程序性及策略性知识的掌握,并有效提高学生运用知识解决实际问题的技能及探究意识与能力。

    Compared with the traditional passive way of teaching , the physics exploring teaching can accelerate students to grasp the knowledge of the expatiation strategy and effectively improve the capability for students to solve the real problems using the knowledge the have learned .

  28. 相应地,数学策略性知识教学就应当围绕着促使学生形成良好的数学认知结构和学习数学的情感系统来制定,发挥教学过程的整体功能,保持教学系统的最大活力。

    Accordingly , the mathematical strategic teaching should carry out , base on to motivate students form a good cognitive structure and a better feeling system about learning maths , to develop the function of teaching process as a whole : to keep the most motivation of the teaching system .

  29. 本研究以学习者拥有领域知识的水平差异为基点,结合元认知监控手段,考察学习策略与程序性知识迁移之间的关系。

    This study examines the relationship between learning strategies and procedural knowledge transfer .

  30. 学习策略与程序性知识迁移关系的研究

    The Relationship between Learning Strategies and Procedural Knowledge Transfer