
  • 网络Explicit;explicit knowledge;implicit knowledge
  1. doc实现文档管理的自动化,对显性知识进行管理传递,最后利用LearningSpace加大对员工的培训,实现知识的交流与传递。

    Doc is to manage documents and explicit knowledge automatically ; finally Learning Space is to realize the training of employees .

  2. 而已McLaughlin为代表的强转化论认为显性知识可以转化为隐性知识,渠道是练习。

    Contrary to this opinion , some researchers represented by McLaughlin maintain that explicit knowledge can be converted into implicit knowledge , by means of practice .

  3. 针对航空发动机设计过程中的显性知识特点,结合元数据(metadata)与都柏林核心(dub-lincore)方法,进行面向航空发动机设计知识资源描述的“元素集”定义;

    According to the trait of distinct knowledge of aircraft engine design , the element set of knowl-edge resource description for aircraft engine design is defined with method of metadata and Dublin core .

  4. 在SECI模型中,分析隐性知识与显性知识转化中的情报交流的过程,探讨其情报交流的基本条件。

    Finally , the paper analyzes the process and basic condition of the intelligence communication during the knowledge conversion .

  5. 战略变革影响和驾驭着知识的种类,也就是说显性知识和隐性知识的存在会影响,钟咯管理的有效性,其中隐性知识对完成战略变革的作用是一l一分重要的。

    Knowledge structure will have an influence in the effectiveness of firm knowledge strategic management , and tacit knowledge plays a more critical roles in strategic change .

  6. RodEllis在分析两派观点的基础能上提出了弱接口说,他认为显性知识和隐性知识是两种独立的知识体系,并且显性知识可以向隐性知识转化,但这种转化是有条件的。

    Based on the analysis of the two parties ' opinions , Rod Ellis puts forward the Weak-interface Position . He states that the implicit and explicit knowledge are two separately coexisting knowledge systems . Explicit knowledge can become implicit if the instruction is properly timed .

  7. Polanyi将知识划分为显性知识和隐性知识,根据VernaAllee的描述,显性知识和隐性知识的关系类似于大海中的岛屿。

    Polanyi divided the knowledge into the dominant knowledge and tacit knowledge , according to the description of the Allee Verna , the relationship between the dominant knowledge and tacit knowledge was similar to the islands in the seas .

  8. 只注重显性知识的管理,忽视隐性知识的管理;

    Only value explicit knowledge management , neglect implicit knowledge management ;

  9. 数学教育形态的“缄默知识”与“显性知识”的连接

    Connection of Tacit Knowledge and Explicit Knowledge in Mathematics Educational Forms

  10. 知识的构成有两个层面,即隐性知识和显性知识。

    Knowledge consists of two parts are tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge .

  11. 隐性知识、显性知识及其接口之争

    Implicit Knowledge , Explicit Knowledge and Disputes about Their Interface

  12. 图书馆知识管理中的隐性与显性知识转化及其路径

    Transformation of visible and invisible knowledge in library knowledge management and its methods

  13. 显性知识与隐性知识的辩证关系

    The Dialectical Relationship between Explicit Knowledge and Tacit Knowledge

  14. 直觉和模式匹配能力超载了显性知识。

    Intuition and pattern matching replace explicit knowledge .

  15. 显性知识的转移采用结构化的、技术驱动的转移方式效率较高;

    There is high transfer efficiency for explicit knowledge by structured and technology-driven approach .

  16. 研究认为,学校知识管理包括显性知识管理和隐性知识管理两个方面的内容,隐性知识的共享是学校知识管理的核心。

    We think school knowledge management concludes explicit knowledge management and tacit knowledge management .

  17. 第四章重点论述了第一类学习(组织对显性知识的学习)的工具、方法和克服组织学习智障的主要对策等;

    Chapter 4 introduces the tools , way and strategy about organizational learning I ;

  18. 隐性知识与显性知识的概念辨析

    Concept Discrimination of Tacit Knowledge & Explicit Knowledge

  19. 论图书馆隐性知识和显性知识的互动关系

    On the Interactive Relationship between the Implied Knowledge and the Dominant Knowledge in the Library

  20. 隐性知识比显性知识更完善、更能创造价值。

    The Tacit knowledge is more perfect and can create much value than explict knowledge .

  21. 根据强接口立场观点,显性知识与隐性知识可以相互转化。

    Explicit knowledge can be converted into implicit knowledge and vice-versa according to Strong-Interface Position .

  22. 用计算机技术来管理显性知识是当前知识管理领域研究的重点。

    The management of explicit knowledge using computer technology is the research emphasis of knowledge management .

  23. 隐性知识和显性知识的研究在国外受到了应用语言学、心理语言学等诸多学科的关注。

    Implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge is an interdisciplinary research focus for applied linguistics and psycholinguistics abroad .

  24. 我们工作的目标是用计算机自动提取百科全书中有形式特征的显性知识。

    The objective of our study is to acquire the obvious knowledge with formal features automatically from encyclopedia .

  25. 联盟中显性知识的转移是促进企业内部创新,提升创新能力的重要途径。

    Explicit knowledge transfer is an important approach by which firm realize internal innovation and enhance innovative capability .

  26. 流程知识的获取有隐性知识获取和显性知识获取两种获取方法。

    There are two methods for the acquisition of process knowledge , i.e.tacit knowledge acquisition and explicit knowledge acquisition .

  27. 学生总是通过建构个人知识来获得数学课程中的显性知识,而学生的个人知识又是在一定缄默知识的基础上形成的。

    Through the construction of personal knowledge , students can always acquire their implicit knowledge in the mathematics curriculum .

  28. 体育课程知识由显性知识、缄默知识、程序性知识共同构成。

    The explicit knowledge , tacit knowledge and procedural knowledge consist of the knowledge community of the physical education curriculum .

  29. 第二,隐性知识适用个人化战略,显性知识适用编码战略来进行管理。

    Second , the recessive knowledge is suitable to personal strategy ; the dominant knowledge is suitable to code strategy .

  30. 目前,科技型企业显性知识共享较为顺利,而隐性知识共享却困难重重。

    Currently , explicit knowledge sharing is successful in scientific and technological enterprises , while tacit knowledge sharing is difficult .