
  • significant shareholders
  1. 对于隐名出资人与显名股东之间的关系,可以在具体的纠纷中,依双方真实意思表示来判断。

    For the relationship between the anonymous contributors and the significant shareholders , can according to the true meaning of the two sides to judge in specific dispute .

  2. 第三章隐名股东与显名股东之间的协议关系。

    The third chapter : The relationship between the nominee shareholders and registered shareholders .

  3. 另外,对隐名股东的研究,离不开对显名股东的对比分析,隐名股东与显名股东两者是对立统一的关系。

    In addition , dormant shareholders and nominal shareholders cannot be separated , the relationship between dormant shareholders and nominal shareholders is the unity of opposites .

  4. 隐名投资不仅是匿名人、显名股东之间的内部关系,还涉及公司、第三人之间的利益纠葛。

    The anonymous investment not only regulates the relations between dormant partner and registered shareholder , but also concerns the interests of company and third parties .

  5. 在公司继续存续的情形,隐名股东可能对公司享有股权或可对显名股东主张股份财产利益或仅对显名股东享有债权;

    If the company continues to exist , the hidden shareholders may be entitled to share the shares or property of the company or only the interests of shareholders .

  6. 隐名股东与显名股东之间一般存在着代理关系,在某些情况下可能存在着信托关系,隐名股东与实际控制人存在着较为明显的区别。

    Implicit and explicit shareholder of shareholders ' general agency relationship between exist , in some cases , the trust relationship may exist hidden shareholder and actual control exist obvious differences .

  7. 以往的研究多倾向于关注隐名出资自身的法律关系,如股东资格认定、隐名股东与显名股东的关系等,对于处分股权的效力认定则较少涉及。

    Previous studies tend to focus on the legal relationship between the anonymous investment itself , such as the shareholder qualification , relationship of anonymous shareholders and shareholders , the effectiveness of the disposal of the share that is less involved .