
yǐn míng gǔ dōng
  • Dormant shareholder;dormant partner
隐名股东[yǐn míng gǔ dōng]
  1. 通过援引有影响的实际生效案例,类型化说明隐名股东纠纷案件的复杂性,在分析案例的基础上提出解决各类案件的思路。

    By invoking influential actual cases , I describe the complexity of cases on different types of disputes concerning dormant partner . In the analysis of the cases , I put forward ideas to resolve different cases .

  2. 第一章隐名股东的内涵界定。

    The first chapter " undisclosed connotation definitions " of shareholders .

  3. 我国油田企业改制中的隐名股东问题探析

    On the Problem of Dormant Partners in the Reform of Oilfield Enterprises in China

  4. 第三章隐名股东与显名股东之间的协议关系。

    The third chapter : The relationship between the nominee shareholders and registered shareholders .

  5. 第一类系隐名股东与名义股东之间的纠纷。

    The first category includes the disputes between the dormant shareholders and the dummy shareholders .

  6. 浅析隐名股东的法律规范

    On the Legal Stipulations of Dormant Shareholders

  7. 结合我国现行相关法律对隐名股东的规定,分析隐名股东的法律地位。

    With our current laws of dormant shareholders , analysis of dormant shareholders legal status .

  8. 第三类系隐名股东与第三人之间的纠纷。

    The third category includes the disputes between the dormant shareholders and the third party .

  9. 第四章隐名股东问题的立法现状及其完善。

    The fourth chapter : The current legislation and perfection of the issue about nominee shareholders .

  10. 首先是提出了隐名股东资格认定所需遵循法律原则。

    Firstly , it put forward the required principles of law for the qualification of dormant shareholder .

  11. 依据不同标准,隐名股东可以划分为不同类型。

    According to different criteria , the problem of dormant shareholders can be divided into different types .

  12. 第二章在前文的基础上,对隐名股东的定位问题做了深入的讨论。

    Part 2 analyzes the status of anonymous shareholder in detail on the basis of the previous thesis .

  13. 第二类系隐名股东与公司及其他股东之间的纠纷。

    The second category includes the disputes between the dormant shareholders and the other shareholders in the company .

  14. 我国有限责任公司中隐名股东的股东权利及权利保护研究

    The Research of the Implicit Shareholders ' Rights and Right Protection in the Limited Liability Company in PRC

  15. 知情权的主体是公司股东,包括小股东、隐名股东和出资瑕疵股东。

    Subject of the right are company shareholders , including small shareholders , dormant partners and buying defective shareholders .

  16. 伴随经济的持续发展,隐名股东的法律现象逐步引起了人们的广泛注意。

    With the continuous development of economic , the phenomenon of dormant shareholders has caused a wide attention of public .

  17. 首先从股东资格入手,分析了股东资格的认定标准,为隐名股东的定位提供了指引。

    Firstly it analyzes the standard of shareholder qualification and guide the status of anonymous shareholder by the shareholder qualification .

  18. 首先将隐名股东所产生的纠纷根据不同的主体分为三大类。

    Firstly , according to different subjects , the disputes arising from the dormant shareholders are divided into three categories .

  19. 之后结合目前立法空白的现状,论述目前对隐名股东进行立法的必要性。

    And then in combination with the current legislation vacancy , we discuss the current need for legislation of dormant shareholders .

  20. 隐名股东现象越来越多,涉及的法律纠纷也复杂多样。

    The group of dormant shareholders is growing rapidly , more and more The legal disputes involved become complex and diverse .

  21. 摘要隐名股东常常引起当事人之间的纠纷,但又缺乏法律规定。

    The problem of dormant shareholders always causes the disputes over the parties , but there is no law to regulate them .

  22. 隐名股东投资公司的目的是为了享有股权,这是隐名股东与其他投资者的本质区别。

    Dormant shareholders invest in companies to hold stock rights , which is the essential distinction between dormant shareholders and other investors .

  23. 并在此基础之上,对当前隐名股东股东资格认定的立法及司法实践中反应的问题进行了总结。

    And then , to summerize the feature of current legislation and judicial practice about the identification of dormant partners ' shareholder qualification .

  24. 出现了诸如冒名股东,干股股东,空股股东,隐名股东等一系列特殊的情况。

    Emerged , such as false shareholders , shareholders of dry , empty shareholders , shareholders and other dormant series of special circumstances .

  25. 但由于对隐名股东立法的缺失,使得我国法院在司法审判中依各自的指导意见进行判决。

    However , due to the lack of legislation on dormant shareholders , the courts make judgments in accordance with their respective guidance .

  26. 通过对隐名股东基本内涵与外延的诠释,明了隐名股东的性质。

    Through the interpretation on the basic and denotative concept about silent shareholder , it can be obtained the nature of silent shareholder .

  27. 最后,笔者以隐名股东知情人的范围为标准,将隐名股东分为完全隐名股东和不完全隐名股东。

    Finally , the author divided anonymous shareholders into completely hidden shareholders and not completely hidden shareholders from the standards of insiders range .

  28. 本章通过对目前隐名股东立法现状进行分析,得出目前我国对隐名股东的立法处于空白状态。

    Analyzing the current legislation of dormant shareholders , we drawn a conclusion that the legislation of dormant shareholders is in a blank state .

  29. 本章主要是想通过对隐名股东所产生纠纷种类及处理的分析,能够更全面的了解隐名股东所产生的问题。

    By analyzing the disputes and the processing of the dormant shareholders , we can have more comprehensive understanding of the problems of dormant shareholders .

  30. 而有关有限责任公司隐名股东股权继承问题的出现,势必会面临新的困惑与疑问。

    Along with the problem of inheritance of dormant partners from limited liability companies , it tends to be confronted with new confusion and interrogation .