
  • 网络line manager;the manager on line
  1. 进而论述了由CEO、HR部门、直线经理、员工组成的人力资源营销管理生态链;

    Then puts the ecological chain composed by CEO 、 HR Dept 、 line manager and employee ;

  2. 员工的直线经理将会准备定期进度报告。

    The employee 's line manager will prepare periodic progress reports .

  3. 职业技能培训被认为是直线经理的责任。

    Job skill training is considered as line manager 's responsibility .

  4. 直线经理赞同和批准个人培训计划。

    Line managers endorse and approve the individual training plan .

  5. 假期必须得到直线经理的批准。

    The leave must be authorized by the line manager .

  6. 发挥直线经理基本单元和转换器的作用。

    The line & manager is supposed to function as abasic unit and transducer .

  7. 及时把异常坏机率反馈给测试工程师/产品工程师/直线经理等相关人员。

    Initiatively feedback those abnormal failure rate to responsible TE / PSE / LM etc.

  8. 第四部分着重强调实践中发挥直线经理在企业培训的重要作用。

    The forth part emphasizes the important role line & manager plays in enterprise training during practice .

  9. 通常情况下,你应该事先征得直线经理的同意,紧急情况除外。

    You should always obtain the prior approval of your line manager , except in an emergency .

  10. 在所有的培训和发展事宜中协助直线经理是人力资源部的职责。

    It is the responsibility of HR department to assist Line managers in all training and development matters .

  11. 通过周报、月报和其他沟通方式向直线经理反应管线保安问题。

    Report to line manager on pipeline security by providing weekly reports , monthly reports and other effective communications .

  12. 经直线经理批准,员工可以使用他们自己的交通工具并向公司索要相关费用。

    Employees can use their own vehicles for business and claim relevant expenses with prior approval by line manager .

  13. 一复工,员工会被要求提交病假申请表给直线经理审核。

    On return to work employee will be required to submit the sick leave application for approval by line manager .

  14. 此外,直线经理在沟通过程中和工作分析过程中参与的越多,岗位评估结果的可信度和准确度就越高。

    Furthermore , the more involvement in communication and work analysis of line managers the more credible and accurate job evaluation result is .

  15. 直线经理在人力资源管理中的角色和作用是目前的人力资源管理中值得关注的研究课题,并且具有现实的管理实践意义。

    This study is to empirically explore the effect of line managers'involvement in human resource management on the effectiveness of human resource management .

  16. 直线经理将决定安排朝圣假的优先顺序,考虑到工龄,年龄和工作需要。

    The line manager will determine priorities for scheduling pilgrimage leave , taking into consideration length of service , age and operational requirements .

  17. 克服观念上的不利因素,激发和保证直线经理的培训热情。

    The unfavorable factors in forming opinions must be overcome , and the enthusiasm of the line & manager must be stimulated and guaranteed .

  18. 本文通过分析企业中人力资源经理和直线经理对人力资源管理实践的相关问题的认知评价,研究了中国本土企业的人力资源管理实践有效性的问题。

    This Paper studied on the issue of human recourse management in China 's firm via analyzing the perception of Line management and HR manager on human management .

  19. 被指定离开工作岗位进行全职培训的员工由他们各自的直线经理根据他们已通过的个人发展计划挑选。

    Employees to be assigned to full time training away from their work location will be nominated by their respective Line managers in accordance with their approved individual development programs .

  20. 在直线经理与人力资源部议定之后,未通过试用期的候选人如果不被录用,也会接到通知。

    Candidates who fail to pass the probationary period will be informed if they will not be hired , following a discussion between the line manager and the Human Resources department .

  21. 相对于直线经理,他们属于职能管理者,负责在招聘、培训、薪酬及考核等方面向直线管理人员提供帮助与建议。

    Relative to the other direct managers , HR managers play the role of functional administer in helping and advising director managers on recruitment , training , performance assessing , and compensation .

  22. 本文对岗位评估、直线经理参与人力资源管理活动等主要概念进行了文献回顾,在此基础上提出了本文的理论模型。

    In this thesis , the theoretical model is proposed based on the literature review towards job evaluation , business line managers ' participation in human resource management activities and other major concepts .

  23. 卡普兰教授写道,在花旗,首席执行官、直线经理和他们的团队举行月度会议的新制度,创建了增加销售和削减成本的“强大激励”。

    At Citi , Prof Kaplan writes , a new system of monthly meetings of the CEO , the line managers and their teams " created acute incentives " to increase sales and cut costs .

  24. 雇主减少员工服用这类药物的风险的最佳方法,就是确保直线经理接受有效培训,工作时间适当,而且员工没有处于长期、过大的压力之下。

    The best way for employers to reduce the risk of employees using this type of drug is to ensure that line managers are trained effectively , working hours are appropriate and that people are not put under excessive and prolonged pressure .

  25. 直线经理只要明确了绩效反馈面谈的目的,做好绩效反馈面谈的计划,选择适当的面谈策略,学会使用建设性沟通技巧,就能走出绩效反馈面谈的困境。

    Only are straight manage clear about the purpose of discussing result feedback face to face , do well plan , choose adequate strategy , use positive connecting way , can they get out of the difficulties about discuss result feedback face to face .