
  1. 续签的ATA单证册经主管地直属海关确认后可替代原ATA单证册。

    The renewed ATA carnet may , upon confirmation of the local competent customs office , replace the former carnet .

  2. 在对SAS提供的各种数据挖掘工具和方法比较之后,选择了适合本课题需要的方法应用于海关总署直属海关执法评估系统的开发项目中,并取得了满意的结果。

    After comparing all kinds of tools for data mining provided by SAS , we select methods adapt to the task , and all these algorithm is applied in the project of General Custom for customs directly under General Custom to execute the law and evaluate work .

  3. 直属海关要成为海关立法的积极建议者、有益补充者和信息提供者。

    To make the directly subject customs become the positive advisor , beneficial complement and provider for information of customs legislation .

  4. 直属海关在其职权范围内制定、发布直属海关规范性文件,依照本规定执行。

    The formulation and promulgation of the regulatory documents by the customs houses directly under the GAC within their respective authorities shall be governed by the present Provisions .

  5. 并将上报和确认文件抄送项目所在地直属海关。

    And shall send a copy of the documents submitted and the confirmation to the customs office directly under the GAC of the place where the project is located .

  6. 对申请A类的,直属海关应当自受理之日起3个月内作出适用或者不予适用决定。

    For enterprises applying for Class A management , the regional Customs shall make an approval or disapproval decision within three ( 3 ) months as of the date of acceptance of the application .